The Groovy Infiestation. A Villainous Pseudoscript

3 months, 27 days ago

Mild Violence

A fluttery old friend contacts Dr. Flug personally for help with a hero infestation at her native forest. . . . This is a pseudoscript for the show Villainous. If I was given the choice to submit my OC to the Villainous universe and write her debut episode, this would be it. I followed the format of other animated TV show scripts to write and format this one.

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Author's Notes

Special thank you to LadyXenochen who not only provided the cover image but for also helping me write this.




“The Groovy Infiestation” 




Written by

Genny Denny

Lady Xenochen





The Groovy Infiestation


Genny Denny & Lady Xenochen

Pretitle Card Scene 

Fade in:

EXT. Harris Forest - Night - Establishing shot

There are colorful lights poking out of the trees with a muffled song playing. Zooms into…


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Continuous

Music is louder and viewers can clearly hear the lyrics to a popular song. Black outlines of party goers having the time of their lives. Jumping, dancing and cheering. Pan over to…


EXT. Fairy Village - Continuous

ADMIN along with other fairies are shown with their hands outstretched in front of them, holding up a semi circle bubble like shield around the village. Music is still loud. A pair of humans come into shot and a fairy near the very top of the shield gets very nervous.



(To Human 2) I'm telling you, I think I saw one right here!



(To Human 1) We're going to miss my favorite song, let's just turn back around.


The fairies turn their protective bubble from pink to invisible except one, the nervous fairy near the top. The fairies look up at her and try to whisper to her to grab her attention.



(In a hushed whisper) Fatima, they're going to see you! Go invisible.



(In a semi quiet calming tone) Fatima just breath. Remember what Elder River said. Calming the heart and mind leads to clear thinking. Clear thinking leads to controlled panic.


FATIMA floats in place, visibly shaking and breathing heavily as the duo of humans approached. Tears fill her eyes as her shield dropped. Eyes wide like a deer in headlights as HUMAN 1 spots her. HUMAN 1 snatches her and holds her like a bottle of beer, eagerly showing their friend.



(Excited) Haha! See?! I told you I saw one here!



(Amazed, looking closely at the fairy in HUMAN 1’s hand) Wooaahhhh. I thought you were just being dumb and mistaking a firefly for a fairy again.



Nope! But isn't this dope?!


Close-up - HUMAN 1 - Continuous

HUMAN 1 brings the fairy close to their face, a big smile on their face. FATIMA has been staying still as a rock, frozen in fear. HUMAN 1 roughly pets the top of FATIMA's head.


EXT. Fairy Village - Focus on the two humans - Continuous


(To HUMAN 2) It's cute, I think I'm going to keep it as a pet or maybe as a decor.


HUMAN 1 moves their hand that is holding FATIMA to HUMAN 2’s face. Shaking FATIMA slightly to get HUMAN 2’s attention.



What do you think? Pet or decor?


HUMAN 2 scoffs and moves HUMAN 1’s hand away from their face, making their way back to the party. HUMAN 1 stopped shaking FATIMA as HUMAN 2 pushes away his hand.



I don't know man! I just want to go back before they start playing the Cha Cha Slide without me.



(Offended) You're no fun, you know that? You're just jealous because I have a cool new item and yyouu don't.


The pair of humans walk off screen with FATIMA. The camera pans over to the village dropping their invisibility shield.


EXT. Fairy Village - Close up - Continuous

The fairies bunch up and talk over each other in a panic. It's an incoherent mess but a few clear sentences that could be hear from some fairies were, “They took Fatima!", “Our population is dwindling", “We'll never survive by next year, this is it", and “What are we going to do?!".


Close-up - ADMIN - Continuous

ADMIN slowly floats to the ground as the rest of the fairies continue to babble. She looks up at them with a frown as she touches the ground, wings lowering to a deflated look. She takes a few steps back from her panicked townsfolk and pulls out a white card from her pocket. Her hand shook lightly as the camera revealed it to be a BHO card. She flipped the card over to show the phone number, “666-6666”. Bring the card close to her face to read the number.



(Mumbling) I can't believe I'm doing this…  


Eyeing the card in her hand, she takes a deep breath before pulling a grass blade off the floor. ADMIN sprinkles her golden fairy dust on the grass blade and bends it into the shape of the handset of a Touch Tone Telephone.


Close-up -  ADMIN’s face nose to chin - Continuous

ADMIN is still frowning as the blade of grass presses against her cheek and ear. The blade of grass is silent until the sound of someone picking up on the other line came out. A familiar voice comes out of the blade of grass.



(Sleepy tone, yawning occasionally) Black Hat Organization. This is Dr. Flug speaking, what can I help you with?


A visible blush appears on her face and her breath hitched as she hears the voice on the other line.



(Quiet, almost in a whisper) Doc… I need your help…


Screen goes completely black


(Pleading almost crying tone) Please…


Title card

The title of the show, “VILLAINOUS" appears on screen with a forestry background. Glowing eyes and fireflies could be seen before the title starts glitching, flashing images of FLUG and ADMIN in High School. The images depicts ADMIN pulling FLUG out of a locker, them walking down the hallway talking to each other while looking happy, and the last one has ADMIN clutching a note standing in front of a locker while FLUG is around the corner getting shoved into a locker by some unseen bully.


After title screen

EXT. BLACK  HAT Island - Outside lab window - 8 hours later

A glowing dot flies inside the gates of Black Hat Manor and floats to the laboratory window.


INT. DR. FLUG’s Laboratory - Continuous

DR. FLUG is sitting at his desk focusing on filing a stack full of paperwork while 5.0.5 is laying on the floor, drawing. The window is on the left side of the screen while DR. FLUG’s desk is on the right. His back is facing the wall. ADMIN is a small glowing humanoid with wings outline outside the window. She knocks on the window, bobbing up and down. DR. FLUG can barely hear the knock.



Not now 5.0.5, papa has hundreds of deadlines!


5.0.5 looks over at DR. FLUG who didn't bother taking his eyes off his paperwork.



(Tilting head, confused tone) Bao?


5.0.5 looks back down to his paper, resuming his coloring.


INT. DR. FLUG’s Laboratory - 5 minutes later

ADMIN flies back and starts banging herself against the window, making a more audible THUNK THUNK. DR. FLUG jumps at the louder thunk and looks over where the sound is coming from, noticing ADMIN throwing herself to the window.



(Surprised) Oh!


DR. FLUG gets up and clumsily opens the window for ADMIN. She flies inside the room through the window and grows to human size right next to DR. FLUG, her wings idly flapping occasionally despite being on the ground.



Sorry Admin, but I - I’m a little bit busy at the moment


DR. FLUG closes the window and looks over at his desk full of paperwork, ADMIN follows his gaze then looks back at him.



Oh! I guess I never specified what time I was coming over, sorry about that. Anywho…


Her voice trails off for a second before suddenly wrapping her arms around DR. FLUG in a hug. DR. FLUG relaxes slightly in her arms. The hug was tight but not bone crushing, it was affectionate. She releases him from the hug, putting both of her hands on opposite sides of his upper arms. She keeps him at a respectful distance from her, with her arms outstretched but still holding his upper arm. A sweet smile decorates her face before she  pronounces his last name correctly.



It’s marvelous to see you again, Dr. Flugslys. I’m so glad you were able to take my call, you sounded drowsy.


5.0.5 turns his head to look over at the two of them but he stays quiet. ADMIN drops her arms back to her sides as DR. FLUG walks back behind his desk.



Yeah I’ve been up since…


DR. FLUG’s voice trails off as he lifts up one of the piles of paper on the left side of his desk. He looks at the last piece of paper on the lowest part of the stack before putting the stack back down and continuing his sentence.



2 am with these BHO incident reports.


ADMIN gives him a sympathetic look. 5.0.5 grabs one of his plush toys, hugging it. His flower lowered a bit to signal that he is sad for his dad.



(Concerned) Wow that’s… quite early, you must be exhausted. 


ADMIN follows him to his desk, standing on opposite sides of the desk like an interview. With DR. FLUG in full view and ADMIN’s backside.

 The viewers can see 5.0.5 listening closely while laying on his stomach squeezing the plush toy.


INT. DR. FLUG's Laboratory - Desk - Side profile - Continuous

DR. FLUG immediately continues talking after she finishes, sitting upright in his chair but his chair is facing towards the camera so DR. FLUG is 3/4ths profile towards the camera while Admin is full side profile.



(Exhausted and frustrated) It's like Villains these days don't know how to use a shield, we sell them EVERYTHING to keep them alive and they STILL drop like flies!


He sighs and sinks into his chair. His back is on the seat of the chair, head on the back rest, and arms dangling off the sides of the chair. His long scrawny legs barely keep his body from slipping out of the chair. Overall a terrible position to sit in a chair. It looked like he is one slip away from sliding on the floor. He glares forward as he radiates frustration. ADMIN looks down at him with a worried look on her face. DR. FLUG looks up at ADMIN, his eyes lightening as they make eye contact. He got back up and sat on the chair correctly, swiveling it to face ADMIN, making him go into the side profile. He scoots the chair closer to the desk.



But enough about me, let's get to work on your situation. You said a fairy was kidnapped from your village?


ADMIN’S wings lowers and she looks down to the floor. DR. FLUG opens a notepad and clicks his pen, ready to take some notes.



(Sad) Oh yes… several no (shakes her head)…. A few months ago two hero influencers found the clearing in my forest and started using it for throwing the loudest and brightest parties. At first we would just use eye masks and ear plugs but then… some of their partygoers…. Found us.


DR. FLUG writes down what she says. ADMIN fiddles with her jacket sleeve that is wrapped around her waist as she speaks.



(Shaky voice) T - they’ve started kidnapping us. We…. we’re not sure what they do with us but no matter how hard we look, we can never find any of our missing fae folk. I know we shouldn't give up but.... every time we try to go look for them, we end up just losing more fairies. 


ADMIN keeps her eyes to the ground, clearly troubled by what she is telling him. DR. FLUG finishes writing his notes and clicks the pen close.



Two hero influencers, you say? We can work with that!


ADMIN looks back up at DR. FLUG, a little hopeful but still sad.



It's okay if you don’t manage to capture the two heroes. My only request is to keep the humans away from my village at all costs. We usually make a shield bubble to keep our town protected but… since the village is quite sizable in fairy units, we require practically half of the fairy population to cover every centimeter of the place.


ADMIN took a few steps back and outstretched her arms, a pink transparent bubble surrounding her body. DR. FLUG looks at her in slight surprise at how she managed to summon her bubble in seconds.



The problem is that we need to be healthy AND happy to make our magic.


Her voice and hands get shaky as she starts getting overwhelmed with sadness.



I - If one of us gets scared, sad or whatever-


Her bubble pops and she lowers her arms to her sides.


INT. DR. FLUG's Laboratory - Desk - Front profile - Continuous


I see! Well-


DR. FLUG pauses mid sentence, his eyes going wide for a second as he realizes of something.



Wait a minute I…


DR. FLUG lets out a small whimper of fear out, looking around the room before whispering to ADMIN.



Might not be able to report this to my boss.


DR. FLUG gives ADMIN a look of worry. ADMIN shivers at the thought of BLACK HAT. He is the last person she’d want to see.



It's fine if you don’t report it to Black Hat. If anything, I’d prefer it if you didn’t but… I really need your help Flug, my species is dying!


INT. DR. FLUG's Laboratory - Desk - Side profile - Continuous

ADMIN reaches out and grabs DR. FLUG’S hands, pulling them close to her as she pleads with him. She leans over the desk while looking into his eyes. She squeezes his hands slightly, trying to hold in her tears.



(On the verge of tears) There’s only 100 of us left in my village. We haven't heard from our fellow colonies in Tampico, Monterrey, or Michoacán! I'm afraid that we might be alone. Please Flug… I’m begging you.


5.0.5 hears her tearful voice and immediately gets up. DR. FLUG tries to keep a stern and authoritarian face but seeing his old high school friend about to cry in front of him tore his heart to shreds.



(Sympathetic whisper) Okay. Just for you, I’ll do this mission under the table.


ADMIN smiles tearfully at him before letting go of his hands, taking a step back. 5.0.5 is seen approaching in the distance. Her wings slowly lift back up as she speaks.



Thank you so much Flug! You have no idea how thrilled I am to have you help me.  I - I’ll do anything you want in return. M - Maybe a jar full of fairy dust or I could give you health coverage for a month like I did in high school?


ADMIN smiles as she brought up high school. 5.0.5 is right behind her.


        ADMIN (CONT’D)

Do you remember-


(Concerned, checking if she is okay) Bao?


ADMIN lets out a small bell jingle as she looks behind her, barely noticing 5.0.5. Her wings perk up all the way as she lets out an excited gasp.



(High pitched baby tone. The type you’d use on a cute dog or baby) Oh my goodess! Hi baby. Who are yoouuu?


DR. FLUG smiles with his eyes, seeing ADMIN’s joy and excitement over 5.0.5. ADMIN is looking over at DR. FLUG waiting for his answer.



Admin, meet 505, the Black Hat Organization's greatest creation! He's immortal, he's invincible and he's the cuddliest little fluffy in the world!


ADMIN turns to face at 5.0.5 and floats up to meet him face to face. Her wings flutter as she pets him on the top of his head. As she pet him, he lets out happy bear sounds while his tail wagged.



What a cutie you’ve got here Flug. Did you make him? How old is this lil cub?


DR. FLUG pulls out his wallet and opens it, showing off the pictures he had of 5.0.5 as a cub. ADMIN turns around to face DR. FLUG, laying on her stomach in mid air as she looks at the pictures closely. Her face cupped in her own hands as her legs sways slightly up in the air, as if she was laying on a bed like a teenage girl.



(Happy, proud) I made 5.0.5 myself in my own lab! He was made two years ago but he’s 5 in bear years.


ADMIN smiles at his enthusiasm as 5.0.5 waddles away, moving to the side of the desk where DR. FLUG is.



So about that payment…  What would you like? I'd do anything to protect my village.


ADMIN shifts her position, standing back up straight and floating back down to the ground. When she stopped floating, her wings stops flapping. They would only idly flap occasionally.



Well let's see…


DR. FLUG pulls out a calculator and starts to add up numbers. 5.0.5 pulls out a calculator as well but is simply mirroring what DR. FLUG is doing.



for the cost of protecting your village with our services with no membership discounts and a priority fee, it comes to-


DR. FLUG suddenly stops talking as he scrunches up and grips his chest, like he's having a heart attack. ADMIN gasps and steps back in horror as DR. FLUG folds in on himself. 5.0.5 let out a loud concerned noise.



(Shocked and scared) Doc?! Is it really that bad?


DR. FLUG’s whole body starts to contort and turn inside out before suddenly disappearing from the room.





ADMIN didn't have much time to process what was going on before she started turning transparent. 5.0.5 let out a startled noise while pointing at ADMIN. She looked at herself and realized she could see through her hand.



Wait a minute-


Her eyes went wide as she slowly disappears, letting out a cut out scream. 5.0.5 screams and reaches out to her but she was already gone.


INT. BLACK HAT’s Office - Continuous

ADMIN and DR. FLUG appears in BLACK HAT’S office. When ADMIN arrives, DR. FLUG was already on the floor on his knees with his body outstretched in front. ADMIN is forced by an invisible force to lay completely flat on the floor. Her wings are metaphorically glued down to her sides. BLACK HAT’s shadow looms over them, DR. FLUG is shaking while ADMIN tries to lift up her head to see BLACK HAT but she couldn’t. BLACK HAT is standing next to the viewer's right side of his desk while the two are on the rug a few inches from the desk.



Well well well this is interesting. My right hand parasite meeting in secret with a  (grimaces, spitting the last word out like its poison) FAIRY


DR. FLUG let out a small whimper. ADMIN starts shaking as well.



(Terrified) M-My dear boss, I-I can explain!


DR. FLUG let out a small squeak. ADMIN takes a deep breath steadying her breathing to focus. Her eyes look up as much as she could but it wasn't enough to meet BLACK HAT’s eyes. Her shaking stops as she takes another deep breath, she tries to ground herself.



(Clearly scared but trying to sound brave) I apologize for my sudden presence at your manor, your vileness. I was given a business card by Flug a few months ago and well… (Her voice sped up) I have a hero problem and I was asking Flug if he thinks you’d help me even though I’m a fairy!


BLACK HAT grins at her response, a sinister look appears on his face.



Ah, a hero problem? Why didn't you just say so?


BLACK HAT flicks his hand upwards, springing ADMIN to a standing position right in front of his desk. DR. FLUG is released too, he stands up and rubs his joints.



Of course, there will be some additional fees for making us defend your virtuous species, but it's a small price for salvation.


He conjures a flaming contract and a pen from thin air and presents them in front of ADMIN, placing the contract on the desk. The writing is far too small and way too cursive for her eyes to make out except for the very bottom stating where she needs to sign. ADMIN looks at the paper suspiciously. She shrunk to her fairy size and floats above the paper.


CLOSE UP - Contract - Continuous

The camera zooms onto the paper she’s floating on but sure enough, it was incoherent cursive writing.


INT. BLACK HAT’s Office - Continuous

The camera zooms back out as she turns back to regular size, this time facing her. She brushes her finger against the paper. Looking at her finger, her and the viewer could see black dust on it.



(Mutters) Essence binding…


She wiped the black dust between her fingers, causing it to disappear. ADMIN looks over at BLACK HAT who simply stood there, staring at her. Knowing she is desperate. ADMIN gulps and takes the pen into her hand.



(Unsure tone) This contract will ensure that my hero problem will be solved? Protecting my species against those beasts?



Against the heroes giving you problems, satisfaction is guaranteed. That is...if you're willing to comply. Then we have a deal.



(Hesitant) Alright…


ADMIN signs her name on the paper. The second she pulls her hand away BLACK HAT’s smile grew disturbingly wide and the contract rolls up, disappearing into smoke.





BLACK HAT looks over at DR. FLUG. DR. FLUG looks back at him nervously.





DR. FLUG flinches at his yell and approaches his desk, walking slowly to ensure he doesn’t trip. He stands by ADMIN, nervously fiddling with his own hands.



(Nervous) Y - Yes your vileness?



Once your little quest is over, you'll be responsible for handling the jar of fairy dust that our client owes us. Just keep the lid sealed tight around me.


The corners of his mouth draw disturbingly wide, revealing even more sharp teeth. His visible eye drifts backwards into his socket, leaving only the whites. His wrinkles somehow appear far deeper than usual.



Or else…


DR. FLUG let out a small terrified scream, nodding his head rapidly.



U - Understood!


DR. FLUG leans into ADMIN. ADMIN’s wings fluttering slightly as he got close. She looks back at him.



(Whispering to ADMIN) Fairy dust brings in some of the highest prices on the Black Hat market, but he can't even touch the stuff.


ADMIN nods and looks over at BLACK HAT.



I’ll make sure to get you that jar of fairy dust as soon as possible. We should get on that right away so…


ADMIN awkwardly backs out of the office, exiting out of the room. When she left, DR. FLUG looks between BLACK HAT and the door.



S - Should I…



(Loud, aggressive tone) GO!


DR. FLUG lets out a squeal and runs out of the room, stumbling a bit on the way.


INT. BLACK HAT Hallway outside of Black Hat’s Office - Continuous

ADMIN is casually standing by the outside of the door, waiting for DR. FLUG to exit. When DR. FLUG opened the door, he nearly ran into ADMIN. Thankfully, he managed to stop right before knocking into her. His arms flap around wildly before sticking out straight to balance himself. ADMIN let out a small bell jingle, taking a step back from him with her wings fluttering more.



(Happy, smiley) Oh hi!


DR. FLUG stands up straight, giving her an awkward hand wave. ADMIN giggles in response.



L - let’s get going before he turns us into rugs.


DR. FLUG gestures for her to follow him. ADMIN clasps her hands in front of her as she follows him.



I'm not sure if I've told you about fairy dust before but…


ADMIN smiles at DR. FLUG, her eyes lighting up with happiness. It was very clear that she thought highly of him.



 You seem smart enough to have studied it at least once!


DR. FLUG looks over at her, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as they make their way down the long hallway.



(awkward, nervous) Oh, um… to tell you the truth I, um, haven't spent much time studying it…


DR. FLUG breaks eye contact with ADMIN. ADMIN frowns, her wings stay stiff up as they had stopped flapping due to his comment.



Oh you haven't?



I - I'm more of a hard science kind of guy.


ADMIN glares at him briefly, taking clear offense to his statement.



(muttering angrily) Hard science…


DR. FLUG gives her a sheepish shrug, causing her to sigh and drop her shoulders. She stays silent for around a minute as her eyes look around on the floor, trying to think of how to explain it.



There's nothing much to it. It's…  


She stops in place right under a vent and hums softly. She looks up at him, making eye contact.



It's a golden glittery looking dust that does almost anything

you want. You need to focus and know exactly what you want in order to get perfect results. You can sprinkle this on anyone or anything and whatever you want to happen will happen.


She demonstrates by holding her hands out. Her right hand was palm down and her left hand palm up right under the right hand. Some fairy dust sprinkles out from her right hand into her left, disappearing the second the glitter touches her left hand. DR. FLUG touches the space between her hands where the dust was falling from, looking at it on his gloved finger. ADMIN closes her hands together.



What if you're not focusing or thinking at all and it gets on something?



Then it's just glorified glitter.


DR. FLUG looks at his glittery finger then back at ADMIN.



I don't usually ask this but…  can you…  eat it?



Eh… I mean… Yeah you can technically eat it but…  it's not tasty. It tastes like nothing


DR. FLUG makes a small sound of surprise, rubbing the fairy dust from his finger onto his lab coat.



Can you make as much of it as you want? If so, this should be easier than Black Hat’s other fees


ADMIN nervously smiles at him and shakes her head.



Nnooo… We only produce fairy dust when we're happy and healthy. The happier we are, the more dust we produce in our body. Our moods and mindset affect how much dust we make. When we're neutral, we get a normal amount. Scared, we get enough to just run away or make a weak shield. If we're depressed or really sad, we can't make any at all.


ADMIN looks away down at her hands as she rubs her hands. She frowns and her wings lower.



(Sad) As you could imagine… I'm not exactly thrilled about my home being in danger, my friends getting kidnapped, and having to stay up all night to contribute to the bubble.


CLOSE UP - Vent on ceiling of the hallway - Continuous

While ADMIN is talking, DEMENCIA’s head pops out of the vent above them. The camera showed DEMENCIA mischievously looking down at them, not saying a word.


INT. BLACK HAT Hallway - Under the vent - Continuous

The camera returns to ADMIN and DR. FLUG. DR. FLUG looks at ADMIN with a sympathetic look.



Oh! Well… Your mood is sure to lighten up when your village is saved when we destroy those pesky heroes.


DR. FLUG happily pats her on the back.



And uh…  if that doesn't work well…  5.0.5 is quite huggable


ADMIN let out a quiet bell jingle sound as she makes eye contact with DR. FLUG with his hand on her back. Her cheeks tinted a barely visible red as she quickly broke eye contact with him, looking to the side.



(Nervous) W - we should get going


ADMIN takes a step forward, getting DR. FLUG’s hand off her back. DR. FLUG nods and resumes walking with her. DEMENCIA follows behind them, crawling on the ceiling. She grabs the edge of another vent and dangles off it. It looks like she was about to hop off of the ceiling until something ADMIN said caught her attention.



So Black Hat can't touch fairy dust? Is he allergic or something?


DEMENCIA stops and places herself back onto the ceiling, pressing against the ceiling wall.



Oh yes, very! That's why he was so suspicious of us


DEMENCIA squints her eyes at ADMIN while DR. FLUG talk.



Black Hat is immune to many things, even death itself, yet…  fairy magic seems to be the only thing that can hurt him.



Wow… that explains a lot…


DR. FLUG looks around but doesn’t notice DEMENCIA on the ceiling since he only looked side to side. He leans into ADMIN and whispers.



You know that monacle over his eye?



(Nodding) Yeah, what about it?



(Whispering) Nobody knows the truth, but there's a rumor in the organization that Black Hat started wearing that monacle because an ancient fairy hero took a mouthful of dust and spat into his eye. He hasn't seen anything out of it and he hasn't gone near the fairy villages ever since.


ADMIN and DEMENCIA gasp at the same time.



Wow…  I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to be around anything that hurts me either. Which is why I HATE humans so much. They're selfish, nasty, loud, messy, and full of apathy. 


ADMIN looks over at DR. FLUG, realizing that she forgot that he was a human too.



(Embarrassed) N - Not you though! You're okay. You're cool. You're not like other humans.


ADMIN nervously smiles at him, shaking her hands at him.



(Sympathetic) It's okay, I'm not fond of humans either! That's why I live and work in this mansion without them.


ADMIN let out a sigh of relief, smiling at DR. FLUG.



I guess that'd be a perk working and living here. No humans except yourself and you get your cute blue bear for company so you don't get lonely.


ADMIN realizes they've just been standing in the middle of the hallway for a while.



(Nervous) So uh…  What now? Do I go home and wait for you to fix my hero problem?


DEMENCIA smiles above them upon hearing that she would get to beat up some heroes today.



Nope, you're coming with me to the Hat Ship!


ADMIN gives DR. FLUG a surprised look. DR. FLUG notices immediately and gets embarrassed and flustered her eyes.



(Nervous) I - I don't normally take clients with me unless they're trained villains, but… (gulp) I - I need directions.



Oh! I suppose that makes sense.


DR. FLUG continues to walk with ADMIN making their way to a bookshelf. DEMENCIA crawls right back into a vent, on her way to the Hat Ship first. ADMIN starts talking when they reach the bookshelf.



I guess I never got to show you my native forest You were…


ADMIN looks down and fiddles her hands.



Always so…  busy with your studies. I only got to see you during passing period and when you were-


She lets out a giggle, holding her hand over her mouth as she laughs.



When I would pull you out of weird places like my locker.


DR. FLUG smiles at ADMIN with her eyes.



Well, here's our chance to catch up!


ADMIN hesitantly smiles at him, nodding her head to his statement.



To be honest Flug, I haven't done anything after high school.


She hums softly, trying to think if she did anything after high school.



Well no that's not entirely true... I DID get my species banned from obtaining jobs in the medical industry.


DR. FLUG is reaching his hand out to pull the trigger of the bookshelf when what ADMIN said confused him. He looks over at her with a confused look.



(Confused yet curious) Huh? Wait- How did you do that?


ADMIN seems annoyed as she recalls her memories, crossing her arms.



I tried to work at a volunteer clinic but the government found out that I was healing all the clients for free. They weren't able to profit off my free healing so the government got mad at my species. (Rolling eyes) They told us that we aren't allowed to heal humans ever again. Which is stupid!


ADMIN throws her hands in the air to gesture how strongly she felt about this. DR. FLUG maintains eye contact while pulling the trigger, revealing the entrance to a secret entrance.



Who cares about if it isn't profitable to heal for free, you're saving lives! Isn't that the point of the medical and health field? To cure and save people. Why must profit be more important than results? I swear, I will never understand humans... 



Free healing you say?


DR. FLUG holds out his arms gesturing for her to get into the elevator first. She enters the elevator while nodding.



If only we had that. I'd never have to fill out an incident report again!


He follows her inside the elevator, pressing a button. As the doors closed, ADMIN could be seen looking up at DR. FLUG. Her wings idly flapping as she has a love struck look on her face while DR. FLUG was just staring forward. The camera goes black when the elevator doors close.


Commercial break


Fade in:

EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - One hour later

The forest seems empty of life, litter strewn apart here and there. As the invisible Hat Ship descends, leaf and trash from under is blown out of the way. The aircraft drops its invisible cloak as it gets closer to the ground, safely landing. The village of fairies are  peeking their tiny heads out from the brush and loose leaves, looking at the mysterious aircraft. The door of the aircraft opens, showing ADMIN and DR.FLUG walking out of the aircraft side by side taking up the whole walkway of the entrance. They are in the middle of a conversation.



But you're accompanied by me so you're fine. They're sure to love-


As soon as 5.0.5 steps out of the aircraft right behind ADMIN and DR. FLUG, he gets swarmed by all the fairies in the forest. 5.0.5 screams but only for half a second when he realizes the fairies aren't hurting him but in fact hugging him. A chorus of overlapping bell jingles can be heard as the forest fairies cuddle the lovely blue bear. DR. FLUG and ADMIN step onto the grass, looking back at 5.0.5 who is covered in glowing golden lights similar to a firefly. ADMIN smiles as she watches 5.0.5 carefully step off the aircraft walkway, his tail wagging.



I told you they'd like him!


ADMIN and DR. FLUG quietly laughs as they watch the fairies jingle and crawl around the happy 5.0.5 for a few seconds. DR. FLUG jumps slightly as he realizes something , looking over at ADMIN.



Wait- where are those bell sounds coming from?


ADMIN looks back at DR. FLUG nervously.



Well um…


Before she could answer, one of the glowing dots flies off 5.0.5 and floats in front of ADMIN and DR. FLUG. A golden flash occurs as JAX appears in front of the both of them in his human size, keeping them from looking at 5.0.5 who was behind them. JAX was closer to ADMIN than he was to DR. FLUG. JAX has a bright enthusiastic smile on his face. He is standing on the floor like them.



(Happily) From us! We make a bell jingle sound when we’re excited or surprised.


ADMIN closes her mouth as JAX answers for her. JAX notices this right away, his smile immediately dropping.



(Concerned) Oh! My apologies, dear. Did I interrupt you?


JAX places his hand on ADMIN’s shoulder, looking at her with slight concern. ADMIN smiles at him.



Yes but that's alright.


ADMIN and JAX smile at each other. DR. FLUG looks back and forth between the two awkwardly.



Who’s this?


ADMIN looks over at DR. FLUG.



Oh, this is Jax. He’s one of our engineers here.



Pleasure to meet you!


JAX grabs DR. FLUG’s hands, shaking both of his hands. DR. FLUG leans back as he shakes JAX’s hands back with wide eyes. DR. FLUG seems a bit surprised by the hospitality of this stranger.



You’re an engineer? So am I!


JAX let go of DR. FLUG’s hands, happily smiling at him. As they talk, 5.0.5’s body suddenly flashes a golden light. Some golden glitter surrounds his body as he starts floating off the ground. He was slowly rotating as he was taken off the ground. His smile was gone but his tail was still wagging.



(Cheery) That’s right! I’ve made dozens of the houses and structures in the village. I also construct whatever anyone asks me to make.



(Fascinated) Interesting… so I assume you make these structures with the wildlife around you?


5.0.5 starts floating away towards the forest ever so slowly. 5.0.5 doesn’t seem to notice that he’s being taken away yet.



Of course, what else would I use? Human construction materials are harsh on the environment and can’t give back what it takes. Anyways, not to be rude but, what are you doing here? Humans usually come here during sunset.



Oh yes! I’m here to take care of your human infestation.



Neat! Well good luck with that, they’re quite an annoying pest.


5.0.5 let out a panicked scream, flailing around as the fairies brought him towards the forest rapidly. ADMIN, DR. FLUG, and JAX jump at his scream and dart their heads in unison to the direction of the sound. Just in time to see 5.0.5 reach out to them, screaming before he disappears into the thick forest. DR. FLUG stood there stunned, staring off to the forest. ADMIN and JAX let out a small giggle.



(Trying to stop giggling) Well there he goes…



(Voice crack) I - Is he going to be okay?!



He’ll be finneee. They’re probably taking him to socialize with other bears his age.


JAX nods in agreement, starting to float off the ground.



Well it was a pleasure meeting you! I’m heading off to join everyone else. You two have fun.


He looks over at ADMIN with a smug look on his face, placing his hands on his hips in a sassy manner.



(In fae) You love this human, don’t you Admin?


ADMIN’s face immediately went red and rapidly flaps her hands at JAX, shooing him away.



(Flustered) Shoo! Get outta here!!


JAX let out a laugh before turning back into his natural form, flying rapidly back into the forest. DR. FLUG looked over at ADMIN’s clearly red face in surprise.



What did he say to you?


ADMIN takes in a deep breath, trying to die down her blush. Her eyes are fixated on the ground.



Don’t worry about it um… So where do we begin?


CLOSE UP Two person frame, DR.FLUG and ADMIN - Continuous

DR. FLUG gets a wicked gleam in his goggles.



We go find us some humans.


ADMIN’s blush dies off, her eyes looking up at him.



They come during sunset so we won’t see them for a while.


She eyes his clothes and looks back at him.



Do you mind holding me? I’m getting tired from being big for so long.





He rummages through his pocket as he speaks.



If they come out at night, then I have a plan.


He pulls out a shrink ray gun, causing ADMIN to hesitantly step back with a nervous look on her face. DR. FLUG looks at his shrink ray then back at ADMIN. He presses the shrink ray against his head.



Don’t worry. It’s just a shrink ray. Since I haven’t plotted it out much, I’ll tell you what I have so far. We’re going to lay low until the heroes get here and then when the heroes come, I’ll….


DR. FLUG pauses, ADMIN steps back to her original distance she had with him.



Do my job.



Oh alright. There is no possible way you'd miss the arrival of the humans. They’re quite loud. In the meantime, I could show you my house. I'm sure you'd love my home. It's cozy! 


ADMIN shrinks to her natural size, flying up the DR. FLUG’S goggles. She bobs in the air as she floats in front of him.



I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. I’ve never been to a fairy village before.


Before ADMIN could respond, DR. FLUG pulls the trigger. Him along with the gun was immediately shrunk into the size of a fairy. However, instead of being small on the floor, he was in mid air with his shrink ray. He lets out a scream as he rapidly falls towards the ground the second he turns small, dropping his shrink ray. ADMIN let out a gasp and rushed down to catch him. She managed to catch him with his hands. He grunted as she grabbed his hands, leaving him dangling in mid air.



Got you! Oh goodness… uhhh.


ADMIN pulls DR. FLUG up a bit and presses her forehead against the top of his paper bag. DR. FLUG’s body flashes a golden light for a second. A golden glittery aura surrounds his body as he starts floating.



There we go! Are you alright Flug? Is your arm dislocated? Any external or internal injuries?



(Stunned) Y - yeah I’m okay.


DR. FLUG looks down, squealing as he realized how high they were.



(Scared) Are we floating?!



(Playful and sarcastic) Well duh, we’re not exactly touching the ground.


She giggles and pulls him up to have him float at her level. ADMIN let go of his left hand and holds out her now free hand, causing his broken shrink ray that fell to the floor to float up to them. DR. FLUG wraps his arms around ADMIN’s neck the second she lets go of his hands. When he let go of her hand, she wrapped one of her arms around his waist. He is letting out terrified sounds as he dangled off her.



Here you go, you- oh goodness! It broke from the fall. No worries let me…


She twirls her finger and the machine vibrates before all its pieces come back together, repairing itself.



There you go Doc.


She places the shrink ray back into DR. FLUG’S lab coat.



T - thank you…


ADMIN smiles at him, wrapping both her arms around his waist as his arms are wrapped around her neck. Almost like they are going to slow dance in mid air.



You'll be okay. I gave you enough to not fall immediately to your death. As long as you hold my hands or my body, you’ll be fine.



O - Oh okay.


DR. FLUG is somehow blushing through his paper bag. ADMIN giggles and flies him into the village. His lab coat flapping in the air as she brings him through the village all the way to her house.


EXT. ADMIN’S house - 2 minutes later

ADMIN lands on the doorstep of her house with her back facing the door. She helps DR. FLUG land onto the ground. DR. FLUG looks over her shoulder, admiring the strange structure of her house. They let go of each other from their hug-like position from earlier.



(Fascinated) Wow… I never would’ve guessed your house would be… spherical and covered in leaves?


ADMIN lets go of his hands, the glittery aura from DR. FLUG’s body disappears.



I’m not sure what is used to construct it, but I know it’s a lot of layers of stuff found in nature. Anyways, welcome to my house!


ADMIN turns towards her front door and opens it, the lights suddenly turning on like when you open the door to a fridge. She gestures for him to come inside.



Wait… did you just open your house door without unlocking it?



Of course, our houses don’t have locks.






There’s no need for them. Come in! Come in.


INT. ADMIN’S House - Living room - Continuous

ADMIN smiles at him, waving her hand horizontally, gesturing for him to come inside. DR. FLUG steps inside, looking around her house in wonder as he makes his way to the middle of her living room. ADMIN follows him behind and closes the door behind her.



Is this where you lived in high school?


He runs his hand along the walls and around the outline of the window, simply in awe from the structure of the place.



Well I lived with my parents back then but we had a similar house just with an extra bed and bath.


ADMIN walks up to DR. FLUG who is gently tapping on the window.



What is this? This isn’t glass.



I believe Jax told me that it’s some type of sugar.





ADMIN smiles at DR. FLUG, moving over to his right side which is facing away from the window.



I’m glad you like my house’s architecture. I could use some of your enthusiasm here. This is a lovely home but I do get lonely time to time.


ADMIN’s smile turns from genuine happiness to nervousness, letting out a weak laugh.



I… mostly spend my days going out to help anyone in the community and my nights helping contribute to the nightly shield for protection. It's boring and mundane.


ADMIN looks down, rubbing her arm. DR. FLUG takes his eyes off the window looking over at ADMIN.



You know, I could easily supply you with an artificial shield big enough to cover your forest. It would be powered by solar power and all you’d have to do is just set it up! No need to stay up at night.


ADMIN gasps, her eyes sparkling as she hears him describe his idea.



Really?! Would you be able to have it let natural forces like rain and wind inside while keeping humans and their items away?


That sounds more difficult but, I’m sure I’ll figure it out.


DR. FLUG smugly closes his eyes, pointing to himself with his thumb.



(Prideful) I have more doctorates than stars on your shirt.


ADMIN’s happy smile returns to her face as she sees DR. FLUG points to himself happily.



Well Doctor Genius, have you thought of a more in depth plan by now? What are we doing? We hide out until they come, then what? Taze them? Shoot them? Pull out some mad scientist move and I dunno throw a bomb at them?


DR. FLUG chuckles and shakes his head as she talks. He turns to face her, looking down at her with a joyful look in his eyes.



No no, it’s much more simple than that.


He waves his hand dismissively.



We'll wait for them and raise the fairy shield as usual so that they don't suspect a thing. They'll come as usual, only to be shocked as I grow myself back to normal size! Their primitive brains will be so shocked by my sudden appearance that they won't be able to dodge my shrink ray! They'll be left so vulnerable that they'll have no choice but to reveal where your lost fairy is. If they refuse to give us information…


CLOSE UP - DR. FLUG’s face - Continuous

His goggles go dark, his white pupils disappearing and being replaced by a glint in his goggle glass. The setting around his head turned dark, emphasizing his evil intent.



(Sinister tone) I’ll make them.


INT. ADMIN’S House - Living room, next to window - Continuous

The camera goes back to normal with ADMIN staring at DR. FLUG. Her stare isn’t out of fear. It is more of a surprised happy stare. She looks up at him.



What if it’s not the humans that kidnapped her? I barely remember what they look like since all humans look the same. No offense.



None taken. I can assure you Admin, we’ll find them eventually. Even if we have to interrogate every hero that stepped foot here.



(Cheerful) Alright!


ADMIN gives him a hopeful smile, her wings idly flapping. She walks over to her kitchen which is the room right after the living room, DR. FLUG follows her behind.


INT. ADMIN’s House - Kitchen - Continuous



Would you like to help me fill my jar while we wait?


DR. FLUG stops by her dining table as ADMIN continues walking, stopping in front of her kitchen cabinet. DR. FLUG’s back is facing the table while his front is facing ADMIN who has her back turned at him.



Oh, if we can, that’d be great!


ADMIN casually squats down, opening the cabinet easily. She is perfectly balancing on her two feet despite being squatted all the way down.



Does it matter if the jar is not made of glass?


She turns her head slightly to the side face, looking over at him.



Because I only own ones made of sugar


She pulls out a jar made of sugar glass, showing it to him.



As long as it's a tightly sealed, human sized jar, we should be-


ADMIN stands back up and turns to face DR. FLUG, holding the jar in her hands. DR. FLUG suddenly goes silent as he realizes how tiny they truly are at the moment. His eyes looking at the jar in her hands.



Oh, uh...i-it's...going to take a lot of dust for you to fill one, huh?



Yeah, that’s why I’d like to get started. I can expand the jar to make more space but unfortunately I can’t expand the dust itself.


ADMIN expands the jar slightly in her hands as she walks up to him. She places the jar on the table, looking over at DR. FLUG as she places it down. Their bodies are facing each other like they are about to hug or handshake.



I see… Well, let's get started!


The two of them stand there awkwardly, staring at each other. Neither is blinking. Both with a blank look on their face. They are basically still images, a single frozen stuck frame. The camera is fading in and out of them at different angles of them staring blankly at each other. They stay like this for a whole minute before ADMIN blinks, her wings idly flapping again.



(Shaking head) You don’t know how to help, do you?



(Flustered) I - I can! I just…


He rubs the back of his neck, breaking eye contact with ADMIN.



I thought 505 would be here to help, he gives the purest happiness I've ever seen.



Oh yeah! I almost forgot about 5.0.5. I wonder what they’re doing with him?


Suddenly the camera slides to the left.


EXT. Harris Forest Natural Park - Continuous

5.0.5 is standing in a tree, a few branches away from a bee hive. He is surrounded by other bears his age, cheering him in unison in bear language.



(In bear) Go! Go! Go!


5.0.5 reaches over to the beehive, trying to keep on foot on the branch. His paw gently swats at the hive, making his bear friends cheer louder. Suddenly, the branch he was standing on broke under his weight. Causing him to tumble down the tree, falling on two of the bears. The camera slides to the right.


INT. ADMIN’s House - Kitchen - Continuous


(Nonchalant) He’s probably fine.


DR. FLUG looks back at ADMIN, making eye contact with her again.



He always is. He's my immortal baby, after all. If he was here right now, he would squeeze us into a tight bear hug just like this!


Before ADMIN can process what he said, DR. FLUG suddenly pulls ADMIN into a hug. Her eyes widens in surprise, letting out a loud bell jingle. She looks over at him before hugging him back, wrapping her arms around his waist. ADMIN blushes slightly, pressing her head against his chest, holding him close enough to hear his heart beat.



(Flustered) J - Just like this huh?


DR. FLUG somehow blushes heavily through his bag, he looks down at ADMIN in surprise. His pupils are tiny and shaking alongside his body. He starts sweating badly, breathing heavily.



(Shakey, voice cracking) Uh… i - is this working?


ADMIN looks up at him with her shiny eyes. They seemed enlarged and exaggerated to emphasize how cute she is.



Can you move to the side please? I can’t reach the jar.


ADMIN giggles, her wings suddenly glowing slight gold as they phase through DR. FLUG’s arms. DR. FLUG trembles, trying to move to the side with her in his arms.



Sorry, sorry!


ADMIN smiles at him as they attempt to waddle to position themselves sideways next to the table. Unfortunately, DR. FLUG’s foot slips, causing him to fall back. Since he is still hugging ADMIN, he brings her to the ground as well. She lets out a loud bell jingle as they tumble onto the ground together. They make a loud thud as their bodies hit the floor. ADMIN falling right on top of him.



(Scream) OW!!


INT. ADMIN’s House - Kitchen floor next to table - Continuous

DR. FLUG groans as he lays on the ground. ADMIN sits up on his waist. She immediately gets off of him, sitting next to him close to the table. She looks over at his stunned face, laughing the second she looks at him.



(Laughing) Oh my goodness Flug!


DR. FLUG shrinks into himself, sitting up. His bones audibly crack as he straightens out his back. DR. FLUG keeps his gaze away from ADMIN, rubbing his arm.



(Sad/depressive tone) I - I’m not very good at this, am I?



You're making me laugh and have fun so you’re doing something right.  


ADMIN looks at DR. FLUG rubbing his arm.



Oh! Did you fall on it? Here let me fix that for you, dear.


Without skipping a heart beat, she grabs his hand. Holding it in her own. A soft golden glow travels from the hand ADMIN is holding to the rest of DR. FLUG’s body, diverging in different paths but leaving every part glowing a slight gold hue. As the golden hue touches his fingertips, top of his head, and toes, the golden glittery aura appears along his outline before everything suddenly disappears. While this is all happening, DR. FLUG leans back onto the wall, closing his eyes as his bones pop and crack like fireworks. When the glitter and glow disappeared, ADMIN leans back into the wall with DR. FLUG, still holding onto his hand.



There you go Kenny, just like old times.



(Soft, quiet tone) Yeah… just like old times.


CLOSE UP - Hand holding - Continuous

The camera shows DR. FLUG tightening his grip on ADMIN’s hand. This should only last around three seconds.


INT. ADMIN’s House - Kitchen floor next to table - Continuous

ADMIN’s eyes are looking down at their hands when the camera comes back on them. Her eyes are half closed with a soft smile on her face. She looks back up at him, maintaining the same loving look. DR. FLUG slowly opens his eyes, looking down at their intertwined hands then back at ADMIN. He lets out a soft sigh as he leans into her, resting his head on hers. His eyes shut close, he looks very relaxed. ADMIN smiles at him, looking over to the table. She flicks her free hand up, causing the jar to glow and float over to her. It slowly lands right next to her on the floor. The second she stuck her hand in, the jar suddenly fills to the brim with golden fairy dust. Her eyes widen in surprise.



(Stunned) Oh my… that was much more than I was expecting.


ADMIN pulls her hand out of the jar. She rubs the outer lip of the jar with her finger. As her finger does a full rotation, the jar suddenly expands in size. She does this two more times until the jar is about the size of her head. She places her hand in the jar again, this time a steady stream of glitter coming out of her hand. DR. FLUG looks over at ADMIN, taking his head off hers.



(Relaxed) This is nice… I’d dance with you, but I never learned how.



I thought you didn’t like dancing and that’s why you’d sit out during school dances?


DR. FLUG rubs the back of his neck.



Well I hate doing it in front of others because I’m so bad at it. It’s like I got two left feet! But… I wouldn’t mind trying it out one day in private. There’s a ball room in the Hat Manor, but we never use it for anything.


ADMIN adjusts herself to turn her body slightly to face him as she speaks.



(Surprised) Kenny? Are you implying that you’d like to dance with ME in the Hat Manor ballroom?


DR. FLUG’s eyes widen as he realizes what he was saying. He turns his head to face away from ADMIN, placing his hand on the top of his paper bag head.



W - we don’t have to if you don’t want to! It just sits there, gathering dust and rats. Black Hat likes it that way, but maybe one day we could… clean it up and….


DR. FLUG’s voice trails off as he realizes he accidentally metaphorically backs himself in a corner by implying that they should dance together. He looks hesitant. ADMIN caught on immediately. Deciding to switch gears to make him feel less uncomfortable.



So… why does Black Hat even have a ballroom? He doesn’t strike me as a romantic slow dancing kind of guy.


DR. FLUG puts his hand down and looks over at ADMIN.



He used to host masquerade murder parties in that room, but it's been years since he hosted one. He didn't dance, I didn't dance, we just watched others dance until they'd fall into trap doors or a dead body would suddenly appear in the center of it all.


ADMIN smiles at him.



Oh wow! That actually sounds like fun. Why did he stop them?



He never said why, but I think he hated how easily villains fell in love at those parties.


ADMIN nods and looks over at DR. FLUG.



That would make sense. It does sound like a recipe for falling in love…


DR. FLUG looks into her eyes as she talks, his expression glows with softness and joy. He seems to really enjoy this time with her.



Two people… holding hands.


CLOSE UP - ADMIN and DR. FLUG’s hands - Continuous

ADMIN moves her hand slightly, intertwining her fingers with DR. FLUG’s. This should only last 2 seconds.


CLOSE UP - ADMIN and DR. FLUG’s chest and up - Continuous

ADMIN scoots into DR. FLUG, their hips touching.



Staying close to each other, swaying in unison.


They look at each other, their bodies turn towards each other as if they’re going to kiss.



Looking… into each other’s eyes… it… it's the perfect enviroment for the beauty of love to bloom. For two individuals to... kiss



I - It.. it does…


They stare into each other’s eyes, DR. FLUG slowly blushing through his bag. He turns away from her, breaking eye contact. He clears his throat.



I - I just never tried it… maybe if we danced slowly… w - we could-



That sounds lovely, but in all honesty Flug… Sitting here on the floor, holding hands with you is enough to fill a jar for me. I love relaxing with you like this. I've never had such a good time just... sitting down.


ADMIN rests her head on DR. FLUG’s shoulder, still holding his hand with their fingers intertwined.



B - besides, Black Hat could always be watching. The last thing I’d want is for him to rearrange your organs because you danced with me.



Yeah you’re right. Besides, I like what we have.


DR. FLUG looks down to the ground before leaning into ADMIN, letting out a yawn. He covers around where his mouth would be as he yawns, keeping his eyes closed



(Sleepy tone) I haven’t felt this loved… ever.


ADMIN yawns back, her eyes gently closing. Her breathing slows as her wings slowly lower. They sit there, quietly falling asleep on each other. The camera slowly zoomed out to show ADMIN’s full kitchen, then phase through the wall to see the exterior of the house until zooming all the way out to show the forest.


EXT. Harris Forest Natural Park - Continuous

The viewer can see 5.0.5 and some other bears running from a swarm of bees which are being followed by the familiar glow of a fairy. As if the Fairy is chasing the bees that is chasing the bears


Commercial break


INT. ADMIN’s House - Kitchen - Sundown

The camera fades into ADMIN and DR.FLUG still fast asleep. This time they changed their position. ADMIN is still sitting upright, but this time she is using one hand to support herself while the other is wrapped around DR. FLUG. DR. FLUG was leaning into ADMIN, face buried in her chest, with his arms around her neck and his legs draped across the floor beside her. Overall, they are cozy and fast asleep. That is… until they weren't. The ground starts to violently shake with the distant sound of a loud bass. They both jolt awake, letting go of each other while being bounced off the floor like pebbles in an earthquake. DR. FLUG immediately covers his ears the second he took his arms off ADMIN, curling up into a ball. He let out a scream while still being bounced.



(Yelling) WHAT IS THAT?!


ADMIN groans and immediately starts flapping her wings, getting herself off the ground.



That, my dear bagged friend, are humans. The ones I've told you about? Yeah THIS is what we've been dealing with for months.


DR. FLUG continues to be bounced around on the floor, he looks up at ADMIN with a crazed look in his eyes.



(Still yelling) Y - You dealt with this EVERY night?! I would've called Black Hat to-


The floor abruptly stops vibrating along with the bass going silent. DR. FLUG let out a sigh of relief before the room and its surroundings flash with a blinding white light. They both shield their eyes from the bright light. It was a sudden brightness you'd expect from a sudden nuke.



Am I dead?!


ADMIN shakes her head as the light leaves as soon as it comes. DR. FLUG unravels himself from his ball form, looking up at her.



No no, that's the humans again. Come on Doc, let's go get them before they start setting up.


ADMIN grabs his hands, pulling him up to his feet.



Y - yeah, let's give them a little surprise.


ADMIN is about to let go of both of his hands but DR. FLUG grabs one of her hands and rushes her to the door. He swings the door open before running towards the clearing, dragging floating ADMIN along like a balloon.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Five minutes later

There are three large cars in the clearing. A large truck with huge speakers, a bright yellow sedan with flood lights inside, and a Uhual like vehicle. BRILLA and OCTAVE are in front of the stage while their two Roadies were unloading a Uhual like vehicle next to the stage.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - In front of the stage - Continuous

BRILLA and OCTAVE are arguing.



(Yelling) What do you mean you didn't get my lasers?!


OCTAVE rolls her eyes.



I told you, the lights were like, so over budget! I need that money for more BASS! How could you have a kickin’ party with no bass?


BRILLA scoffs and shakes her head, crossing her arms.



How are guests supposed to know WHERE the party is if they can't SEE it?



Oh, as if the spotlights aren't enough?!


OCTAVE gestures to the lights on the stage that lit up the sky so much that it looks like it was day time right above the stage. BRILLA crosses her arms at OCTAVE. Tiny ADMIN and FLUG arrive at the scene. OCTAVE looks at BRILLA, sighing.



Come on Bri, people go to a DANCE party to hear MUSIC on GOOD SPEAKERS!


ADMIN lets go of DR. FLUG’s hand. DR. FLUG steps closer to the two heroes, glaring at them. ADMIN looks at DR. FLUG with concern, floating away from the human humans while DR. FLUG was next to OCTAVE’s foot. BRILLA and OCTAVE are still arguing but their voices were muffled out as the camera focuses on ADMIN and DR. FLUG.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - In front of the stage - Zoomed in on the forest ground near the heroes feet - Continuous

ADMIN is a safe distance from the hero's feet while DR. FLUG walks up to them, trying to get a closer look.



(Quietly) Flug I don't think your should-



(Loudly) They don't seem to be kidnapping fairies yet.


ADMIN looks between the two human heroes, mumbling to herself.



Ugh…  humans all look the same but I don't think it was these two…


ADMIN looks over to the two Roadies who are still unloading the vehicle. She gasps as she recognizes them as the two humans that she saw last night.



What is it Admin?


ADMIN points to one of the Roadies.



It's that one! That's the one that stole Fatima!



Okay let's get clos-


ADMIN swoops in and snatches DR. FLUG up just as OCTAVE’s heel moves, nearly squishing DR. FLUG. He let out a loud squeal.



A - A closer look!!


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - In front of the stage - Zooms out on OCTAVE and BRILLA - Continuous

OCTAVE furrows her brow and looks around but doesn't look down. ADMIN and DR.FLUG look like two small specks. Two small specks flew away from the heroes.



Did you hear something?



You wanna know what I hear? I hear my lasers NOT going PEW PEW! Because SOMEONE thinks their bass is more important than my lights.


BRILLA pouts and crosses her arms, angrily pouting at OCTAVE who is giving her an annoyed look.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - A few feet away from the stage - Close up to the ground - Continuous

ADMIN drops him carefully onto the floor, ensuring that he lands on his feet. DR. FLUG clutches his chest while his eyes are popping out of his goggles.



Thanks for saving me back there.



No problem.


DR. FLUG relaxes slightly upon looking at ADMIN. She lowers herself to be almost eye level with DR. FLUG, her wings flapping.



That's what friends are for. Let's get this over with Doc. I'm certain now that it was the human with the tacuache haircut.


DR.FLUG covers his ‘mouth’ to muffle his laugh at her description of the person's haircut.



Let's get that Marrano!


ADMIN giggles at his comment. He lifts his arms up at her. She smiles at him, happily moving behind him to pick him right back up. DR. FLUG holds his arms out like a plane as she lifts off the ground. He points towards the human ADMIN was talking about.



There, right there, right behind him!


ADMIN nods and brings him right behind the two humans. As they approach, the conversation between the two humans becomes clearer.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Next to the loading van  - Continuous


So like, you think one of those pixies would be a good birthday gift for my niece?



Nah man, not anymore. The stupid thing lost its color and it just cries.


ADMIN slowly lowers DR. FLUG to the ground.



Really? Does it at least do magic?



Nope! Not even when I shake it.


When ADMIN let go of DR. FLUG, HUMAN 1 pulls out a sauce container with its lid, holding a gray fairy inside it. Before ADMIN could process what's going on, HUMAN 1 immediately starts shaking the sauce container aggressively like how Black Hat would shake a child. ADMIN’s eyes and mouth widen in horror as she watches. Her hand covers her mouth as her wings slowly stop flapping, causing her to slowly descend to the floor right next to DR. FLUG. The person stops shaking the fairy.



See? Nothing!



Aw man…  and I thought her fish was weak.



Yeah, those things only live a week.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Next to the loading van - Close up to the floor where ADMIN and DR. FLUG were - Continuous

The two human's voices drone out as DR. FLUG looks over at ADMIN who has tears in her eyes. ADMIN looks back at DR. FLUG as a tear rolls down her cheek. Make sure the viewers can clearly see a singular tear roll down her cheek. DR. FLUG furrows his brow and pulls out his shrink ray, clutching it tightly. He looks pissed like he was going to kill someone. ADMIN opens her mouth to say something but DR. FLUG flips the switch of shrink ray and swiftly shoots himself in the head, rapidly growing back to his original size.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Next to the loading van  - Continuous


(Shouting) Excuse me?!


HUMAN 1 jumps at the shout and looks over at DR. FLUG.



(Confused yet casual) Oh hey, the party isn’t unt-


DR. FLUG interrupts him, furious.



Do you know who I am?! I’m Doctor Flug of the Black Hat Organization!


ADMIN blushes slightly as she watches, a smile growing on her face as this occurs. DR. FLUG immediately presses his shrink ray gun against HUMAN 1’s chest.



Hand over the fairy or I’ll take her myself!


DR. FLUG is only millimeters away from shooting the gun before getting shot with a supersonic screech which causes his shrink ray to instantly explode. He covers his ears and whips around to the source of the sound. OCTAVE has her hands on her hips and BRILLA was tapping her foot while shaking his head.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - On stage - Continuous


Hey felon, didn’t you like, get the memo? No weapons, vibes only!



Yeah! We haven’t even started and you’re already bringing down the mood.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Continuous

The camera zooms out to show that the protagonists are surrounded by partygoers. DR. FLUG glares at OCTAVE before ADMIN suddenly grows back to her human size next to DR. FLUG.



I - I just wanted my fairy friend back after THIS guy stole her!


ADMIN points to HUMAN 1 who still has the sauce cup with the fairy. The crowd lets out a loud gasp.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - On stage - Close up on OCTAVE - Continuous

OCTAVE sighs and rolls her eyes, walking up to the mic.



(Mumbling) Not again…


She gave it a few taps before speaking.



Come on Richard! Give her the stupid thing back so we can continue.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Continuous

DR. FLUG squeezes his hands on his ears, his bag scrunching up in discomfort.



UGH fine!


HUMAN 1 quickly throws the sauce cup in the air. ADMIN lets out a loud jingle and zooms to catch the sauce cup before it could hit the floor. She catches the sauce cup in mid air, falling onto the ground on her stomach. ADMIN winces, DR. FLUG looks over her in concern. It looks like he wants to help her but he was too occupied holding onto his head.



There happy!? I was planning on getting rid of IT anyways.



Why would you throw them l-


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - On stage - Continuous

BRILLA interrupts her by pulling the mic towards herself.



What a beautiful reunion, now let’s get this party started!


A hype man who has a spare mic makes a hand raising motion.





OCTAVE and BRILLA run onstage to thunderous applause. The fans immediately rush towards the front of the stage, leaving ADMIN and DR. FLUG alone. Each of them go to some sort of booth, one for lighting and one for sound. Electronic dance music starts up, sending shockwaves of powerful beats across the woods like an earthquake. The lights follow accordingly, flashing brightly and illuminating the space like a stadium.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Next to loading van - Continuous

DR. FLUG groans, tightening his grip on his ears. He crouches slightly, shaking. ADMIN opens the sauce cup and carefully plops the grayscale fairy in her hand. She lets out a loud sigh and looks over at DR. FLUG. DR. FLUG was clearly suffering from the loud sounds and blinding lights. They were completely ignored by the crowd that used to surround them.



(Strained) ACK! If I knew this mission would be like this, I would have brought those airport earmuffs and my dark lenses!


ADMIN gives him a pitiful look as this had not gone how she wanted.



Well… I guess we got step one done!


It’s hard to hear her voice over the music. DR. FLUG doesn't even look at her as he is busy clutching his bag with his eyes tightly squeezed shut. His gloved fingers were buried in his bag so deep that his top layer of his endless paper bags was breaking off. ADMIN looks over at the crowd then back at DR. FLUG before getting an idea, her wings spontaneously and briefly flapping quickly to signal to the audience that she had an idea. She quickly places the fairy in DR. FLUG’S front pocket.



Here! Take care of Fatima, I have a plan!


DR. FLUG opens his eyes as he feels something in his pocket.



W - Wait where are you going?!


DR. FLUG uncovers one of his ears and reaches out for ADMIN who flew quickly into the forest.





EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - On stage - Continuous

A booming voice comes through the mic, causing DR. FLUG to cover his ears again but this time he fell back on his butt. He clutched his bag again, curling up on himself from all the sensory overload. DR.FLUG let out a loud groan. The crowd is screaming, the music is causing the ground to vibrate and the lights are so bright that it looks like day time.



(Loud, through a speaker) How are you party people all doing tonight?


The crowd cheers loudly, causing DR. FLUG to shake while still on the floor.



Well don't thank me too hard, you know how I love spoiling my little Octs with a good time! How about you Bri?



Oh I'm feeling so good Octi. So so thankful to all my little Stars for coming to tonight's party!


OCTAVE covers her mic and leans into BRILLA.



I thought we agreed that our fans would be referred to as Octs?


BRILLA glares at her and covers her mic as well.



No, you decided that. I still think it's stupid that you'd refer to BOTH of our fans as Octs when that's just your name.



Oh as if Little Stars isn't only referring to you?


The music quiets down a bit as the two bicker. Thanks to the music turning down slightly, DR. FLUG is able to focus.


(Exacerbated) Finally! That's it! I can't take any more of this!!


Filled with anger, he stands up and presses a button in his inner coat sleeve. This causes him to suddenly be ejected into the air with a jetpack and missiles. He points to the stage, the missiles on his back tilting to lock on its two subjects. BRILLA notices the sudden figure in the sky right in front of them and tilts her hair floodlights at him, causing him to scream and be blinded instantly. He covers his eyes with his arms as BRILLA uncovers her mic.



Uh oh my Octs and Stars, we have a certified looossssseeerrrr in the sky!



Look in the sky, party people, the party pooper is ready to ruin our fun.


The crowd boos, causing him to get angrier. DR. FLUG attempts to launch his missiles but OCTAVE beats him to it. OCTAVE presses a button on her booth. A blue supersonic wave ripples through the sky in a flash. As it hits DR. FLUG, his equipment explodes and erupts into metal shards. The camera shows him falling to the ground but cuts to the stage while a big thud could be heard.



(Jumping, very excited) Boom baby! Haha!



Well that was easy. THE SHOW LIVES ON!


While BRILLA and OCTAVE laugh, the camera zooms out a bit to show a few Mexican Agouti chewing on some wires connected to their booths. The animals had a golden glow on their head, signaling that fairies were riding their heads. Their teeth cut through the wires, leaving their booths unusable.  Without any warning, a figure swoops in the middle of the stage snatching a microphone. They float up to the sky and taps on the microphone, wings reflecting the beautiful moon light. It was ADMIN. OCTAVE and BRILLA both look over at her in the sky.



Oh you've got to be-


ADMIN suddenly lets out a loud incomprehensible sound into the microphone. Before OCTAVE, BRILLA or anything could comprehend what she just said, the floor starts to rumble violently. OCTAVE nearly falls forward onto her powered off booth while BRILLA is thrown back due to the vibrations.



(Panicked) WHAT THE HECK?!





A swarm of native predator animals emerge out of the forest, heading straight for the stage and crowd. For well observant viewers, they could see DEMENCIA hopping in between some bears before jumping on one of the heroes. The microphone is yanked out of ADMIN'S hand as the animals plunge through the stage, demolishing everything in their path. When the animals exit the stage and make it to the audience, everything on the stage (including lights) breaks. Leaving the whole forest only illuminated by the moon and stars. The only sounds that could be heard are screams, bear growling and DEMENCIA’s joyful laugh. ADMIN squints her eyes and fists hard, causing herself to glow bright yellow like a flashlight or a miniature sun. She hurriedly flies over the crowd, looking for DR. FLUG. 5.0.5’s flower and head outline could be seen in the distance. ADMIN zooms over and finds DR. FLUG laying on the floor on his back right in front of 5.0.5, groaning under scraps of metal. The fairy let out a loud jingle, the glow from her body flickering and dimming.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Continous


O - Oh my god! Are you okay?!


ADMIN lowers to the ground and haphazardly throws the metal pieces off him. His body is shaking badly.



(Weak and raspy) I - I'm okay…  B - Blackhat has done worse.


DR. FLUG manages to somehow sit up but when he tries to move his legs he couldn't.. He lets out some groans as he attempts to get up fully. He places his arms down on the ground and tries to push himself up, to no avail. ADMIN watches him struggle for a second before getting on her knees in front of him to meet him eye to eye. Her hands are on her own lap.



Please don't move… Oh my stars... You look awful...



No no it's fine I ugh…  I'll be okay as soon as my bones stop being broken.


DR. FLUG tries to scoot back from her but can't move far. ADMIN places her hands on the grassy ground, looking at him in pity. She crawls over to his side and sits by him. Wiping the dirt off her hands, she grabs his right hand. Her body slowly stops glowing. She closed her eyes but the sounds of screaming and running made it hard for her to concentrate. She groans and squeezes his hand.



I - I can't focus! It's too loud here.


5.0.5 places his paws over her ears and she tries again. Her hand glowed briefly before a snake was thrown in her face, falling onto her lap.



Ow! Oh hey Bernie.


ADMIN nudges the snake off her lap and places it on the ground.



I need a quieter safe place to heal him.



Bao Bao? (The ship?)



Great idea Osito!


Her eyes looks around before spotting the outline of the Hatship in the distance.



5.0.5! Carry him to the ship.


ADMIN points to the Hatship in the distance. 5.0.5 lets out sad bear sounds before picking up DR. FLUG, carrying him to the ship. ADMIN follows behind, sprinting the whole way as her wings are moving. Her wings are as stiff as cardboard.


INT. Hatship - Continuous

They enter the ship together. 5.0.5 places DR. FLUG on one of the ship’s seats. DR. FLUG limps over, looking even worse in the clear bright light. ADMIN sprints over to DR. FLUG, cupping his face in one of her hands. He flinches at her touch and closes his eyes tightly, letting out a quiet groan.



Oh Flug…  Don't worry…  I'll fix you up!


She lets go of his cheek and grabs his hands. His hands start to slowly glow like earlier. ADMIN lets out a sigh and presses her forehead against his, causing his forehead to glow as well.



I'm here now…


The golden aura would surround his body, his bones audibly cracking back in place. The life jolts back into him as his whole body glows. DR. FLUG takes a sharp inhale as the glow disappears. He opens his eyes, staring into hers as they were still touching foreheads.



(Hesitant) A - Admin?


She looks at him and pulls back, keeping a few inches of distance between them.



Yes Kenning?


DR. FLUG'S look softens, letting out a soft relaxed sigh.



I - I'm okay. Thank you!


He wraps his arms around her in a hug. She let out a quiet jingle, hugging him back. She buries her face into his chest before feeling the bump in his coat.



Oh yeah! I forgot to check on-


She pulls his pocket open before letting out a loud gasp. DR. FLUG looks at his pocket in pity, carefully scooping the fairy out of his pocket. She is not visible to viewers as he cups FATIMA in his hands carefully like a bug.



(Softly) Oh no…



I - It's okay, it's okay. It hasn't been 24 hours yet.


ADMIN places her hands over his, both of her hands glowing. His hands start glowing as well.



But she's completely squi-


ADMIN shushes him calmly.



She'll be fine, trust me…


DR. FLUG nods and looks at her hesitantly. ADMIN takes her eyes off their hands and looks up at him back.



(Heartfelt) Thank you so much for helping me and my people. I really appreciate it… You… You did an amazing job, Doctor Flugslys.


DR. FLUG blushes visibly, his eyes shining with happiness from her kind words.



(Suspicious but hopeful) You… you really mean it?



(Genuine) Of course I do, Kenning. Why would I ever lie to you?


ADMIN slowly and carefully opens DR. FLUG's hands, revealing an alive but gray FATIMA. DR. FLUG looks down at his hands and his eyes widen as it's revealed that FATIMA came back to life thanks to ADMIN'S magic.



W - Wait! What about her color?


ADMIN looks over at him and carefully scoops FATIMA out of his hands, they both keep their eyes on the tiny gray fairy.



She's depressed…  Unfortunately, no amount of magic can fix depression but…  with enough love and community help, one day her colors might return.






It's just like human depression. Sometimes no amount of love, attention, or help can fix it… She won't die from it but she will temporaily suffer.





ADMIN gently pets FATIMA's head with her index finger, giving the small fairy in her hand a gentle smile before looking at DR. FLUG.



I'll make sure to give you that jar of fairy dust as soon as possible.


DR. FLUG looks back at ADMIN.



Oh, right, the jar! Well while you do that, I better get back to the Black Hat Organization headquarters. Black Hat's going to kill me if I don't get those incident papers done by TOMORROW.


ADMIN smiles at him and makes her way to the exit of the ship.



Yeah…  you should get to that. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble.


ADMIN opens the door, her back facing the door. DEMENCIA crawls through the door with a live rattlesnake in her mouth. It wasn't rattling in her mouth, if anything, the snake looked oddly calm in DEMENCIA's mouth. 5.0.5 let out a small scared sound as DEMENCIA approaches him with the snake in her mouth. ADMIN and DR. FLUG are too busy staring at each other to notice DEMENCIA. They both look like they don’t want to leave each other. ADMIN’s wings flap as she hovers off the ground, slowly moving backwards out of the ship.



I um…  Well…  It was wonderful to meet you again. I… I hope the stars align for us to meet once again but in better circumstances than this. I don't want to be in danger every time we meet.



I'm usually busy with work but I guess we'll see.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - Right outside the Hatship - Continuous

ADMIN nods and lands on the ground, waving at him with her free hand.



(Sad) Bye Flug…


DR. FLUG waves back at her before closing the door.



See you soon, Admin.


INT. Hatship - Continuous

DR. FLUG looks over at DEMENCIA, barely noticing her.



Oh hi Demencia, where have you been?


DEMENCIA smiles and spits the snake out of her mouth.





The snake she spat out, rattles and slithers towards him. DR. FLUG squeals and jumps back.



(Panicked, high pitched) Demencia! Take your snake back! Take your snake back!!


Demencia chaotically laughs before pouncing on the rattlesnake.


EXT. Harris Forest Clearing - In front of the Hatship - Five minutes later

ADMIN frowns as she watches the Hatship fly away out of sight. Her wings lower slightly as she is left staring into the empty sky. Her temporary sadness is interrupted by a few human sized fairies nearly tackle hugging her. ADMIN lets out a loud bell jingle, holding onto FATIMA as around 4 fairies hug her happily. The fairies cheer happily, half of them are still their natural size. Those that are small are dancing in mid air while those that are human size are pumping their fists in the air.



Having the animals attack for us was a brilliant idea! I'm surprised we never thought of that.



Yeah, I didn't think a human could've ever helped us efficiently.


ADMIN darts her eyes away from the other fairies as she knew the idea was hers. She looks back towards the sky.



He is quite intelligent for a human. I'd say he's on the same level as an elf.



Okay, now you're just giving him too much credit.



Yeah! A human could never be superior to an elf.


ADMIN's eyes are still glued to the smoke clouds sky, the starlights shining on her eyes. Blush slowly forms on her face.



We can agree to disagree…  I think he's wonderful.


A choir of bell jingles could be heard as all the fairies stared at ADMIN with a shocked look. ADMIN smiles dreamily at the sky still.


Post credits


EXT. Harris Forest - Fairy Village - A few days later

From the sky descends a wooden box, landing in the middle of the village. Thankfully the box doesn’t squish anyone or anything. The fairies of the village suspiciously hovers around it, mumbling to each other. ADMIN flies up to the top of the box, standing on it. She places her arms behind her back and leaning down, reading the label.



It's a present for us from the human who helped us out.


The fairies murmur loudly. A few things the audience could hear are sentences like, “I wonder what it is", “A gift from a human?", “Is it safe?” and "Careful Admin!”. ADMIN looks over the instructions that are glued to the box. Which stated,"Step one, press the button on the side of the box. Step two, step away at LEAST six inches away. Step three, stay away until the sound of set up stops. Step four, dispose of the box. Step five, enjoy your new solar powered security system! P.S. If needed, it can also be powered by organic matter. Just shove some leaves, compost, or whatever into the slot of the solar panels.”.  While ADMIN is reading, JAX floats up next to her, reading it faster than her.



It's a shield!


JAX looks around, estimating how far 6 inches would be in fairy units.



(Stern and serious) Every fairy, go home and DON'T come out UNTIL it STOPS making noise.


The fairies hear his tone and obey immediately, rushing into their houses.



Would you like to open it or should I do the honors?



I'd like to. I haven't seen his inventions in years.


JAX smiles and shakes his head, flying out of frame. ADMIN jumps off the box, her wings flapping as she floats slowly down the length of the box. She presses the button on the side and zooms behind a bush, looking over at the box. After a few seconds, the box started shaking and bouncing a bit in place. The sound of gears whirring loudly filled the forest as the box jumped in place faster. The box suddenly breaks open, metal is seen flying across the exterior of the village. It lands on the perimeter of the village. A transparent bubble rapidly encapsulated the village, the bubble has a honeycomb pattern on it. The machine slowly stopped whirring. A sticky note was left in its place in the middle of the open box. ADMIN flies over to it and shrunk the sticky note to fit in her hand.


CLOSE UP - Note in ADMIN’s hand - Continuous

The note read as follows, “This should keep those pesky humans away from your home. BTW thanks for the jar of fairy dust! You know where to contact me if you ever need me.”


CLOSE UP - ADMIN - Continuous

ADMIN smiles and blushes at the note before taking out the Black Hat Organization card. She runs her thumb over the business card, remembering a few words he told her.



(Faint, a memory) B - Black Hat has done worse… If only we had that. I'd never have to fill out an incident report again!... Black Hat's going to kill me if…


The screen then flashes back to DR. FLUG exploding mid air from earlier in the episode. ADMIN looks at the sticky note then back at the card. Letting out a sigh and shaking her head as she made her way to her house.



(Mumbling to herself) This is a stupid idea…  


The end