
Holes in realm, holes in memory, holes in plot. / Candyfloss Literature club February 2024 event task UvU

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Author's Notes

I had some events after which I honestly doubted if I'll be able to write fiction again, but here we go, I tried. 

Genre which I got was drama, and I truly don't know if it's drama enough, 'cause here we go, some paranormal stuff and awkward romantic line (Ophelia I'm sorry so much for this joke comics went this far), and yeeeah my usual psychological tryings like DO IT FOR 

full of -holes- though. 

It... Was a failure.
You're staying silently and looking at ruins of something you used to call "home". You... Had to stop them. Not letting them continue with those experiments on your manuscripts.
They were so excited.
And what's now?

Everyone knows that it all came from your books.
The government... Eh, they decided that it'll be easier to ban all books in general to prevent further events, when even this one cannot be solved right now. It's so awful.
Who brought that goddamn ritual text to the cult?!

— I swear, I will kill you, Neverbe! — you hear Pyrokinesis'es shout behind your back. — Just wait a second, I will beat all shit out of these monsters and you'll be next in line!
— With pleasure, — Neverbe laughs as an answer. — What's a pity that I have to help you right now! Though I found this result absolutely amusing.
— Less talking, more actions, boys, — Dany snorted. — Monsters won't wait for your petty disputes endings!
— We're trying our best, Lady! — Borscheclef created another force field to shield Nalu, who's currently tried to heal Shoggoth's arm, and Yoko, who's bravely tried to protect Pyro's daughter. 

It was quite a blessing for your cult to have such unexpectedly professional friends who knew almost all about fights with something otherworldy... You're even curious about who taught them. Though, your home is ruined and you can't do anything. You freezed here in your chaotic thoughts. You're terrified by the monsters of your nightmares. Endless nightmares.
Here and there are holes in realm, like holes in your memory or holes in... Plot?
You're looking at one of such holes and seeing the campus of literature club. You weren't there for quite a while, at least physically — you preferred to visit it mostly through thymond calls, as you not always had spare time for traveling from Deltas to Epsilons territory. Though... If those realm holes showing you club's campus just right now, then now you have whom to worry about. You know, the club's library was huge and there definitely was not only kids literature, and Ophelia... Ophelia almost always was there. 

Your heart skipped a beat. 

You torn the branch of blooming white acacia and stepped into the realm hole. There were not much better events in campus: Olive and Kei had to build somewhat barricades of different stuff just to have some safe space from something what continued to appear outdoors. That realm hole frightened them a lot. 

— You can be scary too, old man, — Olive sighed. — And since which times Mufloss can open portals?
— Since today, probably, — you shrugged indifferently. — Where's Ophelia? She's fine?
— I a-am! — you heard from the softest corner. — But Leonsnuggle seems to be scared more than I am. 

She actually sits on her fav chair, holding and hugging her petpet. A giant gatakeros helplessly looking around, trying to sit as calmly on her knees as he could. 

— I'm so sorry, — you sighed, walking closer and then getting down on one knee in front of her. — It all was my fault, milady.
— You don't have to blame yourself, — she said with a touch of awkwardness in her voice. — It happens around whole Caramella and we're all trying our best...
— But it started with... With my books, — you interrupted her hesitantly. — If only I'd known how this would turn out...

You kissed the palm of her hand and gave her acacia. 

— I promise, I'll do my best to stop this all, — you raised. — Hope I'll be able to see you again as fine as it can be.
— Kesshot, wait! 

Though, you hopped into realm hole again.
Hole in realm, like hole in your memory or hole in... Plot?
The plot.
The manuscript taken for that unexpectedly awful ritual was unfinished.
What if you... Fill the holes? 

Letting Borscheclef be cool as in his book adventures. Letting Pyro and Neverbe fight side-by-side like warrior and his shadow. Letting Earl and Dany have endless bullets. Letting Bla, Crow and Jacob successfully ruin The Gate... 

"...last creature of abyss was defeated and the weak rays of sunshine showed up through the lead clouds, giving the survivors the rays of hope." 

You're awaken, immediately sitting on your bed, then getting up and running to look into the window. Firstly, you're at home. Secondly, nothing changed outdoors. Lastly...
You definitely need to visit Epsilons territory and bring some wordless apologies to someone. 

Author's Notes

[Acacia is the flower of regret and admitting mistakes of the one who gifts it. The giver of acacia somewhat says: "You are the best thing in my life". Also a sign of platonic love.] 

Also mentioned "thymond calls" is reference to discord calls, I used this awkward name replacement at one of my comics.