Prompt: Free samples

4 months, 28 days ago

Prompt response to Succubuns Beasts and Feasts

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Rudy was behaving exceptionally well today. Phillipe patted the frostbitten mamoo on the head. "Well, boy, looks like you deserve some treats." Other than himself, his pet imp is the only other creature he can ever treat well. He rubbed his hands together and looked across the street at Pedigree Imps. The best kind of treats there are for the best imp, Phillipe thought with a sinister grin. Picking up Rudy, he looked left and right, then j-walked across. Rubbing his cheeks with his hands, he warmed them up, then plastered his signature smile on.

The door swung open and Phillipe strode in loud and proud. There were a few other shoppers in Pedigree Imps, all minding their own business until Phillipe walked in. "Helloooooo everybun!" He raised his arms in an excited fashion. All other buns were a little confused, looking at one another. With one drumstick, he began a beat, he walked around and greeted everyone like it were the best holiday of the year. The shop owner, Quince, could be seen assisting another customer in the back of the store; her store was well-known for some of the best imps in town, and usually included hard-to-find ones. She said something inaudible to the customer and walked up front to meet Phillipe.

"Well look at the jolliest bun in town," her hand on her hip. She shook head head slightly with a smile.

"And if it ain't the best imp shop owner in Burrowgatory!" Phillipe still spoke at the top of his lungs like he was announcing something to everyone.

"Alright you nutjob. What brings you here today?" Customers began resuming their shopping, but notably away from Phillipe. Quince was the only one who was willing to stand anywhere near.

Phillipe started to do a drum roll, "I...", he kept going, "am...," more drumming, "just visiting my good friend, Quince." He finished off with a smile and a wink. 

Quince crossed her arms and chuckled. "Well try not to scare my patrons will ya?" she hissed at him.

Phillipe put his drumsticks away and did a bow. He began whispering, "As per your wishes."

Rolling her eyes, she promptly went back to her customer. Phillipe looked at Rudy, who was expressionless as always, and nodded. Alright, time to scope out the goods. He had a good chunk of carats in his pockets; the whole pet shop would be their oyster if he wanted, but that was not Phillipe's style. He eyed each of the items on display, shaking his head at some and smiling to pick up others for a closer inspection. He moved onto the treat section and that was when he noticed the free samples on the counter. Looked like Quince was testing out one of her new recipes. Without a second thought, Phillipe picked up a treat and offered it to Rudy. The mamoo sniffed it, then quickly gobbled it up.

"Looks like we have a winner," he said quietly while petting him. Phillipe looked at the treats on sale, he could see that the new recipe was on display, but in usual Pedigree Pet fashion, the price was exorbitant. He whistled. Time for the Phillipe touch.

His drum began going, which made Quince frown and look up from her work. She apologized to her customer and walked up to the front of the store again. "Phillipe!"

He kept drumming, the biggest grin on his face. Quince really did not look happy. "Quince-y! Don't frown!" As she was about to yell, the door to her shop opened and some customers came strolling through, presumably attracted by the drumming. Phillipe was hitting his instrument so hard, it could be heard just outside the store, attracting nearby buns. He twirled his drumsticks and did a song too before stopping and bowing. Buns clapped and murmurs of joy could be heard. 

Quince pushed through the crowd and walked straight up to Phillipe, "What are you doing?" she quietly scolded.

"Just helping you out," he nodded at all the new buns in store. It was packed like a hundred chirops stuck in a cage. 

She could not deny that it did bring in more customers. She sighed, then noticed Rudy. Quince reached into her pocket to retrieve a little treat, the same one as the free sample, and gave it to Phillipe's mamoo, who was resting over his shoulder like a doll. "Here ya go, little guy," she smiled gently and then she turned back to Phillipe, "Alright, but enough with the drumming okay?"

"You got it, boss!" he did a salute. For the second time, she left him alone. 

Buns were checking out the imps and supplies on display. Quince had to go to the cash register and start cashing out customers because a line began to form. She had to really excuse herself as she pushed and shoved through customers. Apologizing to the first customer in line, she began scanning their items. Once the transaction was completed, she reached for one of her free samples on the counter to give to them. But as she did so, she noticed the whole platter was gone. "What...," she looked around the store, but it was too busy for her to see every nook and cranny. "Where did my samples go?"


Phillipe hummed as he sat on a bench in the park with Rudy. He stared at his candy coloured drumsticks and smiled down at Rudy, "Ah, we have a gift you know?" Rudy made a noise acknowledging Phillipe and kept chomping on the few free sample treats Phillipe had placed down for him. "Not all at once buddy! We got to save some for later," he patted his little head.