4 months, 16 days ago
4 months, 6 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 16 days ago

Explicit Violence

for all those silly words in my oc bios that make no sense without context

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vir (species)



what are vir???:

vir is a fictional species of mine that's very similar to those 'catperson'/'neko' ocs you'll see laying around, although they have some differences and details that were enough for me to say F it and make a distinction between them and those.

vir subtypes:

dire vir

ancestral vir

dire vir:

dire vir are a subtype of vir that are extremely rare in comparison to typical vir that humans are used to seeing, they are considered endangered. they are bigger than a regular vir averaging about 7ft, and their breeds aren't domesticated compared to modern vir, giving them a more 'big cat' look. they typically will have bigger, extruding teeth, and larger clusters of fur that cover skin. 

ancestral vir:

they are extinct. the only evidence of their existence are skulls  of which were humanoid like but featured snouts similar to that of extinct big cats, having large eye sockets and sabre teeth. biology is most similar to a dire vir.

regular vir:

the most common and likely to spot vir, breeds are the standard housecats humans are used to, and typically easy to identify. they have slight snouts from a side profile, extruding more than a normal human side profile. their noses tend to be downturned and somewhat pointy.

vir breeds:

dire vir breeds: bengal tiger (50%), white tiger (10%), cheetah (5%), lion/lioness (5%), lynx (5%), panther (5%), caracal (5%), serval (5%), sand cat (5%), pallas cat (5%)

regular vir breeds: tabbys (30%), tuxedo (20%), scottish folds (10%), calico (10%), blue point (5%), sphynx (5%), oriental (5%), norwegian forest cat (4%), maine coon (5%), diluted tortie (3%), striped tuxedo (2%), solid color (1%)

vir biology:

slight snouts from the side profile. hind legs which usually keep them in a somewhat bent position, although if stood straight they will be taller. ears will be on the sides of the head, having a limited mobility compared to an average cat. fur coat affects hair color directly, causing things like prematurely grey hair if a vir is grey furred. eyes are one solid color with a slit, the pupil can increase in size and change in shape depending on mood. fur head to toe (except for hairless breed(s)), usually in light patches which don't cover the skin, but are fluffy enough to feel and see. markings go directly on the skin, typically in a darker pigment than their skin tone, markings can change with age. cooked food can sometimes cause them sickness, and they have a biological gearing towards raw food. very agile on all fours, able to move at speeds on average of 40mph. some stand, although others may have a preference to stay low to the ground. 

vir behavior:

behavior is very dependent, although most have a feline instinct towards typical things like yarn and dangly feather sticks! sounds that could be akin to hissing will startle them, and they have a disdain for water. they typically clean themselves and occasionally might try to 'clean' their non-vir counterparts....usually leading to a disgusted and slimy individual.