


4 months, 10 days ago


Real Name

Meili Reyes






Cis Woman




Head Scout


Grey-Aro Pan sex






Lucy Liu


Summer 05

˗ˏˋ Romeo Montague ˊˎ˗

If you're no use to me then, you're obviously useless to everyone.

Romeo is a determined individual who never seems to give up on her conquest of life. Having learned that her ideals are considered 'immoral' she's adapted to life wearing a mask to show false emotions, so others will accept and think nothing is strange. She feels very little emotion for anything other than herself and if seen giving emotion to anything else it's likely just a ploy to trick and manipulate said thing, whether for fun or to get something she wants. There are only a select people she'd show her true self too, most likely those she see so insignificantly no way they'd be a threat. Arrogant to a fault she thinks no one can match her, which normally she is two steps ahead. She loves to play mind games and enjoys seeing pain in others, not that she'd ever tell you this.















Quick Tempered


You stand in front of a class, the smell of teenage sweat, an overuse of perfume fills the room, and weed filled the room. The faces of the class bored and uninterested, but they weren't important. You look to what you were holding. Some script of sorts, but you didn't linger long on it. In front of you was a girl. A girl with long purple hair cascading down her shoulder and deep blue eyes like gems staring at a script as well. The girl readjusted her glasses and you could hear your heart beat in your ears as you stared at her. Yes. There she was, you were in front of her. The girl you had been eyeing since you saw her.

Eyes trained on her lips, holding your breath as she spoke; "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet. Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague." Your heart was beating so fast and hard in your ears you almost couldn't hear her melodic voice, loving ever hitch as she tried reading the lines. She just professed her love to you. She did she admitted it. You finally let go of your breath and looked down at your script as it was time to read you lines. You see the play's title bold on the page. 'Romeo and Juliet'

You wake up.


  • Trilingual; English [native], Chinese [fluent], & Spanish [fluent]
  • Has a thing for asymmetry, not a big fan of things being perfectly symmetrical.
  • She has given herself a last name because she felt like it and because no one can do anything about it.


Romeo's story started with two people who didn't want to be married and hated each other. Divorcing when their kid was 6, her father got custody to protect his image and screw his ex-wife over. But he had never wanted her and shipped her off to a private boarding school asap. There her sociopathic tendencies grew to the point where she manipulated a group of girls and ruined their friendship. During high school, she killed her father (read the full thing for more details tbh) and made it look like an accident. She was shipped off to her mother who lived in a poor neighborhood. In public school for the first time, she became obsessed with a girl and begun manipulating her into a relationship that was toxic.

It had been a few years after high school and Romeo had taken up her mother's profession. She was an excellent tattoo artist and enjoyed it (it was a profession that let you give pain to others and it was acceptable) and keeping her girl on a tight leash. The end of the world was coming. That was fine, as long as she had everything she wanted.But her plans quickly changed. Her 'girlfriend' had been randomly selected and she was going to go. As if it were a subconscious thing, the need to escape Romeo. Upset Romeo had to find a way to get in. She couldn't let her leave. Then an idea appeared, yes she had all of her father assets and he had been quite wealthy. She had never touched it because she didn't need to. Using that she bought her way into the program, the girl would not escape her. She would have her in the new world.

The new world was intriguing to Romeo, but regardless she grew bored. The tree people gave her little interest, besides the fact they could be easily manipulated. This new village was nothing that impressed Romeo. Alice as the leader was even less impressive. This new world and its people were little interest to her. She wanted her own place to rule over the insignificant people. The vicious Harpies and cunning Merfolk were more to Romeo's preference. She wonders if she could use that to her advantage.

Full Backstory here.