Celestine's stories of love and Tavern running

4 months, 29 days ago
4 months, 10 days ago
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Chapter 2
Published 4 months, 11 days ago

Explicit Sexual Content
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Cel makes bouquets

Celestine hummed as she got ready for the day, tying her hair back and picking out the perfect outfit. She decided on a rather simplistic dress, a silver necklace, and a star and moon earring pair. Getting her shoes on, she made her way downstairs, checking on the bar one last time as she often did before leaving. 

Certain the bar was clear, she made her way out, heading into town to explore. Matentines was a busy time period, and she wanted to prepare some bouquets for her favorite customers. They were all planned to be small, mostly as little thank you gifts for all the business they gave her through the years, especially as that year was the first she had gotten so many traveling buns. 

Soon, she reached the florist who had flowers in their fur around the ears and on the head like a natural flower crown. 

"Oh! A customer!" The bun spoke up. "Hello! Are you here to make a bouquet for someone you love?" The bun asked, with her nodding in response. "Several, actually. And it isn't for an orgy this time." She teased upon seeing the excited expression on the bun's face. She knew the florist well, but that in itself was a story for another time. 

Looking around. She started to pick out bundles of flowers, from carnations, to roses and even lilies. It went with all sorts of colors and patterns, even picking out smaller flowers and lesser known ones to bring attention to a diverse set of them. 

The first bouquet was planned after the Traveler she had met earlier in the year, a Japanese bun with rather intricate markings. She picked out blue, red and white flowers, and included a few of brown and black. The main feature flower she chose was of a red carnation, admiring him for his bravery to explore the Burrowgatory, and because he was a rather tough male with a pleasing form. Satisfied with her picks, she moved onto the next one. 

That one was one a bouquet mostly featuring black and red, with a small hint of white and orange. She chose a black rose for the one she thought of while making it. She chose it because of his mysterious air, and elegance while he spoke, in the few instances he did. With that one done, it was onto the final two. 

She began first with the orange bouquet, with some hardy flowers that survive against colder conditions. She added in some white, blue and orange flowers, all surrounding a pair of roses. One of which was a symbol of the person in the form of a light orange colored rose, with the meaning of her fascination and desire for the bun. It also represented their energy and nervous enthusiasm. She gave a small smile while she looked at it once she had it all set up, then looked at the last flower, placing it right next to theirs. A blue rose, a cue for usually meaning impossible love, but in that case it simply represented her, with how this bun was someone special to her heart. With that done and the bouquet prepared, she went on to the final one. 

The final bouquet wasn't so much for a bun she knew, but for a bun that infested her dreams, yet she had never seen in the waking world. She began with purple, blue, red and golden flowers, even adding in the small white and yellow ones. She finished it off with three roses, a blue one and surrounded by two purple and blue ones, as well as a single large white lily. It almost looked like a galaxy encompassing the flowers in terms of colors with her flower choices. Each flower in it had their own meanings, from impossible and pure love, to the mystery and charm of the bun of her literal dream. It even extended into a method of questioning just who it was she was dreaming of. 

As she began to tie it all together, the shopkeeper stopped her, holding out a few more variants after realizing the meaning of who the bouquet was for. Each represented dreams in some form, from the moon flower to the blue poppy and the forget-me-nots. 

She added them in and finished it up, then looked at the shopkeeper. "How much for them all?" She asked softly, going to gently stack them all to carry them home. 

With a smile, the shopkeeper responded with a gentle tone. "Free, this time. Just make me a really good drink the next time I visit the Tavern in a new mix." She winked, then went back to her work. 

Surprise fluttered over Celestine's face before she shook her head. "Thank you, my dear." She said as she turned and started on her way home.

Beyond that, is a tale for another time.