The value of imps

7 months, 11 days ago

Harlow seeks Hutch out for a favor.

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Violet, the erose, flew towards the bags of treats and slammed into the wall of the shop. Harlow flinched watching the imp fly erratically as it got back up. Hutch ran after the imp, trying to protect it from hurting itself. It had been several weeks since Harlow learned about imps from Hutch on his farm, and Lala, the lovedrunk erose, was stuck to him like glue. Although the farmer did not want to admit it, he did grow fond of Lala. But what was most amazing, was that Lala had started helping him around the farm, such as picking up dropped vegetables, and assisting in chasing away other imps trying to eat his crop. Harlow decided that he needed to train some imps for his farm so that he didn't have to do it all, himself, like he always had.

"Watch out!" they screamed. Harlow ducked just in time as Violet swung over his head, a little squee coming from the imp. Hutch came rushing over to Harlow, after Violet. Harlow sucked up his ego and consulted Hutch for some imp training a few weeks ago. All was going well until he received Violet who was very difficult to tame. As the Imporium owner finally caught up to Violet, they swung the net in their hands and caught the thing. 

Harlow clapped slowly as he chewed on the wheat in his mouth. "Good job, buddy."

Hutch got back up and rubbed the back of their head. "Ow...," they bumped their head on one of the boxes, but they smiled meekly. "T-thanks."

Walking over, he bent down and looked at Violet fussing inside the mesh. He sighed, "So, any ideas on what we should do? It refuses to listen to me."

"She just needs more time with you," Hutch went behind the counter and began rummaging for some supplies.

"I have spent almost two weeks with her. The others were less than a week," Harlow felt a little impatient. With the seasons changing and his clients still pressing on him for more produce, he needed to get his farm up and running way more efficiently. That is where these imps came in.

"If you treat them like machines, they're going to revolt," explained Hutch, finally grabbing some bottle of liquid and a syringe. "You need to be patient." Harlow frowned and crossed his arms, making Hutch shrink back. "I-I mean....just g-give her some more space and time." They placed the things on the store counter and waved for Harlow to come closer.

"What about Violet?"

"She is fine, just leave her in the net for now." Hutch opened up the little bottle and began taking the solution out with a syringe. "I assume you have been offering her treats."

"Yea, the kinds you gave me last time." Harlow rubbed his chin. Hutch had instructed him to train them with these heart shaped cookie-like treats that most imps loved.

Nodding, Hutch gave the syringe a flew flicks with his fingers and then stuck it out to Harlow. Grabbing it, Harlow stared at the tiny syringe and waited for Hutch's explanation. "Try giving her this." Harlow did not budge. "Don't worry, it won't harm her."

Lala was floating by Violet in the net, seemingly trying to calm the other imp down. When Harlow came close, Lala flew back and let her owner slowly lift and hold Violet against his chest and arm. "Shhhhhh..," he tried cooing. Hutch could be heard giggling, which caused Harlow to shoot a glare in their direction making Hutch clear their throat and adjust their collar. Slowly, he moved the syringe to Violet's mouth and squeezed the tip into it, then he pushed the plunger releasing the clear liquid. 

"Okay...slowly let her go," further instructed Hutch. Harlow slowly loosened his grip and the erose floated freely, swaying side to side, seemingly calmed. "Good."

"What is this stuff?" the farmer eyed the now-empty syringe.

Hutch took the syringe back from him. "It's a solution that makes them a little calmer, but I would not recommend giving it often because it can dull their senses too much. Only absolutely necessary."

"I feel like with Violet, every moment is necessary...," Harlow sighed frustratingly.

"Keep using the techniques I showed you and treats," they bagged up the syringe and solution bottle. "Only use this," they handed the little baggy over, "if she was like today in the store."

Harlow stuffed the baggy in his pocket. "What do I owe ya?"

Hutch shook his head, "Don't worry about it."

"Thanks then, buddy."

Blushing and acting a bit flustered, Hutch looked at Lala and smiled. "Looks like you really found yourself some new companions."

"They have been a big help to my farm," Harlow was looking at his phone, checking his farm's security cameras. All was in order. He could see the remainder of his imps, mostly consisting of eroses, do their tasks diligently. "I am hoping to get a few more."

"Like I said earlier, they make great pets."

Harlow chuckled, "They're not pets to me. They're workers." Sighing, a bit defeated, Hutch nodded slowly, wishing Harlow could appreciate his newfound imp-pals more. "Anything else?" came Harlow's deep voice.

"Not unless you have some other crazy erose for me."

Scoffing, Harlow waved and pushed the door to the store open. Before leaving, he turned his head back, "Drop by the farm sometime. Come see them in action." Then he left.