[EvG] Romeo Full Backstory

4 months, 12 days ago

Explicit Violence

This is Old. SO Very old circa 2017. No I did no change any grammar LMAO. This relic stays as is.

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The prologue

    In the beginning, there was a young woman from a poor community and a young man from a strict and traditional family. Santana Reyes and Liwei Huang were two opposites that happened to meet during high school. It was never much of a romance, Santana was feisty and rebellious. Very different from his home life and Liwei was interested in her because of that. Their relationship was wild and loveless. Then one day during their senior year of high school Santana found out she was pregnant. Bound by an honor code (and to save his reputation) Liwei married the woman, despite his feelings and his family's feelings against her. Not once did they ever agree on anything as one could guess their marriage did not last long.

    Romeo was only six years old, unknowing of anything that was happening. By that time due to family connections and his own wits had made his way into a government position and Santana had been a stay at home mother. Liwei could not stand to be around Santana anymore and wanted her gone. To protect his image (because divorcing your wife just because would cause to much negative backlash on his career) he used his influence and power to make it look like Sanatana was unfit and a danger to Romeo. He would and was viewed as a savior for protecting his precious daughter from a monster. Sanatana got nothing and left her daughter, ex-husband, and cushy life to back to the shitty place she used to live.

Early Childhood


    Liwei never wanted his daughter, it was all about image. He didn't love her and the second she was old enough he shipped her off to a private boarding school. He was busy and didn't need a child in his life, wiping his hands of having to care for her, he only saw her during the school breaks and even then their interactions were few and far and always cold. Because of this Romeo very quickly grew to resent her father and missed her mother, who had taken care of her happily as a child. Only a faint few memories as a child of her mother she missed her for a short while when she was younger. Though as she got older the longing for her mother faded to near nothing.

    Romeo always seemed sort of off as a child. She didn't express emotions like the other kids did and preferred being by herself than having social interaction and being in the presence of others. She would just sit in a corner and observe the others. How the spoke, how they acted, studying ever move as if the everyday interactions of children were something to marvel and behold at. She was quite the little thief and liar, she got skilled at such things quickly. Learning to deceive adults and other kids from her misdeeds at a young age. She never made any friends and was often violent towards teachers who tried interacting with her. This concern was brought up to her father, but he never bothered with her. Had he cared and taken her to get helped, they would have found she had Conduct Disorder and that there was time to help her. However, that would not happen and Liwei continued to raise a child into a sociopath.

Middle School Days

    By this time Romeo had learned how to act around others if she were to not be outcasted. She didn't enjoy social interaction, but she needed to appear normal to get what she wanted. She became perfect, teachers wondered but were glad the disobedient child Romeo was had turned into such a lovely and well behaved young lady...It was all a lie. She was just much better at hiding her thoughts and actions. Despite being a well-behaved child and knowing how to deceive others, Romeo still preferred to keep to herself and observe others. She didn't have any friends (which she was content with) and only talked to teachers, who all loved and praised this perfect example of a student. This caused some resentment in others.

    One day during 7th grade a girl finally spoke out to her, it would be a mistake on the girl's part. The girl was a sweet one, she had been pushed into talking to Romeo. Her plan was to make Romeo feel comfortable and then introduce the popular girls, make them all feel like friends then crush her. The typical thing you'd see in movies. But Romeo could tell right away. Studying human behavior certainly helped sniff out that bad acting. It was quite obvious, one could put two and two together and Romeo figured out the plan as soon as the girl introduced her to the others. Romeo decided to play along. They would play for even attempting to make a fool out of her.

    She played nice, pretended to be friends, to play dumb, but not a single interaction was wasted. She played cold and calculating. She'd gain the nice girls' trust and then manipulate her. She would turn them against each other, one by one until their friendships were ruined. And that's what happened, slowly over the course of the next two years through 7th and 8th grade, she got them to turn on each other, completely forgetting their original goal to embarrass Romeo. A puppet master Romeo felt something she'd never felt before while manipulating these girls and watching the spoils of her hard work; joy. She was elated, she enjoyed doing this, she wanted to do this more. By the end of 9th grade, Romeo had a reputation of a happy and charming girl who was socially active. Everyone wanted to be her friend.

The Accident

    Summer of Romeo's 9th-grade year, when it ended she would be a sophomore in high school. At the young age of 15 Romeo had a plan, a horrible plan that one wouldn;t think possible of a child. The morning was clear and crisp with birds singing their morning songs to welcome the sun. At the top of the stairs stood Romeo with a towel wrapped around herself, having just gotten out of the shower. Her long black hair was dripping wet, it appears she hadn't dried it out. Taking the locks into her hands she wrung the water out, it spattering against the floor and she watched with a blank stare as it traveled down the tiled stairs, covering the upper third of it.

    She grabbed a brush and begun brush out any bit of moisture she could from her hair. Her blank looked altered slightly into a look of disgust as her father's voice traveled from the kitchen. He was talking to his secretary, his secret girlfriend. Romeo had met her on a few occasions and despised her. Despised the love her father gave to this woman instead of caring about his own child. She eavesdropped on all their phone conversations and the news of wanting to get engaged pushed her to do this. She didn't want that woman involved in her life and she didn't want her father in it anymore. This would fix everything. She had been planning this for awhile.

    She called out to her father and her scowl deepened as he ignored her in favor to continue to talk to his girlfriend. She calmly continued to brush her hair and called out for him again, louder this time. She heard him tell his girlfriend he'd be back, Romeo smirking at the annoyed tone in his voice. He came out from the kitchen into the living room, looking at his daughter with animosity. Questioning her as to why she had to rip him away from 'important work', Romeo just told him he needed to come upstairs for a second. Giving an annoyed sigh he begun traveling up the stairs.

    Her father was a stout and serious man. He was wearing a crisp white dress shirt tucked into his black dress pants with a loose tie and house slippers donned on his feet, it appears he had returned home from an all-nighter at work. Romeo always wondered why he chose to dress in such an Americanized way, even at home, but pick and chose what traditional customs. It seemed so hypocritical... not that she was one to judge about that sort of thing.

    As he traveled up the stairs, his daughter had yet to move and inch, just the methoical broke strokes of her haur. Her eyes never left him, taking in every step he took, waiting. As he neared the wet step he begun to say something, probably to scold her, but was interrupted as he took his fatal step. Water plus tile is a recipe for slipping and that's what happened. His foot slipped from under him and he was sent falling down a flight of stairs. The last thing saw was the smirk on his daughter's face as he fell to his death. The back of his head smashed into the floor at the bottom to the stairs a sickening thud and crunch sound audible. Romeo stood there at the stop of the stairs watching the blood beginning to pool around her father's corpse.

    Carefully going down the stairs, hand on the guard rail, she walked passed the corpse, making her way into the kitchen. There her father's phone laid on the counter. ACT 2 would begin with the secretary. Taking the hold Romeo begun to act. She went into hysterical sobbing and screaming. The secretary's panicked voice came through the phone asking what was wrong. Hook, line, and sinker. Romeo told her a panicked story of how her father slipped on the stairs, all through well orchestrated fake sobs. The secretary called 911 and stayed with Romeo on the phone as she sobbed.

    Within 15 minutes an ambulance arrived and declared her father dead. Making sure to keep up the water works as the police came to ask questions she told them the same story. She sobbed saying it was her fault because she hadn't dried her hair, he slipped because of her. The police finding nothing wrong tried to comfort the girl who felt zero remorse or guilt for her actions. They played into her hands and fell for her crocodile tears. The fact that this worked got her absolutely euphoric. She didn;t care where she was sent, she was just happy to be rid of her father. No will had been signed or made and the closest relative was she was shipped off to live with her mother and was told when she was 18 all of her father assets would be hers.

The Girl

    Her mother was a single woman who grew up and still lived in a bad neighborhood riddled with gangs, violence, and drugs. Thrown into this completely new environment, so different from her pristine private school, Romeo was happy to adapt enjoy the new things around her. It was all so different, so exciting. Her mother and herself got on well enough, Romeo didn't love her, but she had a sort of respect for this woman who was brash and rude.

    Her first day of public school, she was excited to see new things and hurt new people. A new environment to test out her skills was more than she could ever ask for. In her first class, however, something stopped her cold. There was a girl and she had purple hair. Something one wouldn't think about often, but this was and foreign to Romeo. This drew her to this girl and from there and unfortunate turn of event spiraled into play. Romeo was incapable of love but lead this girl along. To control her to own her.

    As high school went on and even afterward she kept the girl close to her, basically being a puppeteer to her. She kept her the same as she was in high school, looks and fashion. They had gotten matching heart tattoo, which on the outside seemed like a sweet gesture, but it was Romeo's way of marking the girl, claiming her, leaving a remind permanently inked on their bodies. She was hers and Romeo planned on that staying so forever.

The Deep Sleep Program

    It had been a few years after high school and Romeo had taken up her mother's profession. She was an excellent tattoo artist and enjoyed it (it was a profession that let you give pain to others and it was acceptable) and keeping her girl on a tight leash. The end of the world was comming. That was fine, as long as she had everything she wanted.But her plans quickly changed. Her 'girlfriend' had been randomly selected and she was going to go. As if it were a subconscious thing, the need to escape Romeo. Upset Romeo had to find a way to get in. She couldn't let her leave. Then an idea appeared, yes she had all of her father assets and he had been quite wealthy. She had never touched it because she didn't need to. Using that she bought her way into the program, the girl would not escape her. She would have her in the new world.

The New World

    The new world was intriguing to Romeo, but regardless she grew bored. The tree people gave her little interest, besides the fact they could be easily manipulated. This new village was nothing that impressed Romeo. Alice as the leader was even less impressive. This new world and it's people were little interest to her. She wanted her own place to rule over the insignificant people. The vicious Harpies and cunning Merfolkk were more to Romeo's preference. She wonders if she could use that to her advantage.