The HOA Archive

4 months, 19 days ago
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Entry 1
Published 4 months, 19 days ago

Anything of the band House Of Alabaster. From memes to lyrics

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A transcript of a rare HOA interview from 2000s

Interviewer : They're new. They're wild and strange. Dear viewers, it's the one and only.. House Of Alabaster. You guys are a band from.. New Zealand? Or where exactly-?

Fragrance : Uh.. yeah it's New Zealand. 

Interviewer: But you sound British.. -Laugh-

Fragrance: -Laughs back at him- Oh- oh I get that a lot but.. yeah I just have this accent.., I don't even know why. It just kind of.. came out of nowhere, -chuckles- Yeah..

Interviewer: Heh okay anyways. There's four of you. You're Fragrance, the frontman, -girl? Heh- Then there's.. Corrine who plays the guitar.. Romeo who's the bassist and.. Terrence, drums. And the weird thing is... Terrence.. is not a human actually, he's a.. android?

Fragrance: Yeah! He's our.. dear, grumpy android drummer!

[Fragrance proceeds to ruffle Terrence's hair. He just looks away but with a slight smile.]

And he can change colours, how fucking cool is that? It's a.. uh.. LED- something bullshit? Ro-Romeo knows what it is..

Romeo: Yeah, it's LED.

Fragrance: Yea!! That.. uhm. Well.. yea. It's that and uh, yea he's our.. dear drummer robot boy. Hm. 

Interviewer: And why is he a android? Isn't that just a.. very futuristic thing?

Fragrance: I'll let Romeo talk about that one..

[She gives the microphone to Romeo.]

Romeo: Well, yes, it is a very futuristic thing but I am.. pretty skillful, hm. I got magic hands..

[Corrine & Fragrance together in a whisper]: Magic hands..

Romeo: Yeah, my magic hands. I am just a good engineer I guess. 

Interviewer: And you have a cool mask too.

Romeo: Oh! Thank- Thank you.. 

[Romeo giggles while looking away.]

Interviewer: Well, lets get to the main thing. You guys.. just released an album; Roadkill Diner. Pretty morbid name..

Corrine: Yeah that was my idea! 'Cause the other day, I saw a ran over possum and I thought.. "Yo.. imagine someone having that for dinner..", and the name then just kind of popped up in my mind. 

Fragrance: Everyone loved it immideatly. [The rest say yeah continuously] Like, it was such a brilliant name.

Interviever: Hm, lovely. So what is the theme of this album. Is it still that kind of wild theme you guys had like in the first album? Which I have to say, i've listened to it and it sounded amazing.

[The recording ends]