Continuous Events

7 months, 12 days ago
7 months, 12 days ago
2 2595

Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 12 days ago

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CE 1

Lil’bit was sent to a seemingly random and huge field with a large wicker basket. She was just dropped off here, told by a strange man who told her what to do in the field. Her floppy ears flicked back as she began sniffing the frozen ground. Lil’bit wasn’t sure what to do, she’d never been handled a lot by people so suddenly being scooped up, loaded into a trailer and whisked away to huge frozen field with snow along the edges was not something she was comfortable with.

As she was sniffing around the cold dirt, a leaf stuck out from it’s frozen prison. Lil’bit vaguely remembered hearing the strange man say something about pulling green stuff from the frozen ground, so she carefully clamped her teeth on the leaves and gave it pull. When she pulled, she stripped the leaves from the stalk. Frustrated, she used her claws and torn at the dirt, sending clumps of dirt around her.

Suddenly, a funny looking brown root was clawed up. Lil’bit sniffed the root, seeing that the stripped green leaves were definitely from the funny brown root. She nipped the leaves from the root and placed the root into a basket that she was given. She made a face at the taste of the frozen dirt and root, which was surprisingly sweet tasting.

Lil’s curly tail began wagging, encouraging her to continue digging through the frozen field. Whatever she just found, all she knew was that she wanted to find more. She walked over to another leafy green stalk and began pulling on the leaves, this time closer to the base of where she assumed the root was hidden from her. Again, she yanked hard on the stalk, stripping more of the leaves. She spat the foul leaves out and began digging the root lump where the leaves were sticking out. Another brown root laid in front of her and she happily tossed this new root in her wicker basket. She excitedly hopped over to the next leaf clump, this time she didn’t try to pull the root out with her teeth, just using her claws and paws.

Before she realized, she had cleared a whole row of these roots when a handler she didn’t know, grabbed her basket, gave her head scratches and replaced her full root basket with an empty one, and pointed to another row of half-frozen leaves. Lil’bit wagged her tail, clumsily ran with her basket to the beginning of the row and began clawing the ground again, where she clawed a funny red root, this time.

Startled, she stopped clawing the ground and pressed her snout into the red root, inhaling deepily, staining her pale brown nose a deep red color. She licked her nose, noting the flavor was a dirt flavor. Confused, she took a small bite of the root, noting it didn’t really taste of anything, when a farmer hollered at her, because she was eating the root!

Lil’bit shot the farmer a nasty look. She didn’t want to eat the root, just figure out what this was.

“Stop eating the beets!” He shouted as he pulled the green leaves out of the ground, releasing a similarly shaped and colored root. 

Beets? Lil’bit asked herself. Is that what is? She turned her attention back to the root. She shrugged, ignoring the half-eaten and clawed root she tried. Lil’bit pulled another clump of leafy greens where a beet pulled from the ground, which Lil’bit noted that the beet was much easier to pull out of the ground compared to the brown roots. She tossed the newly unveiled beet into her basket, before hopping onto the next the greenery and giving it a hard pull. With a tail wag, Lil’bit was so happy to help the farmers out with their winter crops. 

Lil’bit found herself at the end of the row, where her basket was swapped again and an empty basket was replaced. The farmer pointed down another row of the field and Lil’bit wasted no time bounding down the row. She found herself having a lot more fun with this task than she had originally thought she would.

“Hey!” A farmer shouted as she approached, pointing to the new row of vegetables. “Those are bok choy! Be careful.” His voice grew gruff at the last words. Clearly the bok choy was very important. Lil’bit tilted her head and the farmer sighed, and showed her how to harvest the bok choy. Once the pair thought Lil’bit harvesting skills were adequate with the bok choy, the farmer left her alone so he could do his own harvesting. Lil’bit gave her fur a shake, and she began harvesting the bok choy row. When she finished the row, the other farmer pointed to another row that was still in the field. She felt her shoulders sag at seeing how many more frozen vegetables and fruits that still needed harvesting. Lil’bit stared down the cold row, stepping over the snow drift that separated the two fields.

She began pulling and digging out more green leaves, where she found an orange root this time. She barked in shock. It was orange like her! Her tail wagged happily as she carefully removed the orange root from the ground. She placed it so gently in the basket, when she realized the root was still dirty, so she took teh root out of her basket and gave it a good shake, removing most of teh dirt from the root. Lil’bit replaced the root into her basket, staring proudly at her new-found treasure. Her tail didn’t stop wagging as she began digging and pulling more of the orange roots. She shook every one of the new roots to clean them of the dirt. A farmer happen to walk by as she pelted him with dirt from her shaking.

“Whatcha got, girl?” He asked her and she proudly shows her basket full of mostly clean roots. The farmer laughed at her proud little face. “Well, that’s a mighty fine carrot!” He teased, rubbing her head before he walked away to talk to the manager of the farm. A carrot? Lil’bit asked herself. She was learning all these fun names for these vegetables. She carefully placed her basket back down on the frozen ground and she began sniffling around the ground to find more carrots. She was so excited to have a pretty heavy basket of the orange roots, carrots. 

Lil’bit barely managed to lift the carrot basket to the farm manager, her tail wagging so hard she was actually smacking her own sides. The farm manager laughed as Lil’bit dropped the basket before the snow drift and let out a bark to get her attention. The farm manager met Lil’bit halfway and hefted the basket up.

“Whoa girl! You’ve out done yourself with these carrots! I’ve never seen a toko work this hard for carrots!” The farm manager laughed, even she was struggling to keep the basket above the ground. Lil’bit barked happily, she was just excited that there was a vegetable that looked kinda like her. “You want a carrot?” The farm manager searched the basket, amazed on how clean Lil’bit’s carrots were. She was able to find a sizeable carrot for the toko, who was very nervous to take the carrot but she eventually took the carrot. Lil’bit happily took the carrot and found a quiet place to chomp down on her new trophy, where she took a nap from her exhausting day.