The skire scoop

4 months, 19 days ago

Plant rescue

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Gumi was down on her luck, her flower shop has been doing poorly due to the fact that she kept killing her flowers, she feels like she's about to cry. Suddenly the bell to her door rings as a dark colored cccat comes in. “hello? Is anyone here? Your plants are looking kinda sad and I was wondering if I could lend a hand?” Gumi perks up surprised sucking her tears back in. “Wah!! Uh hi my name is gumi! husbandry is that bad huh…I am desperate for any kind of help I'm about to go out of business” gumi starts to cry again. The tall cccat pats her back trying to console her. “Hi gumi, my name is click do not worry we can get this shop back up and running in no time, let me show you how to provide proper husbandry!” Gumi leads him to the back of the shop and sets out a sick plant, still alive but just barely. Click examines the plant closely. “This plant can be brought back, part of the issue on why it's not doing good is the kind of soil you are using and it's not getting enough sunlight or water, the soil is very dry!” Click spots a bag of soil that would better fit the plant, he gently removes the plant from the old soil being very gentle with the roots. He carefully rinses the roots off before putting the plant in the new correct soil. “There we go!” Exclaims click. Gumi watched intently taking mental notes. “Wow I had no idea I was using the wrong dirt, I just thought any old dirt would do and that it didn't matter…” she sheepishly rubs the back of her head. Click chuckles “that's ok, you are learning!” The cccat digs in a bag and pulls out a small book “I happen to have a copy of my notes on caring for plants id like you to have, read it thoroughly and I'm sure you will be back on your feet in no time!” Click hands her the small book, she looks up at him smiling brightly. “Oh my gosh! Thank you so much click you are a life saver!! I don't know what I'd do without your knowledge and kindness, I won't forget this!” She gives click a big hug before the two wave each other goodbye. Gumi immediately starts reading the book and correcting her mistakes with the few living plants she has. Within a few weeks she can see her plants starting to bounce back, and within a month her shop is back open. Click returns seeing all the green in her shop and customers admiring her work. Gumis ears perk up as she spots click, she runs over and gives him a big hug. “Click!! Do you see how many plants I have now! I followed your book and now I'm back in business thank you!!” Click hugs her back. “Oh it's nothing really, I'm just glad I was able to help you gumi.” Gumi let's go of him. “Oh! Hold on I got something for you!” She runs to the back of her shop before coming out with a small bonsai. “This is for you! It's the very first plant I grew from a seed, I wanted to give it to you as a thank you!” She excitedly hands the plant to click who takes it, he's touched by her gift. “You did such a great job gumi! Thank you for the gift I'll take good care of it.” The two wave each other goodbye for now, click heads home with his new little bonsai.