Wonka AU Dump

4 months, 10 days ago
3 months, 28 days ago
4 3156

Chapter 1
Published 4 months, 10 days ago

This is just where I'm dumping all weird Willy Wonka AU theories in no particular order or organization

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The First Dump

Willy Wonka isn't a person. It's a *title*.

It is Wonkas factory after all. It'll never be Charlies factory. He'll own it, sure. But its Wonkas.

After he inherits the factory, Charlie is raised and trained in all the Wonka ways. When he turns old enough to officially start running the factory, Charlie changes his name. He's the new Willy Wonka.

The biggest secret of the Wonka factory is the Forget Me Fudge. It's a limited time item, released every 50 years or so, when a new Wonka takes over. It's such a sensation that the whole world tries it, and the whole world forgets how long Wonka has really been around. The new Wonka is the same Wonka as ever.

There are conspiracy theorists around who never try the Forget Me Fudge, and they know the truth. But no one believes them. It's silly, its impossible. The children of those theorists are the first to be targetted.

Charlies Grandpa Joe was a theorist. So were all the other parents of the children in this tour round, except for Mr and Mrs Gloop. There always has to be a first domino to fall, and their Augustus was a perfect fit.

That being said, the golden tickets weren't random at all of course. They always find their way to the right children. Part of the Wonka magic. The ticket maker magic actually, but that's a different story.

Why does Charlies whole family have to come to the factory too? Well they can't very well tell the whole world a new person has inherited the factory. The Forget Me Fudge can only be made when the new Wonka is old enough. So the childs family comes to live at the factory. It's so pleasant that they never leave. They're prisoners and they don't even know it.

When its time for a Wonka to retire, they usually stick around the factory, acting as an advisor for the new Wonka. Sometimes they'll take on their old name and leave, but they always find their way back eventually. Most Wonkas live and die by the factory.

Clearly Burton Wonka and Gene Wilder Wonka are just two Wonkas in the epic Wonka Line

I think Wonka at his core does love humanity, or else he wouldn't distribute candy to the world. Its his favorite thing, and he shares it with everyone. He just... hates certain types.