Trans-Neptunian Rabbit

4 months, 25 days ago
4 months, 25 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 25 days ago

unrelated title that was just the name of the document. icon by aaabattery :evil_laughter:

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Author's Notes

will come in 2-3 chapters!! 2nd being Sephy/Maru centric and the 3rd being possible Phys/Skrill/Maru :]

Red Haze

Marimo was restless the first few nights at the canopy.

Tonight was particularly relentless on their heavy mind.

Skrill and Physalis’ benevolent welcome to them didn’t ease their worries of burden; in a deep slumber beneath their home, they didn’t ask for a basement dweller.

Its breaths hastened, it kicked the blanket off of them, not that it was completely on them to begin with - it barely covered their large form. 

Sitting upright now, they dragged a hand through their thick brown curls, ears flopped down in exhaustion. A shaky breath came out of them as they looked up at the starlit sky through the leaves of the trees. It was still late at night, they could try to get some more sleep… 

“T-They wouldn’t keep me here if.. they didn’t want me to be here..” It reassured itself, pinching their nose bridge gently and flopping back onto the bed - careful not to snap it with their weight.

Their eyes haze into a shut, an arm resting above their head as they let out deep breaths - its mind wandering aimlessly.

Marimo dreamed of home.

The following morning, their ears twitched at the sound of movement; tiny feet, a small amount of weight shifting on the wooden floors. Marimo opened an eye and peered around, noticing Physalis shuffling through rows of chests almost in haste.

They notice her look up at the higher rows of chests and mumble something to herself before attempting to step on the shelves to get up - Marimo stirred before standing up.

Physalis turned to see the taller rabbit, who’s posture stiffened as they stretched each leg behind them as they approached. “Oh, good morning to you … errrrrrr Marimo was it?” They made a small, very small smile; or whatever it could make up from the soft quirk of her lips. 

“Good day…” They rested their hands on their back, watching as Physalis climbed higher, wobbling ever so slightly. “You look disheveled, how was you sleep?” She inquired, voice monotone. She messily shoved a hand into the top chest with a stretch and feeling around for something particular. “It.. could be better.” Maru quietly mumbled, quietly pulling back the stray curls into the rest of their hair.

Physalis let out a soft grunt in frustration, Maru’s eyes drifted closed before snapping open immediately. “Do you need help?” They asked. “No it’s fine I-” The shelves slide backwards - Maru quickly pushed them back into place - shoving its weight into them. Once upright again, the scientist wasted no time jumping off of the shelves and taking in one or two deep breaths. Mouth agape, she was going to speak before Marimo picked up the topmost chest with little difficulty and placed it on the ground, opening it towards Physalis.

She mouthed a thank you, shuffling through the hoards of stuff in it. Maru rested their elbows and head on the top of the chest lid, glancing at all of the baubles and trinkets in it. Other than basic materials and components, most of the items were foreign to the rabbit. Behind her goggles, she could see the interest in their eyes, connecting the dots a bit.

“You were awake a century ago, yeah?” ; The question caught Marimo mildly off-guard, but they didn’t hesitate too much to answer. “You could say that.”

She hummed. “What was it like?”

They hesitated. 

Teeth gritting, it let out a sigh. “It was.. nice..”

“Tall trees that reached into the skies, most unique creatures you could ever see… culture outliving even someone like me.” Marimo frowned a bit after speaking, Physalis took out what looked to be an armful of iron and a vial of redstone - they could smell it through the glass.

“You sound sad?” She closed the chest and turned on her heel towards the smelter in the corner of the ‘room’. “Oh.. of course.. It’s been so long, It’s been the only thing on my mind since I woke up.” Maru closed the chest and heaved it back onto the top shelf, trailing her path loosely. “I-I.. I’m still in shellshock from how long ago everything was.. and… how different everything is since then..” 

Physalis pulled out what looks to be a rustic old book from one of the sleeves of crafting table. She opened it and let it’s back rest on a wall while open, they placed the items on the table and flipped through the pages. “...Even with the new life here, seeing remenants or descendants of what would be my previous life leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth.” Maru fiddled with their paws, gently scratching at their fur - ruffling it a bit.. they might need to tend to it again before it mats.

“...” Physalis says nothing. They could understand why, they wouldn;’t be able to properly emphasize considering they have little idea of what it was like back then… in her shoes, Marimo would be quiet too.

“T-Though.. I’m more than happy to be taught the ways of.. the new world with you and Skrill,” It chimed, Physalis ran a finger down a page, reading. “And it’s be nice to be informed of what the world was like for you and your people,” She added, “You could provide us with a history, to the best of your ability.” For once, she turns to glance at Marimo, who was feet away. They looked starry-eyed. “O-Oh I’d be delighted! Maybe once I gather myself a bit first… the stress of it all is taking a toll on me as of now..” They turned to face the chests, Physalis simply went back to what she was doing.

“Do.. you have any more of the honey?” Marimo asked, voice quiet.

“We have a limited supply but nobody else really drinks it to the same vigor as you do. There’s someone who provides us plenty though and comes by on occasion if you want to ask them.” Marimo perked up, “Oh?”

“A illager, of sorts. Zeir name is Sephy.”