Radio Ga Ga

4 months, 5 days ago
4 months, 5 days ago
1 386

Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 5 days ago

It's been a year since the final fight. Jolene can't quite believe that.

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Chapter 1

Jolene had just realized what day it was.

January 31, 2023 had been the most eventful day of her life…well, that and the last day, and now it had been a year.

Admittedly, she hadn’t done much. Sitting around in her magi outfit, watching Fionna and Cake, going on the radio each morning, reconnecting with people she’d missed…

Seeing Maddie again was nice. And seeing him again again, after he came back to town. Aeron showing up was…admittedly sad, but…death wasn’t as tragic in the afterlife. Same went for Skathi, who seemed happy being dead.

Standing in place, having temporarily forgotten where she was, Jolene exhaled. This was the freaking afterlife, one for magi but the afterlife nonetheless. She was a ghost, just like everyone else here. She’d let go of her fear of death, the fear that had kept her on the run for almost her entire magi career.

So why wasn’t she happier here?

Maybe it was because no one had forgotten Rose Corp. Somewhere inside her was still the young girl begging for her friends to get along. Maybe it was all the enemies she’d made. Charlie, Luis, Nall, Skathi and Belladona sort of…she’d spent so much time trying not to get killed she’d turned people against her even after death.


Jolene was alone at the moment, in her old house. For a year now, she’d been here, where she’d always lived. But Dad wasn’t here to talk to, and Aerosmith wasn’t there to pet when she got scared. She thought a lot about her father, what he was doing while she was gone. By now, he’d have had to realize she wasn’t coming back, right?

She’d probably broken his heart forever. It had been a year, how much damage had she done?

Why couldn’t she have been better. She’d wished to make everyone feel good, but now half her team hated her and her father was in pain, and Jolene had no one to blame but herself.

Unconsciously, she had curled up and begun to cry. Bitterly scolding herself for this, she half-remembered a discussion overheard between older magis here.

Something about a “Death Day” celebration.

Well, happy death day to her.