
4 months, 21 hours ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 21 hours ago

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Chapter 1

Engineer's log, day XX203


Engineer's log, day XX204


Engineer's log, day XX205

Had to brake.  Aaron said it was deer.  Weren't going too fast anyways.  Rivers went arse-first into the furnace, try as I might to grab him.  No helping him, so I went after some chap’s luggage had skid under a seat.  Swiped some sort of mechanic’s jumpsuit before handing it back, polite-like.  Pocketed a pack of smokes as well.  Overalls’ve got a name sewn onto the pocket.  Sorry, Rivers, you’re a Gerald P. Comstock now.  

I’ll get you some new clothes next we’re in town.  How that hat doesn’t burn like the rest of it, is beyond me.

Engineer's log, day XX206


Engineer's log, day XX239


Engineer's log, day XX240

Fished up a boot.  Took the laces.  Tossed the rest back.

Engineer's log, day XX291

Apparently it is Christmas?  Good thing we were on leave the other day.  Melinoe, Aerin, the dog, and the giant lizard went caroling.  I went in my quarters.  There is a great caterwauling outside.  It is probably the lizard.

Aaron got all of us gifts.  I found a nicely-wrapped tamper-proof toolbox hanging from the door handle.  Hid a new bowtie under Rivers’s usual seat in the mess hall.  It is festive, with cats.

Engineer's log, day XX292

There are fruitcake crumbs all over one of the passenger cars.  I am going to dangle that coal creature out of a window.

Engineer's log, day XX293


Engineer's log, day XX311

Overnight trip to I-forgot-exactly.  There was a kid crying.  Lunchbox went missing or something, not sure.  Turns out, Mel done ate the entire thing.  Claimed it smelled like peppermint brownies.  Fished it out, found my 9/16 ratchet wrench too.  

Snuck up while the family was sleeping, put the lunchbox under a jacket.  Added some raspberry tickets, too.  They’ll find it in the morning.  Kids shouldn’t have to sleep on a train seat.

Engineer's log, day XX344

Went up top today, wanted some time to myself.  Smoke blending into smoke.  Caught a glimpse of a silver city in it.  Shiny.  More pristine than anything on this engine.  Guess we caught the eye of some things there, too, saw children with cables for hair looking up and pointing at us.  Maybe at me.  Weren’t but a moment, and I don’t know when.  But I know there’s no place for me in that future.

Went back to grass and blue skies and white clouds as quickly as it came, but damn has that not happened in a good long bit.

Engineer's log, day XX345
