Sterling: Knight Quests

4 months, 6 days ago
4 months, 6 days ago
5 1928

Chapter 2
Published 4 months, 6 days ago

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Pip had come to see me that morning, knocking gently on my door as I opened my bleary eyes to the morning light. She stepped in, smiling gently and sat next to me. I smiled back, and leaned my head against her- the upcoming events of the day were starting to hit me, and the nerves rushed in, my body shaking as we sat there in the room and just breathed.

Pip didn’t say anything for a moment, letting me work through it at my own pace- and then she gently clicked her beak and I turned to face her.

“Sterling”, she said, her gentle face beaming with pride. “I just wanted to tell you I am so, so proud of the elvyian you have become so far. Raising you has been one of the greatest joys of my life.”

Tears welled up in my eyes at this and I blinked slowly at her, showing my love and gratitude. While I was raised communally, as is our way, I was closer with Pip than most of the other Knight-Scouts at the outpost, and considered her something akin to a mother.

“I have a gift for you!” She continued, “A friend to be with you as you embark on this next chapter of your life.” She whistled, and a wilted sunsine ran into the room, light on its little feet. It stood on its back two legs, and sniffed the air, before jumping on the bed and curling up next to me. I stroked the soft creature, elated, and Pip smiled at me.

“I hope he will be a good friend for you- and if you decide to take the path of a Knight-Scout, they make an excellent tracking companion. What are you going to name him?”

I felt almost like I shouldn’t speak- like this was a perfect moment, and the beginning of something good. I knew then that although I may see Pip less over the next few years, as I moved in with the recruits and out of the main barracks, and focused on my training, she would always be a helping hand if I needed it, someone I could rely on.

Softly, I replied, “His name will be Dawn. The start of something beautiful.”