Feather Trial prompts

3 months, 29 days ago
3 months, 29 days ago
4 1621

Chapter 1
Published 3 months, 29 days ago

Kia feather trial prompts blah blah blah

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Bravery you say? HA, that’s too easy for this girl. Daiquiri knows no fear, she’s a Nitros child, daughter of the smartest and most manic doctor in all of Solaria. What does she have to be scared of? This trial is gonna be a piece of cake.Coming up to the Newcomers Hut Dai shoots Benji a wide grin. “I’m here to show you I earned my feather!” she announces, waving a tale tell feather in the air like a flag. Benji peers at her, looking up and down. “You need to perform an act of bravery.” “Well DUH of course I do, how do you think I got this?” Dai scoffs as if Benji were dumb, waving the feather in her paw once more. Benji, much to their credit, retains their patience. “In that case, what act of bravery did you perform?” At this Dai swooshes her hair back and grins again, looking very much proud of herself. “I beat up a shark.” At this Benji double takes. Did they hear that right? “You… beat up a shark…?” “Sure did!” Daiquiri beams. “So like I was at the beach right and while shell hunting I found this super cute feather in the sand. Cool right? Well I put it in my bathing suit to save and went to go catch some waves before coming back. Well while I was out there some DUMB BABY SHARK came up and snatched the feather right out of my suit! Like how rude can you be? People on shore tried to tell me to just leave it be and find another feather but I was like oh hell no and went after it. Long story short I beat it up and got my feather back.” Dai continues to beam, extremely pleased with herself. Benji, who knows that the only sharks active this time of year are aggressive adults following migrating fish schools, simply nods. “Sounds like you really taught it a lesson.” “I sure did! So that counts right? For my trial?” Benji, more out of not wanting this chick to go back into shark infested waters to throw hands with an ocean predator nods. “Yep. Sure does. Congratulations.” Daiquiri lets out a trill, thrilled to have passed while Benji contemplates how this ditz didn’t so much as get her toe nibbled off.

389 words