The Night We Met

Small short story as to how Evera met Wi.

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When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears
When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met

The faint crackling of fire filled the air as Evera and Vena huddled over a map of Orionis. The two set up camp with their sleeping comrades. The icy winds had descended upon Carran. While the sky was clear, rolling in clouds threatened snow.

“Any ideas?” Vena hesitantly asked the heavily focused Evera. The half-elf’s eyes burned into Vena as she sat up.

“I still think it’s best we head into the mountains. Less chance of being caught.” Evera argued.

“I still don’t know. Depending on where we build- we could get cornered easily by King Orre and his warforge.” Vena traced the mountains out on the map with her finger.

Evera let out a frustrated huff as she threw the map to the ground.
“I don’t know, Vena. No matter what I have Orre at my doorstep. He’s hunting us down day by day, and I can’t get anyone on my side. The amount of times we’ve been threatened to be turned in.” The half-elf pulled at her hair before letting out a defeated sigh.

Vena reached a comforting hand out but Evera pulled away. She stood up and turned away from the elf. She wrapped the blanket around herself as she approached the resting horses.

“Evera-” Vena called out but the half-elf didn’t reply. She watched as Evera untethered one of the horses and climbed on. The horse trotted up next to Vena, who was still sitting in the snow next to the fire. A red shawl around herself.

“I need to clear my head.” Evera spoke sharply. “If I’m not back by sunrise, assume Orre had it out for me.”

Vena shook her head in disbelief as she watched Evera walk into the cold Platinum night.

Evera road alone along a snowy dirt path. The path was often used by tradesmen and travellers. Although all she could hear was the clopping of the horse’s hooves. Dark woods flanked her right side as grassy plains stretched out on her left.

The stars sparkled in the dark sky. A deep icy cold breath filled her lungs as she cleared her head. She gazed up at the beautiful sky. The night was somber and quiet. Her eyes drifted towards the woods.

She recalled one of her resistance members saying they saw a meteorite land in them. Evera never spotted it herself, not that she didn’t believe them. Shooting stars often appeared in the night skies- one making its way to the ground wasn’t unheard of.


Evera was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard a cry ahead of the path. Evera kicked her horse into action as she headed towards the sound.

“Get away from me- Help!”

As Evera approached the cries, she saw a human running out of the woods onto the path. The human stumbled onto her back with her dagger pointed at the forest in front of her.

Even from where Evera was she could see wounds and blood covering the human. “Hold on- I’m coming!” Evera gave the horse another kick.

The human looked towards Evera. Intense fear pierced into Evera’s soul as she looked back towards the woods. A flash of white bolted from the forest.

“Come on-” Evera shouted as she slid to a halt next to the human. Evera grabbed her arm as the human scrambled up onto the horse.

The horse reared as something bolted underneath it- threatening to buck the two girls off of it. Evera tugged on the reins and aimed her steed back where she came from.

Without another thought, the horse began to sprint back towards the camp. Evera looked back at the path to see a bunch of white eyes staring back at her. The path was as dark as night- despite only being a few feet away.

Evera was shaken out of her shock from the human hugging her tightly.
“Thank you! Thank you. Oh my- I thought I was dead.”

Evera glanced at the person she rescued. She was battered and bruised. A few lacerations were noticeable.

The half-elf let out a deep sigh of relief.
“No problem. You’re lucky I was around.” She smiled as she focused back on the path ahead. Clearly whatever was attacking her wasn’t following.

The horse slowed to a trot in the winter night.
“Who are you? And what are you even doing out here?” Evera asked.

“The name is Wi.” The human replied. “I got lost…then attacked by whatever those things were.”

“No kidding…I have never seen anything like that.” Evera looked back at Wi. “I’m Evera by the way.”

“Evera…that’s a pretty name. Pleasure to meet you, Evera.” Wi placed her head on Evera’s shoulder.

Evera tensed up at the sudden contact. She gently pushed Wi away with her hand.
“D-do you have anywhere to go, Wi?”

Wi went silent.
“No…I don’t even really know where I am.”

Internally Evera cried. She wasn’t sure if bringing a stranger into the resistance’s campsite would be a smart idea. But helping Wi could be worth it.

“It’s okay. I have a camp set up with some friends- we’ll get you healed up.” Evera pulled the blanket off herself and handed it to Wi behind her. “You’ll freeze in this weather with those clothes.”

Wi wasn’t dressed for Platinum weather. A simple shirt and shorts- you would freeze within a few hours. Wi wrapped the blanket around herself hurriedly. Appreciating the extra layer.

“You seem nice,” Wi replied quietly. “Is it okay if I join your camp? I don’t want to intrude.”

“No, no. We're just a band of misfits just…trying to get by.” Evera felt bad for lying. But her goals, her motives, and everything they worked for was at risk. “We have someone with some medical skills who will take care of you.”

Vena poured some hot water out into a cup and passed it to Wi.
“Well when you said you were going for a walk- I didn’t expect you to come back with a person.” Evera rolled her eyes at the comments.”I mean some food- yeah. Hunting or foraging but, this is a whole human person.”

Wi scowled. “I’m right here.”

“Sorry.” Vena replied as she stood up. “Just sit by the fire. I’ll get Fia up.”

Wi watched the elf peak her head into a tent. Cautiously she reached her hands out from under the blanket to be warmed by the fire. Evera sat down next to her with another blanket.

“Last one we can spare for now.” The half-elf passed it to her. “Fia comes from Lune- she knows a bit of healing magic.”

Wi watched as a sleepy cow-like being walked out of the tent. Her hair was long and fuzzy. White as snow with two big floppy ears on either side. Her eyes peaked through the mess as she was covered in thick furs and leathers to keep her warm. Her hooves stomped through the snow.

The firbolg knelt down in front of Wi. Revealing how Fia was twice the size of Wi. Her warm breath puffed into her face.
“Well ain’t you a little cutie.” She replied, her voice thick with some kind of accent.

Fia grabbed the blanket off of Wi and lifted it down- revealing the wounds. Wi pushed her hand away in discomfort before pulling the blanket back up. Fia laughed.
“I gotta see what I’m working with, cutie. I can at least make you more comfortable before ya go rest.”

Wi let out a sigh as the tension forcibly dropped in her shoulders. Fia gently removed the blanket again. Revealing a large gash, with small shards of glass, covering her arm. The sight was enough to make Fia wince.

Wi let out a small whimper of pain as the wound was exposed to the frigid air. Fia gingerly wrapped her hands around her arm. Taking extra care not to cover the wound. Warmth began to radiate from her hands as healing magic was applied.

Vena rushed in next to Fia with a small damp cloth. Carefully trying to remove the glass shards as the wound began to close. The bleeding slowed quickly before stopping. Fia removed her hands before pulling bandages out from her pocket. Slowly wrapping the, now closed up, wound.

“My healing magic ain’t what it used to be.” Fia admitted as she tied off the bandages. “But it should heal in no time, doll.” The firbolg gave a toothy grin. Wi responded with an awkward chuckle as she retreated her arm back into the blanket.

“If that’s everythin’” Fia spoke before letting out a yawn. She ran her fingers through her hair as she got to her hooves. “I’m gettin’ back to my beauty rest.”

“Thanks, Fia.” Vena replied as Fia walked back into her tent. The elf turned to both Evera and Wi. “You two should get some rest too.”

“Yeah, yeah. You guys go and rest.” Evera tried to dismiss them as she looked back at the map. Vena walked over- ripping the map out of her hands.

“Hey! What was that-”

“We both know you need more sleep than I, and I already got my shut eye for the night.”

Evera let out a defeated sigh before she turned to Wi. “Alright… It’s too late now to try and set up another tent so I suppose you can share mine.”

“Are you sure?” Wi asked. “I don’t want to intrude further I-”

“No, no. It’s okay. I insist.” Evera got up. She retrieved another bedroll from their supplies before walking over to the tent next to Fia’s.

Wi blinked from the fire before slowly getting up. She rested her cup on the ground as she wrapped the blankets tightly around herself- following Evera into the tent for the night.

Vena watched the two settle in as the lantern in the tent flickered out. The camp was now still and silent. The elf poured herself a cup of hot tea. Snow began to fall from the dark sky as the raging fire began to burn down to cinders.

Yet through all the peace- Vena couldn’t help but feel she was being watched.