Carmina Pluviae

6 months, 6 days ago
6 months, 6 days ago
34 8160

Entry 19
Published 6 months, 6 days ago

Only those who are worthy can see my little café. Will you be the next?

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2.3 Shimizu Kaito (清水海斗) (WIP)

Kaito? My big brother is amazing, he’s taking care of me all by himself since I was an itty-bitty spirit. He always cheered me up when I was down, helped me out when I was struggling with homework or anything, protected me when I was in danger, cooked for me, walked me to school even though he had to be at school. He was literally the BEST and I mean BEST brother you could ever ask. Ahhh!!!! Just thinking about the memories makes me feel some sort of sadness… It’s a happy kind of sadness, bittersweet would be a better word... no?

“Fine, we’ll give you one chance. Only because he’s strong.”

“Wow! You’re a natural at this! I knew you’d be great with a sword!”

“He’s my son! And I know him best!”

“So, you’re saying that we should just leave him!?”

“I’m only being nice ‘cuz you’re Umi’s kid.”

Listen- I don’t have time to mess with you. 

Only because he’s strong… 

Kaito had always felt like a disappointment to Umi’s friends ever since he had met up with them. They always had high expectations and showed a cold face to him. Such a sad life… Don’t you think? You’re expected to have this. Go there. Do this. Do that. Kaito had heard it all before. He heard it so much he began to resent hearing those words come from people’s mouths. All Kaito really wanted was to be noticed that he was an ordinary spirit. But of course that wasn’t what happened. Umi always ended up carrying and calming him down every single night because he always returned with puffed eyes and rosy cheeks from all the crying. That was until Kaiyo had been introduced to his life. For several hundreds of years, Kaito was told to keep Kaiyo a secret from the others because of how dangerous the consequences would be. Soon enough, they found out and Kaito (along with Kaiyo) were chased out. “Go… To the Overworld. The spirits there will protect you. This once beautiful world… It’s crumbling.” Umi whispered softly gently touching Kaito’s left cheek, “Protect Kaiyo no matter what and remember… I will always love you. I will always be with you.” 

And just like that his life crumbled down. Several years later, Kaito had begun to settle down with his new life in the Overworld. Things ran differently there; cars existed, spirits usually hid in a human form, food was much more delicious, a moon exists??? All these kinds of things fascinated Kaito. This unknown new territory felt so distant yet so near. However, growing up in the Overworld was not easy. He would often teach himself things that he wouldn’t normally do like cooking, cleaning, and a bit of sewing. You could say he was on the journey to be a malewife ???

“Kaito?” Kaiyo called from a distance
“Yes?” Kaito answered back.

“Kaito??? Kaiitoooooo????”
“Yes??? Kaiyo what’s going on? I’m busy cooking dinner,” Kaito shouted into the hallway which Kaiyo’s voice echoed from, “If you have a problem come here and tell me clearly!”
The sound of stomps gradually became present as Kaiyo sped through the hallway and into the kitchen. 
“KAIIITOOOOO” Kaiyo pouted, “I’m bored! Play with me! Read me a book or something!”
“Not now silly,” Kaito muttered, “I’m busy cooking unless you want to eat burnt dinner.”
Kaiyo shrank back at her brother's rejection, sniffed a couple of times, hugged the plush toy she was carrying and walked back into her room.
“Haaah...” Kaito sighed, “What should I do with her? She's only eight years old. At this rate I won’t be able to protect her. 

It was hard trying to raiser her all by myself. But we managed to get through it. As we got older, we got used to Iiranhya.