Cathal - Infosheet

3 months, 27 days ago

A summary of all the groups and people that Cathal knows/has known

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Friends, Acquaintances, & Enemies - Cathal 

Friend, Acquaintance, Enemy, Dead


Cathal was born in Verosav, a tiny fishing village in Morden. His family home was small and life was simple, though memories from that time are blurry and long-faded. 

  •  Mathias O'Doud ,Loran-Rooklander man (died 4292), fisherman. Cathal’s father was a gentle soul, a kind and understanding man who truly loved his sons. After escaping Verosav and arriving in Calder, Mathias chose to fight at Gutty’s Line alongside many of the other adults from Verosav. He left Cathal in the care of one of the town elders, who became ill and quickly died. None of the Verosav villagers returned, and Cathal was informed of his father’s death 2 months after his departure. 
  • Martin O’Doud,  Loran-Rooklander man, fisherman. Cathal’s brother was a rambunctious sort, older by 6 or 7 years, and always looked out for him. Martin chose to stay behind in Verosav alongside many teens/young adults in town, who were expected to protect the others as they fled, and his ultimate fate is unknown. Cathal remembers little of Martin, but vaguely recalls memories of his brother trying to teach him to fish. 
  • Caitlyn O’Doud, Loran-Rooklander woman (died 4286), boatwoman. Cathal never met his mother in person and has never seen her, since she died during childbirth. He remembers bits and pieces of the stories his father told of her. 


Hound’s March is a mercenary company working out of Calder, known for their performance in the Battle of Merke, the Glasscoast Campaign, and the Battle of Moss Bridge. It began as a modest group of 7 orphaned teens. Currently, the March works as escorts and bodyguards for supply lines and government/military officials. The March is comprised of about a hundred soldiers, organized into units of 3-5.

  • Leadership 
    • Marlow Kouris, , Rooklander man in his late-50s, leader of Hound’s March. Manipulative, power-hungry, and ruthless. He often called Cathal “son”, as he did with Aldren, Zurus, and Kyne. Marlow began as a mostly honest leader and led the March into battle, but after Moss Bridge he quickly became decadent and selfindulgent, skimming more and more off of the caravans they guarded. After “losing” a shipment of Rookland arrows, causing disastrous military/civilian losses at the Second Defense of Ara’Bara (4307), Cathal had enough. They argued, and separated on bad terms.
    • Aldren Makhom, Loran-Jadidonian man in his mid-30s, left hand to Marlow. Pigheaded, power-hungry, and overly ambitious. Aldren is an Orphan from Jadidon, older than the others, and established himself as Marlow’s right hand with incessant bootlicking and arrogantly ordering the younger kids around. He believes he’ll eventually lead Hound’s March. Cathal and Aldren never got along. Aldren gave Cathal a silent, judgmental grin when Cathal left the group, and they haven’t met since. 
    • Darcel Githelma, Hillborn woman in her mid-20s, right hand to Marlow. Vicious, cruel, and greedy. Darcel was a late addition to the March, joining in 4304 after the group transitioned into escort work. Marlow immediately took a liking to her, and soon Darcel, Marlow, and Aldren started scheming together. Cathal didn’t see Darcel when he initially left, but encountered her by chance in a Madduc tavern (4308). In the ensuing bar fight she cut open Cathal’s face with a bottle, and he punched her in the eye, ruining it and knocking her out cold. Cathal left, and hasn’t seen her since. 
  • Cathal’s Unit
    • Niamh Rosatir, Loran-Lyndelish human in their early-30s, leader of Cathal’s unit. Quiet, calculating, and cool-headed. Niamh is an Orphan from Lyndelia, having lost their family during the journey across Landis. Niamh is probably Cathal’s closest friend in the world. Somewhat soft-spoken, they are often a voice of reason amongst the unit leaders. Cathal chose not to involve Niamh when he left, and hasn’t seen them since. 
    • Aoedhan Fargrip, Rooklander man in his late-20s, part of Cathal’s unit. Jovial, witty, and good-natured. Aoedhan never really took “all that spooky mystic Rookland stuff” seriously, and struck out on his own. He joined up in 4306, quickly endearing himself to Cathal and Niamh. Cathal chose not to involve Aoedhan when he left, and hasn’t seen him since. 
    • Kyne Gleamscale, brass dragonborn man in his early-20s (died 4302), once part of Cathal’s unit. Determined, matter-of-fact, and inspiring. Kyne was an Orphan from Morden, descended from a Loran dragonborn clan. He was killed on the final day of the Battle of Moss Bridge, torn in half by a pair of Dredgers. 
  • The Other Orphans 
    • Sinead Bron , stout halfing woman in her mid-20s (died 4300), former unit leader. Easygoing, sarcastic, and proud. Sinead was an Orphan from Jadidon, losing her parents at Gutty’s Line. The jokester of the group, she inspired loyalty among her soldiers unlike any of the other unit leaders. She was killed by crossbow fire during the beach landing that began the Glasscoast Campaign. 
    • Zurus Xaneth, triton man in his early-30s, unit leader. Confident, entitled, and well-meaning. Zurus is an Orphan from Glasscoast, the only survivor of Low House Xaneth. Though a bit snotty, Zurus recognizes his ignorance of the world and strives to reclaim his House’s honor in war. He and Cathal butted heads a bit on a personal level, but worked together very well on the battlefield. He took over Sinead’s unit after her death.
    •  Elysande Verna, half-elf woman in her early-20s (died 4298), former unit leader. Cocky, rude, and indecisive. Elysande was an Orphan from Lyndelia, losing her mother during the flight from her hometown. She was full of herself and provoked fights within the group, but got along with Aldren. She and her unit were killed by undead during the Battle of Merke, after she climbed the city walls against orders and got cornered in a guard tower. 


  • Tobias Ginmark,purple tiefling man, Lt. in Gilead Army 2nd Platoon. Friendly, encouraging, and a bit gruff. First meeting Cathal as a sergeant, Ginmark notified him of his father’s passing. Cathal helped Ginmark with his notifications for almost 2 years, during which time Ginmark took on a guardian role and made sure to keep Cathal out of trouble, teaching him a bit about defending himself along the way. After Cathal was picked up by Marlow for Hound’s March in 4296 he parted ways with Ginmark, and they didn’t meet again until 4310. 
  • Ellara the Slayer, Tempus Inquisitor. A woman in armor offered Cathal her condolences after the Battle of Moss Bridge, seeing that he’d lost a comrade. He later learned that she was a member of the Inquisition, which explained why she’d been completely covered in blood at the time. 
  • Timothy Twosparrows, stout halfling man in his mid-50s, caravan leader. Charismatic, caring, and genuine. Timothy hired Cathal as a guard for the weeklong journey from Pinecone Crossway to Kalema.