[RP] Odette Roleplays

4 months, 2 days ago
4 months, 2 days ago
2 3256

Entry 1
Published 4 months, 2 days ago

Oldette role plays from Rojo Mwitu

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Love Language

PeppaNova: Odette was making herself busy, on the outskirts of the mwangan territory. The small carcal was hunting for treasure, and she wasn't going to go home empty pawed.

Her family had expanded suddenly, and she had decided that she needed to gift each member something. Let's see, who was their again? Her grandpa, her new grandmother, Her mother, and her uncle and two aunts. That was six cats! She needed to find a gift for each one of them! She certainly had a task ahead of her.

Not only did she want to get them gifts, but she wanted to get them gifts they'd like! She used to get her grandfather leaves, but he probably didn't need any more. Her mother was easier. She really loved it when she gave her flowers. So getting some really nice flowers would be for the best!

She continued on the path, trying to find the best spots for flowers to grow. She was going to find something for her family! That was for sure!

Vitlium: Jheel was walking around the outskirts of the territory in his usual practice, Mr. Pennysworth flew ahead keeping a birds eye view for anything dangerous he still wasn't fully grown yet but his size was still a great advantage to him for practice.

Speaking of which the walk helped stretch his tired and aching limbs he was going through another growth spurt as he truly wondered how big he was going to get, his si@ter had joked he'd get as big as an elephant and while he knew that was a joke a part of him couldn't help but wonder.

Everything was peaceful just how he liked it, after the craziness he heard awhile ago it was nice to just have a quiet day he wondered if he would get lucky and find something to hunt bring it back for his mother and sister prey was a good way to work on speed and stalking, his bulk meant he was slower so he relied on sneaking up on others, speaking of which his small bird flew down signaling to follow.

Maybe he'd found some prey or an intruder, following the Grey and brown bird of prey he soon saw a small figure in the distance at first he thought it was a cub before he realized it was a caracal. He'd seen her around the three caracal triplets their relative perhaps?

PeppaNova: Odette was crouched low in the grass, sneaking through.

"The mighty treasure hunter, Odette stalked through the long grasses of Mwanga, careful not to make a sound" She smirked, as she told her dramatic tale. "She had heard rumors of the secret flower fields that lay on the outskirts of the territory. . .. . . The ones that only the best could find."

At that moment, she rolled, hiding behind a rock, peering out from behind it. "Coast clear" She whispered to herself, before she crept onwards. "Danger could lurk behind every grass- OOOOOOOOH!!!"

And in an instant, she blew her cover. She had gazed up at the sky for a split second, and that was enough time for her to catch a glimpse of a bird. Wow! She quickly bounced back to stand up on the rock she had been hiding behind, looking up at the bird. "Cool! I didn't think I was gonna see a bird today! Oh! Maybe Phrixus would like a cool feather! Maybe I can ask it for one!"

Vitlium: Pennysworth flew back to where Jheel was as he landed on the large lions shoulder, he learned by now that while he wouldn't get eaten by his caretaker the same couldn't be said for all felines.

He would rather be a grounded bird than a dead bird.

Meanwhile Jheel noticed the other seem to be speaking to herself, the playful jumping reminded him of his own mother as despite her age she still had cub like qualities that Jheel himself didn't really have in abundance.

He noticed the smaller cat had noticed his bird as pennysworth perched on his shoulder like normal, seeing as she now had noticed one of them he decided he might as well talk to her. It would be rude to just walk away without greeting them at the very least.

PeppaNova: "Excuse me! Mr bird- Hey! Wait come back!" Odette called out to the bird, keeping her eyes on it as it flew away. The Carcal jumped off her rock, chasing after it. She was so focused on the bird, that once it perched, it was only then that she noticed the large, towering lion that it had landed on. She jammed her feet into the ground, which only caused her to tumble forward and bonk her head on the male's leg.

"Oof!" She coughed, rocking backwards so she was on her back, looking up at the male. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes shone. "Wow! You're massive!" She breathed, quickly rolling onto her paws and walking underneath his stomach.

"Wow! I can fit under here! Well, if I fold my ears back like this!" She smiled, her ears folded back, before she turned around and was met with a face full of mane. "Oh! You've got a mane too!" She gasped, quickly jumping into it. "Mm mm! It's cozy! Can I have it? I think at least on of my cousins would appreciate this!"

Vitlium: She seemed to be searching for pennysworth as said kestrel was now preening his feathers, completely ignoring everything knowing that if anything did happen he just had to spread his wings and fly away, though before Jheel could even move it seemed the other wasn't paying to much attention as they ran into his leg.

It didn't really hurt that much thankfully caracals were small now if Malar had run into him that would be a different story, he was about to ask if she was alright when she got that excited look he associated with his mother whenever he did something she claimed normal or cubs with something new as she pointed out the obvious though to a caracal everything must seem large.

She seemed older than him and yet her personality was that of someone much younger as she was now messing with his mane not that he minded so much of the thing was growing in that he was glad mwanga was cold when it grew in fully it would probably drive him nuts during the hotter seasons, though she seemed keen on keeping his mane now.

"If it were not attached to me I suppose I could lend it to you" he spoke in his usual tone, calm as always" I believe I have seen you with those three carcal triplets but I do not think I know your name" which made sense he wasn't the most social lion he eat others come to him or when he sought out his friends and if someone happened to be there he'd talk to them too.

PeppaNova: "Oh! Right!" She pipped up, as her head stuck through the other side if his mane, She twisted her head to look up at his face. "I'm Odette! Those Triplets are my Aunts and Uncle! Super weird, I know!" She beamed, Before trying to untangle herself from his mane. "You sure you can't take it off? You sure have a lot of it! Or if you can't get rid of all of it, can I have some of it? Surely it won't be noticeable? If I take a bit?" Odette purred in curiosity, Tilting her head up and Jheel. As much as she tried, she was now hopelessly stuck in his mane.

"Uhh. . . mr tall lion? . . . I'm stuck" Odette mumbled, Wiggling her paws a bit, trying to get herself un-stuck.

Vitlium He nodded at her explanation that was a bit odd he guessed that meant her mothers parents must have had kids later in life, he knew he also had a pretty large family but he hadn't meant many of them due to preferring to stay home.

He became aware of the smaller body getting tangled up in his mane even though it still wasn't fully in it already was a large mass of fur that made him realize what he was going to have to lug around a large amount of mane for the rest of his life.

He tried to move carefully as to not accidentally hurt the smaller cat" uh, try not to put your claws out you might just further entrap yourself" he wasn't to sure how to get her out as he lifted a paw and began to try and help move away parts of his mane currently he cursed it, where did he get so much from anyway both his parents didn't have this much mane.

PeppaNova: Odette, somehow, ended upside down in the mane. How did this happen? Well, she did try to untangle herself, but it seemed instead of getting out, she had only managed to be held upside down. She huffed. Just great.

"I don't have my claws out sir. I don't want to ruin your mane" Odette said calmly, as she watched him raise a paw into his mane to help her. With a few tugs and grunts, Odette ended up lightly tumbling out of his mane, landing on her paws. "Haha! I'm free! Thanks, Mr lion!" Odette smiled, doing a small little strut of freedom, crawling out from under him, so that she was facing him.

"Hey, have you seen any good treasure around? I'm looking for gifts for my family!"

Vitlium: She seemed to somehow get even more stuck and was soon upside down as he kept trying to help her out, thankfully without loosing any of his mane she was able to find herself out of his mane, landing without issue.

"I do not know, I patrol the borders for practice but we could use Pennysworth if you are searching for anything in particular" he said turning his head to his kestrel who was currently preening his feathers.

He also realized while he now knew her name she didn't know hers which was very rude" I am also called Jheel, forgive my rudeness" he bowed his head to her, having forgotten his manners in trying to get her out of his mane this thing was going to cause him issues when he was fully grown.

PeppaNova: "Well, I don't really have anything in particular. I'm just looking for cool stuff. Stuff that'll make them go, like, GASP, Odette's so cool! Odette's the greatest!" She performed, trying to make sure her idea came across to the large male. " I have a lot of gifts to find for my family. And I want them all to have something different! But it's hard, Being so small 'n all" She mumbled, lightly kicking a pebble.

Her ears twitched as Jheel told her his name. She gasped, Eyes shinning. "Oh! Well it's nice to meet you, Mr Jheel lion, Sir!" Odette gave him a toothy grin. "It's all good. I forget things too, so don't worry!"

Vitlium: She was very excitable was what Jheel was getting out of this conversation much like how his mother was basically a very hyper adult at times, only not to this level was it because she was a caracal? Or maybe this was just her personality.

He didn't know what they could find but he did have someone who could look for them as he glanced at Pennysworth, nudging the bird carefully as he muttered something that Odette wouldn't hear. The small kestrel took off as Jheel motioned for Odette to follow him.

"I told him to search for anything of interest, he is a bird so he will be able to have a view that we cannot, perhaps he can find something you will like" he explained to Odette his plan as he didn't know what they would find but at least they'd have a birds eyes view to help them find whatever it was.

PeppaNova: Odette kept her eyes up on the big lion, until she noticed a leaf falling from one of the trees. Quickly, she focused everything on that, And started to swipe and pounce on it, playing with it. It was only when Pennysworth flew away did her attention snap back to Jheel, the leaf firmly in her jaws.

"Oh wow! thanks!" She smiled, spitting the leaf out as she did. "You didn't have to help me out! That's super nice of you! AND THANK YOU MR BIRD!!!" she called up into the sky, hoping the bird could hear her.

"What do you think would be cool enough? Do you have any ideas Mr Jheel lion sir?"

Vitlium: He looked at the smaller feline he wondered if small meant more hyper his mother was rather short and she had a very peppy personality.

"Perhaps a large bright stone, maybe large bones belonging to beast my mother mentioned large monsters who once roamed the lands before I was born maybe we will find a skeleton" he was also curious himself.

He didn't know if he believed his mother's dotries such a thing was very out there, but then again he met his fathers ghost as a child so who was he to question what was possible really? But if they happened to find a bone well at least he'd have some evidence. He wasn't sure the small carcal would be able to carry the item back thought if it were huge and as large as he was he also had his limits.

PeppaNova: Odette starred up at him, eyes gleaming as he spurted some ideas. And all of them were FANTASTIC!

"YES!!! ALL OF THOSE IDEAS ARE PERFECT!!!!" She jumped up and down, before looking around excitedly. "Oh boy oh boy!!!! Where should we look for this stuff?! I mean, a bright stone would probably be around some rocks, But bones?! Bones could be anywhere! " She mumbled, skirting around in a circle.

Then she remembered that Jheel was actually the one that was leading the way. Of course! He was large, and super smart! He must know exactly where all this stuff is! running to catch up, She ran under him, until she was walking just under his head. His mane hung so low it tickled her back, causing her to giggle.

"So Mr Jheel Lion Sir, Where are we going?!"

Author's Notes

Total Words: 2,392

Odette = 1,154 (25 Fangs)

Jheel = 1,238 (30 Fangs)