A Fateful Meeting

4 months, 14 days ago
397 1

the oneshot I wrote for the A Fateful Meeting challenge!! back in like . 2020??

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  Shae wandered along the beach, gazing at the sun as it fell into the splashing waves. The waters sparkled with the fleeting light of the sun, twinkling like the embers of twilight. A sudden sigh to her right startled her, and she turned to see who emitted it. Her eyes widened with shock as she realized that standing before her was none other than the lead singer of the Indigo-Go band herself - "Lulu?" she gasped, catching the named Zora's attention. Shae felt the heat creep up to her cheeks as she realized that the practical celebrity was right in front of her and likely thinking of her as some crazy fan, but she shook it off. "What are you doing here alone?" she inquired, cocking her head to the side.

  Lulu's gaze turned downcast, and her shoulders sank slightly. She turned her gaze out into the ocean, watching as the last light danced on the surface of the water. "To be honest with you..." Lulu began, closing her eyes as she thought of a way to word her feelings, "...I'm here because I wished to remember the days Mikau and I swam along these shores. I wanted to see his face, hear his voice..." she continued, trailing off as her voice was caught in her throat. Shae could see the opposing Zora shaking slightly as she held in her tears, and quickly felt sympathy. The young Zora had seen Mikau perform on stage along with the rest of the Indigo-Go members but a few times before the threat of the eerie moon loomed over Termina, leading to the guitarist's demise. No one had found out until the young hero, whose name was Link, had informed them of the event. As soon as Shae had caught wind of the news, she along with many other Termanians mourned with the Indigo-Go members, especially Lulu. Shae stepped next to the singer, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

  "I miss him too," she sighed, "but right now, he's in a wonderful place. A place where the water runs free, and the lush greens decorate the land. A place where Nayru watches over her family," Shae explained, making an attempt to comfort the mourning Zora. Lulu gave a sad smile, wringing her hands together.

  "You speak with wisdom..." was all she said as the sun finished sinking below the oceans.

Author's Notes

according to the original post I wrote this at like 12 AM so. nice to see my habits have never changed //SHOTSOHTHTSOSHT