Carmina Pluviae

6 months, 6 days ago
6 months, 6 days ago
34 8160

Entry 18
Published 6 months, 6 days ago

Only those who are worthy can see my little café. Will you be the next?

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2.2 Shimizu Kaiyo (清水海洋)

Kaiyo? My sister? What would you want to know about my sister? She practically tells everyone everything about herself! What more do you want to know? Oh me? Being snappy? Well, you ought to get this kind of treatment if you talk to me. Sigh…. Fine. Seems like you won’t stop nagging me any time soon. Guess this is the only thing that’ll shut you up. But! You mustn't tell anyone. Or else. 

Kaiyo was lonely most of the time when she was little. I was always busy practising and learning sword techniques, so I never really had time to hang out with her. She was however very good with magic. So, she spent most of time cooped up in her room practising hydromancy. There was this rule that the Unknown Spirits had made that they weren't allowed to have children. It would distract them from their job of protecting the spirits. They were able to accept me because I was exceptionally skilled with cryomancy and the sword but Kaiyo… Mum kept her an entire secret from the others. Everyone was always really kind and respected mum but when the news about Kaiyo spread, it brought rage amongst them. They went after us but in the end, Mum sacrificed herself to save us. We felt and left the Afterworld behind us and met up with Kaku which he then helped us flee into the Overworld. That was basically her life when she was 8 or 800 years old. Now she’s 21 and works at a café part-time.

You want to know about her life in the Overworld? Damn aren't you naggy. You’re leaving after this alright? 
After we fled into the Overworld, we hurried to a spirit hideout that Kaku told us about. They gave us food, shelter, and clothes. We soon were able to live… normally... I guess. Kaiyo was however still traumatised from what had happened. At Least she was spending more time with me now. The hideout later enrolled us in a school. Of course we went, and Kaiyo got better. I could never really tell. King of bad as an older brother huh? Spirits never really made friends in the Overworld, but we got some close ones… Soon she fell in love with some guy called Xen or something I can't remember. I was obviously against it. She was 17 and he was NOT a good person. He always hung out with other girls behind her back and like always, Kaiyo being the dumbass she is, didn't notice at all. Even after i told her. A few months later Kaiyo caught him at the back of the school with this… girl... Ugh, just remembering the moment she described to me makes me want to gag… Wait let me go get some water first…. Heartbroken, she screamed at him. Even went to slap his face AND use hydromancy (you’re supposed to keep spiritual power a secret, but sometimes spirits lose control and naturally release magic). Tears welled from her blue, glass-like eyes as she muttered something inaudible and ran to me. Ever since that, she’s never dated anyone. UNTIL! Ugh! it just doesn't end. This ram spirit (also later known as General Alberich’s son), Jay. As always, I was against it, but as time passed, I started to accept him. He was General Alberich’s son after all. Nothing bad would happen right? Of course, he had flaws… What flaws? Oh, I don't really know, but he was quite the man. They live together now which isn't entirely bad. I still don't trust him though, but if Kaiyo’s happy I trust her judgement.

The uni Kaiyo goes to is a special uni for spirits. The uni separates into two different directions: Academics and Combat. Academics are for spirits who help around the Overworld as doctors, carers, teachers and yeah. The usual employee jobs in the Overworld. Combat, well the name says it all. It mainly focuses on the idea built by the one and only, General Alberich. They protect the Overworld using magic and weapons.
What? Using weapons? Oh, that's technically useless but just in case other spirits attack each other. You know? What weapon does Kaiyo use? Oh, she uses a spear. Why? Geez! Why would I know? Go ask her!Sigh…. Anyways, like I previously mentioned,
Kaiyo is very good at hydromancy from a very young age because of all that time she spent in the Afterworld. Kaiyo is still recovering (even after 13 years), but seeing how many people are supporting her, she’ll be fine. She usually spends her time doing little crafts such as origami, clay figure making, you know? Those sorts of things. She tries to cook… She can't cook though, burns the entire kitchen if she does, She can't even boil water! That clumsy little- so most of the time Jay cooks for her (side note: Malewife moment????🤨), or I do… sometimes, I used to A LOT. Or! She’d just get take-away or something.
When she isn’t in the Overworld, she hangs out in the Afterworld. Why? Well, the Fire Unknown Spirit clouds himself in delusions and doesn’t take care of his fucking citizens. They’re constantly out of water. Surprising ey? So, Kaiyo heads to the Afterworld from time to time to help the water crisis there.
Kaiyo was always a good student, she always helped around (she wasn't very good at studying, but she managed). In primary school, she was a student council member, she was VERY good at it… except speaking at assemblies. She eventually got through it though. In high school, she joined the sewing club (which she then got kicked out of because she missed too many days to go watch Jay from the soccer club instead of actually going to her club. This was before they even got together. Man, she’s so careless. Oh, my days.) She WAS, however, really good at sewing…
Yeah, she made me a lot of plushies during her time there. Her whole bed would be filled with them…

Alright! Enough questions now Don't even ask me anymore questions. 
Well yeah, obviously, you would’ve gathered enough information from Kaiyo herself, so why did you even bother asking me?
Oh…? There’s someone at the door let me go get it, Oh! 

Oh! Kaito… Kaiyo isn't here? I’ve got some groceries so I’m gonna head to the kitchen and maybe start prepping dinner. If she arrives, tell her that I’m in the kitchen. Busy.

Ah… Alright… Whatever you say Jay…