Fire's Call

5 months, 5 days ago
5 months, 5 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 5 days ago

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Bright Spark

Hikari huffed a sigh, scattering a cloud of flour all over her kitchen counter. She had orders for four dozen tarts, three cakes, ten boxes of cream puffs, and two pans of brownies... and three hours before she needed to deliver it all. She should have known her one oven would never be enough to bake everything properly, but she didn't have the heart to tell her customer no. The ursuki who had placed the big order had been one of Hikari's most loyal customers. They had been the reason that Hikari had been able to start getting her business off the ground. Perhaps she should have been honest and reminded them that Hikari's Pastries was still a one suki bakery, but this order was important. Once everyone at the party had tasted Hikari's sweets, she was sure she'd have orders pouring in soon enough.

HIkari tapped her claws against the wooden counter. Perhaps her neighbor wouldn't mind if she borrowed his oven. He wasn't too fond of the way Hikari was always hurrying in and out of her front gate at all hours, but maybe if she emphasized how important this was... It was too bad it was a mild spring day or perhaps she could have used the hot weather to her advantage by crafting some contraption to use the sun's heat to cook each batter and dough. But no, there was no chance of that today. Today she would have to try and schmooze her way into Mr. Letova's kitchen. Hikari went to grab the brownie pans, but quickly pulled back her hand as burning heat singed her paw.

Hikari let out a shriek before quickly placing her paw under a stream of cold water from the faucet. Why had that pan burned her? Neither of them had been in the oven yet...

She glanced over her shoulder at the offending tray of metal. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized the brownies were starting to... cook? How was that possible? Dancing flames caught Hikari's attention as they wobbled beneath the pan, seemingly hovering right under the rack the pans had been placed on.

Where? How? Hikari blinked her eyes, sure that the flames would disappear as soon as she opened her eyes again. She had been working too hard and was starting to see things. That was it. She really should have been honest with that customer...

But as Hikari's eyes returned to the pan, the flames had not disappeared. The smooth chocolatey sent of baking brownies wafted to her nose. She carefully took a step closer to the wavering flames. As Hikari neared them it was almost as if the flames called to her., beckoning her closer. Without thinking, Hikari reached out a paw, careful to avoid the pan. She jumped as the flames licked her claws... but didn't burn her.. What in the saints?

The flames danced over Hikari's paw almost playfully, bringing a gentle warmth that didn't burn her. Had these flames come from her? Surely not, surely...

"Settle down Hikari, and I will tell you a story." Hikari's mother hummed to her small child.

Hikari climbed into her mother's lap and cuddled into her warmth. She loved her mother's stories about the saints. Each one seemed to overcome such great obstacles. Hikari hoped she could be just as brave one day.

"Today I will tell you the story of St. Eldi."

"Mother of Saint Veti?!" Hikari asked excitedly. Saint Veti was one of her favorites. Hikari denied that it was because he had left her a miniature baking set last winter, but that may have played a small part in her love for St. Veti.

"Yes, yes, the mother of Saint Veti. She has many virtues of her own, child, before Veti came along."

Hikari drunk in every word as her mother told her the story of young Eldi befriending a fire spirit and learning to harness the power of flames. Her mother told her of the way St. Eldi grew in wisdom and kindness, and turned a power that could be feared into one that brought warmth to all.

"But mama, you always tell me that fire is dangerous and that I should stay away from it. Why would St. Eldi even try to become a flamedancer in the first place?"

Hikari's mother gave her a thoughtful look. "I think perhaps our magic chooses us just as much, maybe even more, than we chose it. St. Eldi befriended her fire spirit, but I think even if she hadn't, the flames would have called to her. Just as my wind calls to me." A gentle breeze tickled Hikari's face and she giggled. HIkari hoped that one day her magic would call to her. She hoped for wind, just like her mother, but she thought dreams would be nice too. Maybe even water or earth, just as long as it wasn't fire. She was glad St. Eldi had figured out how to control her fire magic, but Hikari knew how dangerous flames were. Flames had taken the life of her father. She loved her mother's stories, but she couldn't help wanting to distance herself from just the idea of St. Eldi and her fire magic. There was no way that fire could be good.

Hikari blew aggressively at the flames that licked at her arms. This could not be happening. No, absolutely not. She could not be a flamedancer. Anything, but a flamedancer. As if offended at her attempts, the flames grew suddenly brighter and then abruptly blinked out. Hikari took a deep breath before training her eyes on the baking brownies. She couldn't be a flamedancer... but perhaps she could use the flames just this once.

Hikari set to work balancing pans onto wire racks across her counter until each one was set out.

"Just this once." Hikari whispered to herself. "Just this once to complete this order and then never again."

Hikari had no idea how to summon the flames herself. She thought back to when she first saw the flames. She had been worrying over not being able to complete the order. Perhaps the intense emotion had summoned the flames. Hikari closed her eyes as willed flames, ever so small to hover beneath the trays and pans. When she opened her eyes she laughed out loud. Small flames had manifested exactly where she wanted them. They were quite small- she would have to adjust baking times- but they would work. She would be able to complete the order on time. Now all she had to do was pray that this would be just the boost her growing business needed. Perhaps she could even buy a bakery of her own soon. Hikari grinned to herself. She would worry about the flames later. For now, her future was all she could think about.