O.B. Schuere villain arc

7 months, 8 days ago
7 months, 8 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 7 months, 8 days ago

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**O.B. Schuere:** (hopeful) "I think this time I drew it nicely. With this, Ms. Saukko surely..."

**Ms. Saukko:** (evaluating) "This painting of a palace in a forest... Hmm..."

**O.B. Schuere:** (anxiously waiting)

**Ms. Gimpel:** (evaluating) "I couldn't see the palace from the trees, most of it seems covered. Which the palace should be a showcase. But unfortunately, there seem to be too many distractions. For this composition, you receive... 0 points."

**O.B. Schuere:** (shocked) "Eh? But teacher, you praised my composition the other day! You said it was 'fair enough,' so this time I did it properly!! Besides, it looks more like a painting now!"

**Ms. Saukko:** "The total amount of drawings and what you draw from before are different. You have to understand that and cut the composition. It doesn't make sense if you don't keep drawing every day to improve yourself just because you were praised once. After all, practice makes perfect. Don't you agree?"

**O.B. Schuere:** (disheartened) "I understand, but..."


**Ms. Saukko:** "The final theme for this one is 'inner thoughts.' You're welcome to draw freely. Draw what comes through your mind, and imagine. You may put those thoughts on your canvas."

**O.B. Schuere:** (thinking) "Inner thoughts? What inner thoughts... The subconscious?"

**O.B. Schuere:** (remembering her mother's advice) "So many people have been saying I'm good at art, mainly illustrations..."


**Beulah Schuere (O.B. Schuere's mother):** "Honey, you don't really seem to have the talent in art. Why don't you try some magic, like me?"

(Back to present)

**O.B. Schuere:** (determined) "I am..."


**O.B. Schuere:** (thinking) "I couldn't even draw at all... Zola's painting is very expressive. A very powerful emotion put into one canvas. I wonder how will I paint as good as her...?"

**O.B. Schuere:** (nervously) "Wrong. I wasn't looking properly... It's not just Zola. Everyone's drawings in the classroom are much better than mine will ever be!"


**Ms. Saukko:** (checking O.B. Schuere's painting) "This... I have no words for this painting of Ollie."

**O.B. Schuere:** (heartbroken) "No... This can't be..."

(Later on, Ms. Saukko announces that O.B. Schuere has not passed her art class, and Zola Gimpel has passed)

(Much later, Zola Gimpel approaches O.B. Schuere)

**Zola Gimpel:** (worried) "Ollie! Ollie!! Are you okay?"

**O.B. Schuere:** (sad) "but art has been my passion for years... Many of my friends say it's good art..."

**Zola Gimpel:** (comforting O.B. Schuere) "Cheer up, besides there's other things you can do, I see you're good in history too-"

**O.B. Schuere:** (angry, holding back tears) "No. Art has been my perfect hobby for me... But it's over now. And I'm not gonna embarrass myself as a talentless fur!! I will show all of you smarties that I'm CAPABLE OF GETTING IT!!"

(O.B. Schuere storms back home from her art class in a hurry, crying)

**Zola Gimpel:** (calling after O.B. Schuere) "W-Wait! Ollie!! Come back!"

**Ms. Saukko:** (watching O.B. Schuere leave) "Art is a journey, Ollie. Embrace the lessons it teaches you."