How Lovely

2 months, 27 days ago

Angel Boy and Ocellus.

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Angel Boy knew someone who was lonely when he saw them. To say the Fallen Angel before him was lonely might count as lonely was an understatement, really.

Angel Boy also knew the feeling of someone walking through the world without dreams. That sort of feeling that consumed your very core. It was a hard feeling to face, let alone without any friends!

And that’s how Angel Boy took Ocellus’ hand.

Now Angel Boy, who had no concept on how to not be annoying, didn’t much leave Ocellus alone. Which seemed fine, Ocellus never chased him off or told him to go away, but to be honest Ocellus didn’t say an awful lot.

Which was fine, Angel Boy spoke enough for both of them.

Angel Boy found himself very enchanted with Ocellus’ armour, and Ocellus’ wings, and his sword, and hair and-

This was usually where Angel Boy would cut himself off, since he’d thrice been told that complimenting someone too much might portray the wrong idea to them, and Angel Boy certainly didn’t want to lose a friend to a misunderstanding! That would be a nightmare!

And Angel Boy hated nightmares.

Angel Boy showed Ocellus how he weaved dreams, but explained that he was still getting the hang of it. It all started with a single thread, which Angel Boy could produce at any time. It glowed in colours no one had ever seen before, glimmering in a whole prismatic picture for the two to watch as Angel Boy got to work.

Angel Boy would never tell Ocellus, but when he tried to create a thread for him, it was always black, so black it seemed to pull in the light around them both. But that was ok, because Angel Boy knew that could be fixed! No one stayed dreamless forever.

And so every day Angel Boy would talk about his dreams.

“I was born of clouds and dawn!” He’d exclaim, “I was born of fog and rainfall!”

“I was born of the hope for a better tomorrow, and I was born of the hope of a good today!”

“I was born of the stars, the moon, the sun and the sky!”

“I was born of the silence in a forest, and I was born of the clash of waves!”

All of these concepts were quite abstract to Angel Boy, and he’d always laugh.

“But, if I can be honest, I just enjoy being me.”

“I wasn’t born to be with the clouds, or the fog, or the calm after a rainstorm.”

“And I wasn’t born to fix everyone’s problems.”

“And sometimes I think I wasn’t even born to make dreams.”

Angel Boy smiled.

“I think…”

“I was born to be in this moment…”

“With you!”

“And I hope that this moment never has to leave.”

“Unlike the clouds and fog and the smell of petrichor.”

“I don’t plan on leaving!”

“That’s my dream.”

“To spend forever with those I care about!”

Angel Boy hoped that by sharing his dreams with Ocellus, that maybe Ocellus could finally have a dream.

It was a long shot.

But Angel Boy was happy to see it through, until Ocellus’ thread was as bright as the sun.