Church of the True Eye

4 months, 4 days ago

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A seemingly normal building in Lost Temple, in teal-green colors, not just from the outside but the inside as well. A big circular window above the entrance resembling an eye painted in green colors, the pupil a line getting thinner at the ends, similar to one of a cat. There isn‘t much explaining it, nor is there anything outside of the building that explains *what* exactly it is.

A black and white colored demon walked around the teal colored halls of the building. Their appearance is.. eerie, to say the least. It stood out in the green and teal hallways. Quite a few eyes just floating next to their body, and even attached to their tail. It‘s odd, those eyes just seem to be connected to that demons body, despite not having any visible attachments. One was particularly noticeable, big on top of their head, almost looking like a black hole, with a white outline of an iris visible, a diamond shaped pupil within. A blindfold covered the part of their face where one would expect to see eyes, but instead there‘s just eyes drawn on the blindfold. They walked calmly, tail carefully swinging from side to side, slightly lifted up into the air.

A few acolytes occasionally walked into the opposite direction, always greeting the demon.

"Greetings, Caltrop."

It didn’t sound forced, but neither did it sound usual, yet somehow it sounded genuine to some extent.

Caltrop would stop, look at the talking acolyte and slightly smile at them, all of its eyes looking straight at the fellow demon, usually it’d be looking in their the glass eye.

"Greetings to you as well." followed by that acolytes name.

Perhaps one or two would say something in response, but most would just go on with what they were doing.

Caltrop opened the door to their quarters, it was one of the few demons who can live inside of the church at all times. Sure, most live nearby, but directly in it? For that you‘d need to have a quite important role. Caltrop did have exactly that, perhaps being one of, if not the, spiritually important demons in the church.

Entering the room, they took off their blindfold and carefully places it on the nightstand next to its bed. The removal of the blindfold revealed further 7 eyes on its body, a big on in the middle and 3 other eyes on each side. The eye in the center was white, a glass eye just like everyone who was a follower of the belief of the Church of the True Eye. It didn’t bother them, even more so it was actually an honor to have, a symbol of belonging. Just like for everyone else born into the belief, it was the result of a ritual of becoming of age to serve and worship, some could even call it the ending stage of being trained.

Caltrop kneeled down on the floor in the center of the room, putting its palms together in front of their chest and closing their eyes. The only thing following afterwards being a whispered prayer to the Overseer.