Nephfei January prompt (Gooby)

4 months, 22 days ago

gooby dream 🐟

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As Gooby laid down to sleep in their little racecar bed, opposite to Sillay in their own bed, who was already curled up sleeping, they wiggled around under the blanket trying to get comfortable. For a little bit, they tossed and turned, almost disturbing Sillay's sleep, before they finally got into a comfortable position, slowly drifting off as hypnagogia set in, vivid images of all kinds of things happening behind their eyes.

as REM sleep hit, gooby opens their eyes to a hazy, saturated world much like their own. gooby smiled wide, amazed at the beauty, and began scampering about with explorative intent, making many stops as they went, including taking a nice dip in a multicolored river of glittering tiny stars. to them, it felt like normal water, but it was beautiful.

they continued swimming up the river until they spotted none other than SILLAY! sillay was waving to them in the distance, sitting on a very cute picnic blanket with a basket next to them. gooby hopped out of the water and shook vigorously, getting glitter all over the place but creating a gorgeous shimmer around them, and pranced happily towards sillay. as they got closer, sillay opened up the basket to reveal many treats for the two of them to share! goobys pace picked up in an effort to get there faster, so fast that they almost crashed into sillay! they try to reach for the treats but sillay stops them, waggling their finger and saying, "no treats yet gooby! we can eat after we play so it doesnt upset our stomachs!" gooby smiled and wiggled with excitement, hopping around the blanket ready to play, and sillay got up too, chasing them around and around, swatting at each other playfully, until... whats that scary thing in the distance...?! gooby stopped suddenly, tugging on sillay to get their attention and points...

though gooby wouldnt know what it is called, a strange cat of sorts seems to step out of nowhere, the space around them distorting as they appear.

"interesting place..."

the cat, named myrrhz, looks around curiously, smiling with a sort of love...a soft expression. they continue examining things closely, gesturing strangely before summoning a notepad, and starts taking notes on what they see. as they continue, myrrzh spots some creatures in the distance playing. they look strange... similar to beldroth in a general sense but with different colors, features, and no wings. myrrzh squints at them, approaching slowly...

oh god!! its coming closer! gooby starts freaking out, running in an erratic circle around sillay, unsure what to do! will it hurt them?? this train of thought is stopped suddenly by sillay picking them up. sillay tells them, "gooby, you must be brave! you must stand your ground! if they attack we will fight!" and so, when gooby is placed back down, they stand bravely facing the new entity, awaiting its approach...

when myrrhz steps closer, smiling, they raise a hand to wave, though Gooby almost immediately gets into a position to fight, hands raised in fists. myrrzh raises their eyebrows and waves a hand, flowers and candy suddenly appearing in goobys previously balled fists. myrrzh shakes their head with amusement.

"no fighting here, wouldnt want you to wake up before im able to ask any questions! what are your names?"

gooby, realizing they have no fishbowl in their dream, sticks a candy in their mouth.

"what are you??"

myrrzh looks slightly surprised. they think for a moment before answering,

"i am many things, but as for physically...i am...feline. a cat, of sorts. where i come from it is normal to walk on 2 legs like this. i am also a wizard, i study dream magic specifically! my name is myrrhzalius, but you may call me myrrzh, or resver."

they bow slowly and deeply, before standing straight again.

gooby points to themselves, and then sillay, "my name is gooby, and this is sillay! so im dreaming right now??"

myrrzh chuckles,

"you are, little one. my time here is limited, though, id like to ask some questions."

they take out the notepad once again from nowhere,

"where are we, or rather where are you from? what are you? my partner is of similar appearance though you have different features."

gooby smiles and nods,

"we're from nephfei! we're spinxyn! its a beautiful place!"

myrrzh writes down a few notes, the notepad disappearing once theyre done.

"i will let you get back to dreaming, id like to look around more before the dream rejects my presence."

they stand up, stretch, and wave as they begin walking away in a random direction, and gooby waves back.

goobys dream continues as normal, playing with sillay as much as they want, and finally having their treats on the blanket when they remember theyre there. the dream is good, the dream is sweet, the dream allows gooby to rest well, and wake slowly, calmly, with a mysterious lollipop and sprig of lavender in their little hands.