Grem Prompts

5 years, 3 months ago
10 months, 20 days ago
2 1314

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 3 months ago

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HMMM, MY FIRST WRITING SUBMISSION. It's not too bad I guess, tho it's probably really obvious I started rushing it at the end, I might go back and touch it up some if I notice anything that really needs to be fixed.
I'm really happy with the character building in here even tho the actual writing is really hit or miss. I had some trouble working the ribbon descriptions into the writing in a way that wasn't super weird OTL

Grem2 Summer Festival Prompt #2


Churchill (#612)

Caligula (#2000)

Bernard (#2244)

Caligula, or Cal as his friends called him, reached a hand under his sun hat to dramatically wipe the sweat from his brow "Gods, how much farther is it? Feels like we've been walkin' all day", even with easy access to the refreshing water from his water pack he was still unable to satisfy a seemingly unending thirst.

A tut came from a grem with a green and orange ribbon adorning his arm walking just ahead of Cal, "Oh come now, it's not that far of a hike. Besides, it's simply beautiful out here, just look at the mist on those mountains!", Churchill swooned, completely enamored by the breathtaking views of the Palleth salt flats. "I just don't understand how you can be in the presence all this wonderful scenery and not be completely humbled".

The smaller grem scoffed, absentmindedly playing with the copper and blue ribbon tied around his own arm. Church had made him wear it for some reason though he'd already long forgotten what that reason might be. "Wow you know what? You're right Church, these scrawny coral shrubs have me totally blown away! How could I have not noticed their magnificence before!", he rolled his eyes with a tired scowl.

A third traveller in their party, quieter than the others, followed a bit farther behind; Bernard, Cal's currently off-duty bodyguard. He was lost in thought, as he usually was in his off-time, mentally reviewing the logistics of a design for a new companion android he had started to work on recently. He was carrying all of Cal's hiking supplies (an emergency kit, snacks and some energy drinks that had been discontinued for safety reasons) in a large canvas backpack that he tied his gold and purple ribbon to. Though he caught most of the exchange he thought it best to mind his own business, Besides, while he agreed with Church he also knew that there was no point in arguing with someone as stubborn as Cal.

The trio were in the midst of the traditional Summer Festival pilgrimage to the ancient tree chosen by Eden, this year a giant coral tree out in the famous salt plains near Santopae. It was Cal's first year participating and the first time in a while either Church or Bern had been able to join the celebration, precisely due to Cal's reluctance. This time, however, Churchill had finally put his foot down and insisted on going but reminded Cal that he had the option to stay back home if he so chose. Church knew it was inevitable that he would reluctantly tag along, however, particularly since this rare act of overt defiance had spurred Bernard into joining him on the journey, leaving Cal with only two choices: endure the trek from Santopae to Eden's tree, or stay home, alone. As far as Cal was concerned, he was being extorted for his companionship.

Given the nature of the landscape, the tree would be mostly visible throughout the entirety of their trek. Having his destination hanging teasingly in front of his face made it all but impossible for Cal to stay focused on the journey at hand. He didn’t understand why they couldn’t just drive there, not to mention the fact that the wide open space was leaving him feeling very vulnerable. Cal picked up his pace to keep closer to Churchill and in doing so failed to notice a baseball-sized rock in his path and gracelessly tripped over it. Time slowed for him as the ground grew nearer, he reflexively tried to regain his footing but only succeeded in setting himself up for injury as his foot twisted painfully and he landed in a tangled heap of backpack straps and drinking tube.

Church, ever vigilant, had turned his attention behind himself fast enough to bear witness to most of the debacle with eyes wide and ears perked. He cracked a smile for a split second before realizing Cal was in pain which immediately sent him into field medic mode, his mind started going through all the possible outcomes of such a fall and what injuries might occur that would require his immediate attention. The commotion pulled Bern out from his contemplations, who promptly jogged up to survey the scene.

Cal was writhing on the ground, "No no nonono! Don't you DARE touch my leg!", he shouted while attempting to keep his injury out of Church's reach.

Church motioned with his hand for Bernard to move closer, "I'm gonna need a compression wrap from the emergency kit and some help holding him still while I wrap up the sprain", Bern obliged, digging around in the bag past all the beef jerky packs and empty cans, eventually pulling out the bandages as he tried to hold Cal as still as possible with as little force necessary.

Cal growled, his recessive blood rushing up, causing his eyes and mouth to darken to a near pitch black "I swear on all that is good and holy if you daaAAAAAHHH SHIT!", he cried out as Church began expertly wrapping his foot with the bandages, years of practice had made it second nature for him.

Church stood, wiping the dust from his knees and hands, "There, that will help keep the swelling down for now, though I would suggest staying off of it for awhile, putting weight on it could prove rather painful” he cocked his head to the side and rested his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “However, that does leave us in a bit of a predicament doesn’t it?”

Cal, still sprawled out on the ground, attempted to sit but quickly gave up as he hissed in pain. “I hope you realize this never woulda’ happened back at home” he huffed, glaring at Church.

Ignoring Cal, he turned his attention to Bern who already knew exactly what to do. Kneeling down, he carefully scooped Cal up in his arms. They were close enough to Eden that he could carry him the rest of the way there with little issue. 

“There will plenty of people there and many who’d be more than willing to assist us in getting back to the city”, Church stated matter of factly, “and who knows, maybe you’ll run into a few fans?”

Caligula huffed.