Consequences and Truths

3 months, 25 days ago

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Alciel laughed.

"Oh no, kid, that's--"

Serrano hissed at the man, his eyes widening as soon as he realized he was hissing.

I hiss now? What the hell?!

"This isn't funny!" he yelled at the elder witch (self proclaimed warlock) before him.

"Oh, it's kind of funny though? I thought your family was a family of whiches or something, cursed to dampen your magic. Nope! Your grandfather was an Infernal! If I had to guess, related to Pride. And you were, well, not cursed in the way I thought--" he shook his head, trying to hide his amusement as he saw the upset in Serrano's expression. "Well, that is to say, you're what most people consider a demon. But it's more nuanced than that. And you have a so many greats grandfather that's a god of sorts... it's hard to explain. But I bet he'd be very interested to find you..." Alciel waved his hand in the air at the thought. "Though I'm not going to get involved in that..."

"What are you talking about? Fix me!"

Alciel shook his head. "Boy, there's nothing wrong with you. This is simply how you look. Either that coin was cursed to hide your line's true nature or blessed to do the same. Either way, it's broken now. And you are who you are. So you may as well get used to it. Now, you might want to get out of my daughter's shop before she loses it. She already hates it when people come here to find me. And now you've been twice so..." he started to push Serrano to the door, who growled as he was touched. "Now enough of that, your bark is worse than your bite, and I'm not afraid of Infernals. But I will point you in the right direction if you want some answers."

As Serrano was pushed out the door, he was given a small card with a name and directions on it.

"Infernos... so that's who I have to see..." he frowned as he attempted to understand what the directions meant, but it all seemed like gibberish to him. Well, he'd just have to find another more helpful witch.

There did happen to be a potioness somewhere around here, now that he thought about it...