🌷 Dreams in the Lilac Gardens...

4 months, 6 days ago
3 months, 12 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 6 days ago

[2023] Garden of Love Baobear Event! Thumbnails by miya!

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I. My First Garden


I. My First Garden

Being a bao created from flower petals and tea water, it was perhaps no surprise that Theylmitra always had a natural inclination towards gardens and flowers. After all, he had been named after one such flower himself! The Thelymitra Crinita, otherwise known as the blue lady orchid. The sight of one of these flowers had been the first thing he'd seen when waking and he found them to be extraordinarily beautiful, and named himself after the scientific name that had been scrawled across the identifying card in its pot.

Any enjoyment for gardening was a natural thing that developed the very first time he put his paws in the soil. He could still recall the very first lily seeds he planted so long ago, digging the holes a bit too deep, watering them a bit too much. But in the end, they still grew under his adoring watch. Sprouting up from the earth in every direction. He'd found himself talking to the flowers too, thanking them for all their hard work in growing so strong. It was this same moment that Thely decided to document his flower's growth, beginning his first ever botanist journal entry, starting with a sketch of his lopsided lilies.