Something New

4 months, 21 days ago

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Title: Something New
Fandom: Mass Effect
Characters: Dexter “Shepard” Aksamit, Miranda Lawson, Garrus Vakarian
Author Notes: N/A

“Commander, thanks again for helping me with this.” Miranda said as the taxi cab approached a warehouse.

“Don’t sweat it.” Dexter replied as he tapped a button to park it. “Hopefully, we’re able to get in and out with ease.”

“Because we’ve been great at doing that lately with some of the missions we’ve had.” Garrus scoffed in the backseat.

The doors flew open after the cab rested on the platform. The group exited and were greeted by a group of Eclipse mercenaries. Dexter just sighed as he led them towards what looked to be the guy in charge. He didn’t seem to be liking the fact that people were there either. Eclipse was expected though going by Miranda’s contact they talked to earlier. Dexter wasn’t worried with them – they’d get out of his way in one form or another.

There was an exchange of words but nothing really seemed to change the original task of the mission. The mercenaries confirmed that they were hired by Miranda’s father to try and take her sister away. Dexter didn’t really put too much focus on anything that didn’t catch Miranda off guard. After hearing enough, the trio fought their way through the mercenaries and the other side where an elevator was. Dexter looked at the elevator and hacked into it to see where the mercenaries had gone.

“Looks like we have something here.” Garrus said as he picked up a radio. He handed it to Miranda and joined Dexter in the elevator.

“I’ll patch us in.” Miranda replied as she fussed with it and her omni-tool. They were all in the elevator, so Dexter used it to take them to the next floor to try and go after the mercenaries.

“I think I owe you an explanation back there.” She continued. Garrus raised his hands and backed himself into a corner of the elevator to try and give the pair some room.

“That guy wasn’t saying anything we didn’t already know.” Dexter shrugged as he looked at Miranda. “Unless you’re talking about Oriana being a child?”

“That…” She stopped herself for a moment and shook her head. “She’s technically my twin. My father grew her when I was a teenager.”

“That’s… fucked up.” He said plainly. Garrus scoffed again.

“To put it mildly.” The Turian retorted.

Dexter looked at Miranda. She rarely ever faltered with her expressions and if anything just seemed to exude confidence. This version of her, however, was starting to show some signs of that facade faltering. It was subtle but she did look a little panicked that she hadn’t been very forthcoming to him.

“Look, you had your reasons to not tell me.” He said, trying to reassure her. “I’m not gonna press you on them because frankly, how would you have known that would come up?” There it was again. That subtle expression of faltering but it was quickly replaced with her usual confidence once more.

“It’s not that I didn’t think it would come up, I just didn’t know how to explain it.” She continued. “She was meant to replace me and I couldn’t let that happen.”

“Understandable.” He nodded. “Like I said, you had your reasons. I wish I could say the same, but I’m pretty sure everyone in this tiny box knows my secrets better than me.”

“You’re not good at hiding them, Commander.” Garrus jeered. “Especially with those implants on your face, it’s easier to read you now.”

“Wanna read a knuckle sandwich, Vakarian?” Dexter groaned as he looked over at Garrus. The Turian shook his head as he chuckled and waved Dexter off.

“Seriously, you’re that accepting to this?” Miranda asked. “I was expecting to get my ear chewed off.”

“Like I said, you had your reasons.” Dexter replied. “From what you implied, your father isn’t exactly the paragon of everything good. I mean to genetically make the “perfect daughter”? That takes a special brand of crazy. If that’s not a good enough reason from me, I can still chew off your ear. It’d be aimed at Garrus with his calibrations.”

Miranda was taken aback by Dexter’s reasoning. Seeing him trying to be more accepting to people was different. He was usually curt and just went off the cuff if prompted. Maybe their conversations lately were having the intended effect he wanted from them? Either way, it was strange.

“Well there is one thing.” Dexter said. “Before those mercenaries tried shooting us down, one of them mentioned Niket. He might be in some trouble.”

“I’m worried but he can handle himself.” She said. Dexter noticed the facade faltering again for a moment. He looked over at the console as their ride was about to end. They were headed to the cargo processing yard.

“Well, we’ll see him soon enough.” He said as he pulled out his assault rifle. “If he’s in trouble, then we’ll get him out of it.”

Miranda nodded at his response and followed after him as he left the elevator. They fought their way through more Eclipse mercenaries once more. As they fought, the radio frequency Miranda patched into their communications was going off. Their leader, Enyala, was going on about demands here and there. Dexter heard the mention of Niket’s name and just felt a need to kick it into gear. He took point and shot down as many of the mercs as he could before finding cover. Miranda and Garrus followed after and took out whoever he missed.

There was a trap ahead of them, however. Dexter was split up from his team because of some explosive containers. He found himself behind come cargo crates near where some of the mercenaries were. He took out a grenade and tossed them ahead of him to try and clear the way. After the explosions fired off, he ran through to see Garrus and Miranda looking overwhelmed. He opted to make his way back towards them and fired at the mercenaries to try and draw their fire. He wasn’t able to get close but he had peeled off some of the heat from his team. Dexter focused on taking out the mercenaries near him and was able to reunite with his team shortly after. They continued on their way and saw an elevator ahead of them. More mercenaries were swarming out of them. Like the ones before, they didn’t stand much of a chance.

“You’d think they’d learn at this point.” Garrus said.

“That’d mean they have a brain cell between them.” Dexter scoffed.

“Niket’s reached us and is ready to transport the family.” Enyala’s voice cracked over their comms.

“That’s… that’s not right…” Miranda stammered as she processed what they heard. Dexter looked at Garrus and nodded towards the elevator. The Turian made his way towards it and busied himself with opening it.

“I’m sure it’s a mistake.” Dexter said to her, as soon as Garrus was out of earshot. “Maybe this “Enyala” knows we’re listening in?”

“It’s possible…” She mumbled. “They could be trying to play us and fake us out. But… I don’t know, something’s off.”

“It’s open.” Garrus hollered at them. The pair walked towards him and got inside the elevator. Dexter tapped the console to get to where they needed to go next.

“Or maybe it’s as it seems.” Miranda groaned as she pushed past Dexter to get to the console. Using her omni-tool, she sent a sharp jolt through the console to try and make it go faster. The bright light made the guys close their eyes. “Damn it, why won’t this thing go any faster!”

“Take it easy, Ms. Lawson, I’m sure the elevator’s trying its best.” Dexter said as he looked at her again. “Look, I’m sure Niket’s got a hell of an explanation for this. If not, then we’ll hear it either way. You said he was just about the only person you could actually trust. Why would he break it now?”

“You don’t know my father.” She scoffed, shaking her head. “He’d do anything to get his hands on what he considers to be his.”

“And that’s not gonna happen.” Dexter said as he tried to reassure her again. “Look, we’ll help your sister. That’s not gonna change but the variables have. No matter what happens, we’ll find Oriana.”

It seemed to have worked for the moment. She nodded at him and looked away. He gave her some space in the meantime. Dexter felt like he was out of place. Being supportive to those around him was leaving a strange aftertaste. He didn’t dislike it but it was just weird. He wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with it either, but all the same, it was a strange process. Miranda didn’t seem to mind it, but she was helping him be more friendly to begin with anyways. Regardless, the trio were at their next stop. The elevator opened up to reveal three people. Two Asari and a man – who Dexter presumed was Niket.

“Miri…” Niket said. Dexter glimpsed at Miranda for a moment only to see an unreadable expression. One of the Asari, which Dexter again presumed was Enyala, leapt down from the crate she was sitting on and brought out her shotgun. Aiming it at the trio in front of her.

“This should be fun.” She said, sounding a little excited at the prospect of shooting something. The second Asari looked between the two groups and decided to run only to be shot down by Enyala. Dexter and his team brought out their weapons and aimed them at Enyala.

“Niket. Why?” She asked him, sounding betrayed. Not that Dexter could blame her.

“It’s your show, Miranda, we’ll follow your lead.” He whispered to her. She nodded and kept her gaze on Niket.

“You were my friend and you helped me get away from my father.” She said, again her voice sounding betrayed. She rarely faltered and Dexter was only glad Jack wasn’t here to put salt in the wound.

“Yes, because you wanted to leave.” Niket replied. “That was your choice, unlike what you did for Oriana. She’s just a kid.”

“I rescued her from him.” Miranda said, this time a little anger and venom in her words. “You know what he is. What he would’ve done to her too.” Niket scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief.

“So you took her away from a life of wealth and happiness to being traded around like this?” He jeered. Dexter felt the tension in his jaw from what Niket said. Sure he didn’t have a full grasp of the situation but he knew all he needed too. Miranda’s father seemed to be in the same vein as the Illusive Man.

“How did he turn you then?” Dexter asked, interrupting Miranda. “Promise of that same money and easy lifestyle?”

“He said you kidnapped her. Which I thought was bullshit.” Niket replied. “Until you told me. Then I called them back. Said I could get her back to her father with no trauma to her at all.”

“And you didn’t think to ask me about it?” Miranda retorted. “To hear my reasons? We’ve been through a lot, it’s the least I could’ve owed you.”

“Enough of this shit.” Enyala said, looking impatient. “Do we have a deal or not?”

“I’d calm yourself there.” Dexter said. “There’s three of us versus you.”’

“Didn’t think you killed all my people did you?” She laughed. Dexter saw it for a moment but recognized the reflection of scope from an area above them. Snipers, joy. So she was just biding for time.

“Miranda, let’s wrap this up.” Dexter said as he readjusted his grip on his assault rifle. “We need to get into cover sooner than later with that sniper.”

“Just say the word.” Garrus said as he looked around them for any more lens flares.

“You heard the Commander, Niket, we’ve been through a lot but apparently it meant nothing to you in the end.” Miranda said as she looked at Niket. “You’re a loose end but I’m going to miss you…”

Dexter looked over to see her getting ready to pull the trigger of her pistol. His eyes flickered towards the panicked look on Niket’s face. He couldn’t see Miranda’s but could only guess how she was carrying herself so far through this mission. In a fluid motion, Dexter put his hand over the barrel of her pistol and used his strength to point it at the ground. She shot at the ground in surprise, leaving a small circle of heat where she had shot.

“Don’t.” He said to her, looking at her. “Just don’t. There’s another way through this.”

“Commander!” Garrus hollered as the lens reflection from earlier appeared again.

“Find cover!” Dexter ordered. He pushed Miranda towards a box of crates and shielded her from the sniper’s shots. He could feel his kinetic shields taking the recoil from the shots.

“You okay?” He asked her. She nodded, looking frazzled. Although he supposed it was because they had literally been shot at.

Without missing a beat, he just turned around on his heel and shot at the emerging Eclipse mercenaries trying to swarm them. Garrus had taken out the sniper so cleaning up everyone else was easy. When everything was done, the trio were the only ones left standing. They found Niket behind a crate nearby where they had been talking to him. Dexter supposed he tried to escape but was shot down by the mercenaries.

“Niket...” Miranda mumbled as she looked at him. Dexter gave her some space to process what happened.

“Hell of a shoot out.” Garrus said, trying to make conversation.

“You’re telling me.” Dexter replied.

“So you and tell people not to shoot other people is a thing now?” Garrus asked.

“I’ll give her the same explanation I gave to you.” He said. “It’s easy to pull the trigger now but dealing with the consequences of those later isn’t. Especially if it’s with people you know.”

“This is a nice change on you.” Garrus mused. “Looking and acting more like a tamed varren. Hopefully you still know how to bite.”

“I know how to dodge a damn rocket at least.” Dexter laughed. Garrus just shook his head as Miranda walked towards them.

“I wanna make sure Oriana is okay.” She said to them.

“Lead the way.” Dexter said as he followed her into the next elevator. He was starting to dislike the amount of them they were running into at the moment. Hopefully this one didn’t have another unwanted surprise to it.

“Why.” She asked as the elevator took them up. “Why did you stop me from killing him?”

“Because it’s easy to pull the trigger until you’re looking at a face you know.” Dexter repeated himself. “Those mercs meant nothing to us. Niket meant something to you. There’s always an option to not do anything – even if it feels like that’s not true.”

“I let it get personal…” She said, chasting herself.

“With something like this, how could you not?” He asked her. “Shit happens and we deal with it. Look, I'd rather you be pissed at me than you pissed at yourself for killing Niket. He seemed to have meant a lot to you from what you told me. I’d take being the bad guy any day of the week for anyone I know.”

“Quite the burden to carry.” She commented.

“With all the people I’ve killed, what’s a few more added to that pile?” He said frankly. “Look, what’s done is done. Hopefully Oriana is ahead.”

The rest of the ride was left in a strange, quiet tension. Dexter’s innate ability to shut up a room struck yet again. Although, he wasn’t sure what else could be said. The elevator stopped and opened. Miranda rushed out towards a room filled with people. Garrus stayed behind as Dexter joined her. He saw a noticeable wave of relief that crossed her face when he stopped next to her.

“She’s…” She stammered and looked at Dexter. “No sign of Eclipse, we’re clear.”

“But there’s a sign of someone.” He said as he looked at the crowd. He saw a young woman talking with a pair of people. She looked elated about something. “I’m guessing that’s her?”

“Y-yes.” Miranda said. “And she’s safe.” Dexter looked over at Miranda for a moment. Noticing her looking happy and then saddened.

“Why don’t you go talk to her?” He offered. She looked at him with a confused look. “She deserves to know her big sister is out here kicking ass and looking out for her. Talking as a “sort of” big brother, that gesture goes a long way. Garrus and I’ll be over here until you’re done.”

Without really waiting for her response, he moved over towards where Garrus was. Miranda stood where she was before moving towards Oriana. Garrus and Dexter were talking about how open the space in the room was for anyone to just come by and start shooting. When they noticed Miranda walking back to them, they cleared their throats. Knowing she wouldn’t appreciate the topic considering what they went through. They walked back into the elevator they left and made their way back to the Normandy.

Dexter was walking around the decks of the ship to clear his head. He noticed Jacob leaving Miranda’s office and found himself walking towards it. He was a little concerned about Miranda. She didn’t say anything on the way back from Illium. Though he supposed she was processing whatever exchange she had with her sister. He walked in to see her typing at the terminal on her desk.

“Thanks again.” She said, smiling at him. “For helping me with my sister. I wouldn’t have done it without your help.”

“Oh I’m sure you would’ve.” He shrugged. “It just wouldn’t have had nearly as many explosions without me.” Miranda laughed a little at his attempt at a joke and walked over to the other side of the room. She sat in the chair facing the window that looked out to see the stars. “Thanks for stopping me from trying to kill Niket – you were right.”

“Usually am when it comes to that.” He muttered to himself as he walked towards her. She didn’t seem to pick up on what he said as he approached her. “How’s your sister doing?”

“Well she knows I’m around looking out for her and she’s… happy.” She smiled at the thought. “I don’t know if I’ll get to talk to her again but I’d like to.”

“Hopefully you can if we make it out of this suicide mission.” He said as he leaned against the wall. He couldn’t really see out of the window, so his eyes just drifted across her room. Everything seemed to have its place – like it was supposed to look perfect. No creases on her bed sheets or a datapad out of place. He couldn’t help but think of his office looking the exact same on the SR-1. Now everything was just as scattered as he was. He felt a little self-conscious looking at her room and thinking of the comparison.

“She’s really funny too.” Miranda continued. “It’s something we don’t share.”

“It’s nice to see you in a good mood again.” He said, trying to make up for him spacing out on what she had said. “Seeing you smile is rare.”

Seeing her like this was strange. He couldn’t explain it but seeing her happy just felt right. She looked over at him and shook her head. He looked away, trying to not make what he said be awkward or anything. Though it was hard. He just wanted to look at her for whatever reason. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes.

“I better get going.” He said as he pushed himself off the wall. “I’ll see you later, Ms. Lawson.”