---Azumi Original Draft (3 part, incomplete)

5 years, 3 days ago
5 years, 3 days ago
3 4266

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 3 days ago

First draft of Azumi's origin. It's a few months old and has been sitting in docs for a while so it's not up to date.

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---1. Air

The very first thing she felt was air. Air gently caressing her face, air rushing through her nose and into her lungs. Air stinging her newly opened eyes.

The first thing she saw was...her. Gray fur, gently rustling every few seconds from the slight breeze that she shielded her from. Gray ears, tilting and swiveling, always listening for threats. Soft amber eyes, looking down at her pups that squirm against her stomach. Contentment clear in her features.

The second thing she felt was a warm feeling, a feeling that mirrored the expression on the wolf's face. The kind of feeling that makes her want to cuddle up and soak in the warmth of this wolf...her mother.

The second thing she sees is a human hand.

The third thing she feels is confusion as she realizes that that's her hand. It's not her hand, surely- but then why is it connected to her body?

She sees and feels more and more as she looks down dazedly and sees human skin where canine fur should be, human fingers where her clawed toes should be. A human where a wolf should be.

When she looks back up to her mother, she's staring right through her, the previous look of contentment replaced with what she can only interpret to be a sad acceptance.

Suddenly her mother gets up, her litter whimpering and whining at the loss of her warmth. She picks one of her pups up as an apparent pack mate stalks over to help her gather the other few.

She doesn't move, too confused, too new to this body and this world to comprehend exactly what is happening. Where is her mother going? The wolves glance back at her, lingering only a second before trotting toward the rest of the pack that awaits them in the distance.

Vaguely, the wolves understand. She does not.

Watching them until they disappear among the horizon of trees, she sits  and waits. They'll come back, the back of her mind reasons. Packs stick together, that's what her instincts tell her.

Suddenly something light drops onto her shoulders and she jumps, frightened and frantic. Falling forward onto her hands and knees, she whips around and looks up and meets the sympathetic eyes of a woman. "We've been waiting for you." The woman speaks in a human language and she's horrified to find that she understands what is being said to her.

She takes a small, clumsy step back, her hand coming down on a part of whatever the woman draped onto her. Looking down, she examines it cautiously.

The woman kneels down in front of her and she instinctively flinches back with a small whine. It doesn't faze the lady though, as she keeps her calm demeanor. "That's a kimono. I figured you may be a bit cold out here...all alone."

Why would this person approach a wild animal and try to give her human clothing?

There's a call of a name on the wind and the woman glances behind herself, into the distance. Sighing softly, she looks back at her apologetically. "They're impatient..." She mumbles. "They are really eager to meet you, so they want me to bring you home."


The woman reaches forward and she presses herself against the ground, ears flattening and tail stiffening from fear. Don't touch!

"I wanted to get you more used to me first, but there will be plenty of time to get to know each other at the temple."

Before she can question what the new word 'temple' means, she's suddenly grabbed firmly around the waist. Yiping, she kicks and paws, trying to put distance between herself and the human but it's no use and she's easily overpowered.

Feeling the ground disappear under  her as the woman picks her up, she stops fighting- there's no use. However, she doesn't stop whining, crying out for help. Mom! Mom! Come back!

As the woman carries her in the opposite direction that her pack went, she sees her vision distort, blurry from tears. And somewhere among the distortion she can almost swear she sees a familiar gray figure, watching sadly from the crest of the hill.