Greer's Bio

3 months, 27 days ago

All you need to know!

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“Wardog, Wardog, Wardog clique. Peddle to the floor, Snipers never miss.

Aim at your forehead, crack it like a raw egg. I'm like a little kid rippin' off doll heads.”

- “Prosthetic Legs” by City Morgue


Full Name: Greer Lacayo

Nickname: None

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Species: Military modified lycan

Place of Birth: Unknown town in Romania

Ethnicity: Romanian

Occupation: Handy man, does odd jobs around town

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Relationship Status: Dating Aella

Social Status: Open to roleplay! Platonic only unless you’re Naerys. Do not make art of him without asking me, or include him in your writings.


Body Build: Tall and muscular, but not overly. As a wolf he’s very large and imposing.

Height: 6’ 7” human, 8’ as a wolf

Hair: Soft brunette, slightly wavy, goes just past his shoulders. Facial hair is optional.

Eye Color: Green

Scars: Blind in his left eye with a claw scar across it. Wolf form is covered in scars from battles, left side of his face is littered with burn scars from bomb exposure.

Tattoos: Marauder with crossed swords on his left shoulder, barcode like tattoo on the back of his neck as a human.

Preferred Clothing: He’s a creature of comfort really. Usually wears his favorite sweatshirt and a pair of jeans with his old combat boots. Rarely dresses up, casual wear.

Accessories: Piercings are only in his wolf form. Always wears his dog tags, often has multiple rings on in various styles. Gas mask is only for his wolf form – please do not draw it unless I ask for it.


General Health: Physically healthy, mentally not so much. Has severe PTSD.

Posture: Sure of himself but tends to hang back when with people he can trust. If around strangers, he ensures they know by his body language not to fuck around.

Emotional Level: Relatively steady – can be quick to anger, and struggles with some training tactics and triggers that were engrained in his head.

Languages: Romanian, Russian, German, Swedish, Danish, English.

Speech Patterns: Slight Romanian accent.


Personality: Greer can be intimidating and a bit assertive, but he is kind deep down. He craves order and purpose, having lived a life of such since he was a young child. He is a natural born (made?) leader, but has enough compassion to understand and consider those around him even if it doesn’t look like it at first. He is aggressively and violently protective over those he considers worth it, which has lead him into trouble a few times outside of his service. He struggles to sleep through the night due to nightmares, but with his fiancé it’s easier for him. Greer does still struggle adjusting to civilian life, but he hides it well.

Likes: Hunting, tracking, fighting, lazy days with Aella, keeping his mind busy.

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, huge crowds, balloons, dogs.

Hobbies: Fixing anything he can, collecting lighters.

Habits: Tunnel vision, zoning out.

Skills/Abilities: Extremely effective predator, advanced knowledge of military tactics.

Fears: Losing control, succumbing to the wolf, hurting Aella or her children.


  • Food: Venison
  • Color: Crimson
  • Animal: Tiger
  • Number: 1
  • Holiday: None
  • Season: Winter
  • Time of Day: Sunrise
  • Movie: Zero Dark Thirty
  • Show: Forged in Fire
  • Genre of Music: Dark Country (sue him)


