Finding Something Worth Staying For

7 months, 6 days ago
7 months, 3 days ago
5 5314

Entry 1
Published 7 months, 6 days ago

A compilation of tasks from the Wayfarer arpg.

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Dawn of a New Journey

Nox stretched as he got up from his rather comfortable sleeping position. He took a moment to really feel the grass beneath his paws and the slight breeze that blew over him. It was exciting. A whole new region to explore. Harlour would be a nice change a pace, everything would be new. Maybe just maybe he'd finally find something worth sticking around for. For now though his want to explore this new region was most important to him. How could he just stand there when there was so much to do?

Quickly he cleaned up his small camp from the night before, not that there was much to clean up, before taking a good look around. He hadn't gotten far after arriving in the region last night. Honestly he'd barely had time to find a comfortable place to sleep. Though he hadn't been too worried, it wasn't like he hadn't had to deal with rough conditions before. At least the grass had been soft. Now then where to go first... there were so many options. He'd keep to the Firstbush Fields for now. It wouldn't be smart to go wandering too far without knowing the region after all. He wasn't able to keep up the kind of lifestyle he had without being careful. Though he would be lying if he said he didn't want to just rush out and see what this region had to offer. Later, later. Once he was more comfortable with the area and could afford to take risks.

Placing a paw over his eyes he scanned the horizon. Well the best first step would probably be to find a town. Maybe he should have taken a map when one had been offered to him but eh. Who really needed maps anyway? He'd know the area like the back of his paw in no time. For now though the best he could do was pick a direction and hopefully come across someone who knew where they were going or a path. Either should eventually get him to a town. Taking one last look at the fields around him, he picked a direction and took off.

As much as he enjoyed a good run he took his time. He wouldn't be able to learn the area if he just rushed ahead now. Though so far it was just a lot of grass, hard to distinguish any sort of area from that. Eventually though he came across a road. There was a little bit of foot traffic but he didn't approach anyone for now. Instead he silently followed behind a few pokemon who seemed to know where they were going. It was a sort of long walk but at least he came across things which could be used as mental landmarks. By the time a small town came into sight he was confident in his ability to find this place again.

The place seemed nice, small with lots of berry fields. It was homey feeling; the sort of place where everyone knew each other. Though that did have Nox feeling a bit out of place; not only being a stranger to the town but the region itself. He shook off the feeling. No reason to indulge those thoughts right now. Right now he should probably stock up on some supplies. Couldn't go out exploring if you didn't have the stuff to do it, and he opted to travel light when coming to Harlour. After quickly asking one of the local pokemon for directions Nox headed towards the town's general store. Soon enough he'd be able to head and out explore.