Flash Prompt Flower

7 months, 7 days ago

Toke helps his friend move, and gifts him flowers.

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It’s an early weekend morning when Toke shows up at his friend Norville’s place, his new place that is. He is moving into a new apartment, and he asked his friends to help him move rather than hire a company for it, and several said they’d come, Toke included. Toke and Norville have been friends for a long time, its only right that he shows up to help him out with things like this. And he brought a housewarming gift, but that can wait.

Toke helps move furniture mostly, things like the bedframe, the wardrobe and such. He isn’t built like it, but he thinks he is pretty strong for someone of his physique, so he volunteered for it right away. It takes most of the day to move the furniture into the truck, drive it to the apartment, then unload it into that, up the stairs. And by the end of the move Toke is beat! His arms are killing him, he is tired and hungry and sweaty, and he just feels like a shower and a nap, but he sticks around.

As thanks for the help, Norville has bought beer and pizza for everyone, so sticking around sounds the most fun, and after a hard day of moving things, a cold beer and a hot slice of pizza really hits the spot!
Its while enjoying the pizza and the beer that Toke goes to his car and comes back with a tall paper bag for Norville. “House warming gift. Congratulations on the new place bro.” He gives Norville a shoulder hug as he passes him the bag and sits down to continue with his pizza. “Open it!” Someone calls out, cause not everyone seems to have had the idea to get a gift for this.

When Norville opens it, the bag contains a potted plant with a colorful and gorgeous flower, looking very exotic and expensive, until Norville takes a closer look at it. “A plastic flower.” He says with a laugh, and their friends laugh too, commenting on how pretty it looks.
“Yeah, you give flowers as house warming gifts, but I know you would just kill it like I would, so I got you a flower that wont die when you forget to water it, air head.” He laughs, narrowly dodging a playful swipe from Norville. “Fuck you asshole, I’m great with plants.” Norville offers in response, but he still laughs and puts the plastic potted plant in the window, where it is best shown in the light and where you can see it from every point in the room.

It looks good there, it looks good in his new place, and Toke is secretly glad he was the one to get Norville a gift first. Theres a bit of prestige in being the one to remember that, or at least he feels that way.

It’s dark by the time the house party wraps up, when everyone has had enough to eat and drink, or are too tired to continue. It’s at that time that Norville’s friends pack up and drive home, splitting up and saying their goodbyes in front of his new apartment.
“It’s a nice place, better than your last. Try not to ruin it and lose your deposit.” Toke says with a cocky laugh, getting a shoulder punch from Norville. “Later asshole, come by sometime.”
“I will.” He responds, heading to his car to finally go home and get that shower he has been needing all day. Home for a shower, then straight to bed, cause he is more tired than he feels he has been in a long time.