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4 months, 20 days ago
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mroe au content. thyere just being them. home life

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Mundane. That was the only word Caroline felt fitting to describe Winston’s day - to - day routines. The day’s hours passed as a precise, calculated ritual that guided his actions; it stood as a pattern she wasn’t even sure an earthquake would disturb for more than a few hours at most. If it wasn’t for it being so painstakingly monotonous, Caroline would almost be impressed by his sheer dedication to maintaining his schedule. Then again, perhaps that was why her awe was developed as a hint at most. 

The doe had essentially been a fly on the wall to his mannerisms for roughly a week, now. Settling into the refuge he offered her in his home, as she did what she did best— dodge the consequences to her actions. Caroline supposed if she had to choose between the utter chaos and uncertainty of what awaited her in the only place she had ever referred to as home, versus the tranquil monotony of Winston’s company… Perhaps she could stand to get used to the repetitive tidings of the serval’s tightly - adhered - to whims. 

❝ If you weren’t warm to the touch, I’d almost be convinced you’re some kind of machine. ❞

Winston’s focus flitted over to Caroline at her comment, eyes regarding her features silently as he weighed her words. There was no mistaking the distinctness of his attempt to decipher the intent behind her dry musing, face twisted over his shoulder as his breath paused in thought.

❝ Is that a compliment, or insult? ❞

❝ Neither. Just an observation. ❞

The silence shared between them was just as palpable as ever. Never inherently tense, but it wasn’t quite comfortable, either. Simply there, as Caroline had come to understand. 

❝ You always do everything the same way. ❞

❝ It’s efficient. It works. ❞

❝ It’s boring. ❞

❝ Does it need to be exciting? ❞

Caroline failed to disguise the huff that pushed through her nose at his words— a furled gust of air indicative of her displeasure to his equally hard - headedness. 

❝ Do you not enjoy stopping to smell the flowers? ❞

❝ I see the flowers everyday, Caroline. I don’t see the need to visit them each time. ❞

❝ When was the last time you did? ❞

Winston’s lips pressed into a thin line at her words, as if genuinely stumped by them. His tongue pressed into his teeth from behind, contemplative of a retort, but no substance was there to guide it. 

❝ We’re going to go out somewhere, tomorrow. I’m getting rather restless being cooped up in here, watching you fight the same war —day - in, day - out— with the same dust bunnies each morning.❞

❝ I don’t have the time to— ❞

❝ —Then you’ll make some. ❞

At this point, Caroline could hardly tell how much of Winston’s stubbornness was a genuine disinterest, versus the serval just wanting to rot away in the comfort and ease of his own repetitions. His rounded features scrunched in consideration of an argument, but the intent didn’t last long. Just as soon as they had narrowed, they fell away to a defeated sigh, face turning ahead of him once more.

❝ You’re awfully demanding. ❞

❝ So I’ve been told. ❞

Caroline was not above the smug sound that solidified her voice, baring her teeth together in the mildest trace of a self - satisfied grin. An air of cockiness that could only be conjured by the understanding that he wouldn’t challenge her acceptance on the matter. It only grew when he twisted around fully to face her.

❝ It’s something fortunate that I’m used to demanding. ❞

❝ Shiloh? ❞

❝ She makes her wants very clear, yes. I’m beginning to think she spends too much time around you, and aspires to be like you when you get your way. ❞

Laughter emanated from the doe’s maw at the prospect, left utterly enthused by the idea that she might have been any sort of influence of the otherwise mild child’s behavior.

❝ You could always learn to say no. ❞

❝ And you would like the challenge? ❞

❝ It would feel better when you end up still agreeing, anyways. ❞

Caroline’s teeth glinted in the light cast from the ceiling fixture, eyes lidded halfway as she leaned towards him. She could practically scent the anxiety clinging to his lithe frame at her attempt to provoke him, leaving him uncertain as per how to carry on the conversation. 

❝ What? Cat got your tongue? ❞

❝ Real inventive. ❞

Winston’s teeth gritted in a quiet restraint, eyes narrowing with a distinct absence of aggression— all as a flush burned at the expanse of his expression. His generally soft features almost bordered rigid as he leaned his head slightly back, considering reinstating the distance Caroline had closed in on between them. 

If she were anymore cruel, perhaps she would have felt inclined to draw her tongue across her lips at the sight. 

❝ Nervous? ❞

❝ Exasperated would be more fitting. ❞

❝ You should let me fix that for you. ❞

The serval’s jaws parted, but before any form of counter could be formed, Caroline’s fingers coiled around his tie and jerked him forward. Whatever vague reluctance still festered in his frame gave way to the abruptness of the kiss, eyes sliding shut in acceptance as he leaned forward. The exchange lasted only a few seconds before Caroline moved to shift back— entertaining the idea of an interjection. However, before she could pipe in some needlessly cheeky word, one of the serval’s hands grasped at her waist as he re - initiated the kiss. The doe almost sputtered at the lack of subtlety in it, but returned it after regaining her composure— fingers shifting to dig into his shoulders to match the pressure of his claws on her hip.

❝ Is dinner going to be late, tonight? ❞

Immediately, the two broke apart. Caroline’s face twisted towards the wall to try and hide the florid hue that rushed to her features, while Winston hesitantly faced his daughter with a sharp swallow. In the absence of a verbal answer as he fought to muster some fraction of his composure up, Shiloh spoke again. 

❝ Does this mean I can call Caroline mom now? ❞

❝ We’ll… talk about this later. I’ll call for you when dinner is done. ❞

❝ You haven’t even started it yet, though, have you— ❞

Shiloh. ❞

Caroline’s face only twisted back around after Shiloh reluctantly stepped away. Her eyes lingered on the doorway to the office momentarily, almost hesitant to shift focus back unto Winston. 

❝ Does she always happen to just be waiting around for this kind of thing? ❞

❝ It’s not often that someone chooses to kiss me in my office, so I don’t have plethora of similar events to compare it to. ❞

❝ You’re the one who went in for seconds, we would have been fine if we ended when I pulled away. ❞

❝ You allowed me to. ❞

I didn’t say I didn’t, I just said you’re the reason we got caught. ❞

The serval’s whiskers twitched slightly at her words, eyes regarding her in a silent hesitance as he considered his own answer. As always, her arguments were usually so blunt they left him unsure as per how to respond. It was enough to form a grin on her lips.

 ❝ You should go make dinner, before Shiloh comes back to press about it again. ❞

❝ Perhaps I should. ❞

❝ —Do you want help? ❞

Caroline watched as he once again paused to consider her offer.

❝ That’s not really a question, is it? I have a feeling you’ll tag along, regardless of what I say. ❞

You’re learning. I didn’t ask if I could come, just if you wanted me to be productive and help you or not. ❞

The doe almost laughed at the exasperation that broke across his features at her words, and a near silent slight of air pushed through his nose as defeat slumped his shoulders. —And yet, it wasn’t a dejected sort of loss, as Caroline had come to realize. It was founded on the same sort of ultimate fondness that still gleamed through at the end of the day, just as it did when Shiloh got her way, too.

❝ Have you ever even cooked, before? I’m speculative on the idea that you have. ❞

❝ Everyone has to start somewhere, don’t they? ❞

❝ Exactly how have you made it this far? ❞

❝ Good fortune, I suppose. I’m a rather lucky person, usually. ❞