Celestine's stories of love and Tavern running

5 months, 1 day ago
4 months, 12 days ago
3 3443

Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 1 day ago

Explicit Sexual Content
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Cel's new year

It was New Year's Eve, and Cel had her Tavern open to allow buns to celebrate with drinks and merry cheers. She was happy, getting many stories on that night, something she always enjoyed.

Humming to herself, she continued serving up drinks as she heard how they'd all be celebrating the first day of the new year, and even what they were planning to do past midnight. It was only 10 pm, so she wasn't too surprised they were like that.

She went to serve her newest set of drinks, then a new bun came in, surprising everyone there. They had stars surrounding dark patterned fur with hetrochromatic eyes and a gentle expression as they made their way to the counter.

"I apologize for surprising everyone." She spoke gently, a soft voice that surprised everyone in the Tavern with how sweet she seemed to be. "Could I get a drink?" She asked gently. "A fruit flavored mix would be preferred."

Cel smiled brightly and conversation returned to the Tavern. "Of course! What's your favorite fruit? I'll make a perfect mix for you." She remarked happily, excited to do a mix for the first time in a few hours. And especially a fruity one as they were rare.

"Strawberries." She replied softly, fixing her hair up shyly.

Cel nodded, getting to work right away. Cutting up the strawberries she had in the fridge, she had her tail grab a lighter toned alcohol to avoid overpowering them, having her tendrils grab the glass, crushed ice, and several other drink types to make something like a daiquiri, but with popping candy and fresh strawberries.

Setting it down I front of her, she waited with bated breath about the thoughts of the girl as she watched her try her newest concoction. She was nervous, but excited at the same time, as buns who visited usually only ordered existing drinks.

With a few sips, the eyes of the girl in front of her lit up happily. She then went to finish it, surprised by how the flavor came out. She genuinely enjoyed it, indicated by her tail swaying happily behind her.

The reaction excited Cel, and thus she went to work on making more strawberry themed alcoholic drinks, wanting to make the new girl happy. She was instantly smitten, as she never usually had someone show such enjoyment of her drinks, even with the ones who actually ordered her mixes.

As the first hour passed, she had given her ten drinks, the girl in front of her having what Cel could only assume as a strong alcohol tolerance because she appeared barely buzzed. She went to sit with her, as several other customers had finished up and left. "So what's your name cutie?" She asked playfully.

"Um.. It's Star..." She said quietly, embarrassed. "What's yours...?" She asked in return, looking at her curiously.

"Call me Cel! But for now, why don't we have some fun?" She smiled softly. "I'll close up the Tavern and we can go tp my room and spend new year's together." She whispered playfully. With receiving a shy nod, she got up, going to get the last drinks for everyone and start closing up the Tavern. She could keep it open, trusting her patrons to keep it safe, but she also wanted to make sure they'd do their debauchery within their homes and inn rooms.

"Alright everyone! Last call! Then it's time to head on home!" She called out, smiling. "Enjoy new year's eve with your loved ones everyone!" She spoke out, serving the last calls. "It's 11:20 pm.." She said thoughtfully, getting the last drink out before she returned to sitting with the girl who was waiting patiently.

"What's your story, my dear?" She asked her gently, taking her hand. "I'm sure it must be interesting, since someone as beautiful as you found yourself in our little town." She smiled gently. "No need to rush on telling me either. We can wait until it's just us." She remarked flirtatiously. "Or you could tell me with your body." She whispered to her playfully, seeing the other turn a deep red from embarrassment.

10 minutes to midnight, she watched the last patron leave, then locked the door behind them, returning to the side of her current favorite. "Shall we go upstairs, my dear?" She asked, helping her up and leading her to her home in the upstairs part of the building.

It was a simple apartment, containing lots of alcohol and messy due to her always writing new recipes to try with willing customers, as she was often experimenting on new drinks when not attending to others.

She showed her to her bedroom, a much neater space with lots of posters on the walls and a well decorated bed frame. "Would you like one more drink to share with me?" She asked her, happy to have found someone so beautiful and sweet to spend new year's with.

"Oh, yes please.. Your drinks are really tasty." The girl spoke gently, with Cel rushing off to do so before midnight hit. She quickly got to work, creating a drink she was certain to call her masterpiece, with strawberries, star shaped candies, ice, and coloring to create swirls of different colors, like a drinkable galaxy.

She arrived back just a minute to midnight, hearing the countdowns begin outside of their room.

Setting down the drinks on the bedside table, she went to sit next to her, the pair of them picking them up and doing a gentle cheer. "To a new year." She said to her, with Star responding in kind.

Taking a drink, they heard it begin to get louder.

She took her second sip, looking at Star.
Star took her own second drink, having an embarrassed expression
Cel smiled softly, taking a bigger third drink as the time clicked down.
They tapped their glasses together again, sharing a smile.
They both took another drink.
A giggle started with Star, a cheerful smile on her face.
The giggling spread to Cel, a short moment of happy peace.
They set their drinks down.
Cel took her hands, making Star look at her.
Cel leaned in close to Star, opening her own eyes to see her.
"Happy new year!!" Voices cried outside as the pair kissed within the room, fireworks going off in the distance alongside cheers.

Beyond that, was a secret between the two of them alone. A night the two would surely never forget.