A Promoter's Dilemma (A One-Shot feat. Amelia)

3 months, 24 days ago
692 3

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence
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I was also given permission by the lovely MeltingChaos to add their Hazbin OC into this! I'm not lying when I say if you ask me from a year ago that I'd even get a CHANCE to be friends with Chaos, I'd be like "what the FUCK is wrong with you" /vpos

"Oh, artist's block! What will I do without you? Or...is it with you? Eh, same thing."

Amelia laid back on her swivel chair, spinning around in circles while completely out of focus. Her bright computer screen showed an empty canvas, its whiteness blurring Amelia's face when her face hit the light while spinning in her chair. She's been sitting there for almost an hour, thinking of new poster ideas for the hotel. Alas, nothing comes to mind.

Perhaps a walk could help? Back when she was alive, she went on walks a lot to cool her head. Maybe it'll work as well in Hell? Maybe, maybe not. Only one way to find out, she thought. She grabbed her notebook and pen in case any ideas came to her while she was out and left her room, at least after putting a note on her door saying she'll be gone for a little bit.

The demon roamed the streets of Hell, where chaos was anywhere you went. People stabbing each other for drugs, whores pulling others in their room for sex, and Cannibal Town...doing cannibal things. She tapped the tip of her pen to her cheek, looking around for just about anything to inspire her for her poster advertisements. She could make a VoxTek related one, but she's make three of those in the past week. She didn't wanna make one about the other Vee's, as she didn't really know much about Valentino and didn't wanna get Velvette's attention. At least, negative attention. She eventually runs into one of her favorite bars, 'The Tarot Tango', which she might meet one of her "companions": Spritz! Maybe they'll have an idea!

Amelia walks into the old-timey-themed bar, as they like to call it. She tries her best to avoid the stronger demons and making any sort of eye contact. She has the energy, but not the strength! She didn't feel like using her guns anyways. It doesn't take long for her to find the goat-faced demon. She shouts their name and rush over to the counter, where they're serving others.

"Ah, Amelia! Welcome in. What can I do for ya?" Spritz cheerfully asked, grabbing a shot glass from behind the counter.

"Two shots of vodka, please!" Amelia placed down the required amount of cash down. "I came here mainly cuz I'm a little stumped, haha..."

"You? Stumped? What are you, a tree?" Spritz giggled, pouring Amelia her two shot glasses.

"Kehehe~ yeah, a tree that has no idea how to flow through the wind! I'm out of poster ideas and I'm wondering if you can help."

Spritz nudged the now full glasses to Amelia, raising an eyebrow. "And how do you think I can help, hm?"

"Well, I'm sure you can come up with something! You have a good mind up there, right?"

"Heh, good point. How about those VoxTek ones you keep making?"

"I wish, but I can't just keep making them over and over. That's too repetitive!" Amelia takes a sip of one of the vodka glasses.

"Well, that's good for Pira, ehe~..." Spritz whispered. Amelia puffed her cheeks, signaling she heard what they said.

The two keep the conversation going, Amelia writing down any ideas Spritz comes up with. Although it's not as many as she'd like, she'll take just about anything. By the time Amelia finishes her drinks, Spritz switches the topic by asking about Amelia's rivalry with Pira. Amelia then boasts on about it, declaring herself the winner so far, but upset that Pira won't try that hard to make good comebacks. Spritz chuckles, explaining that maybe Pira wants no part of it. Amelia pouts, claiming that their rivalry is the best thing to happen to her since her time in Hell. 

However, Amelia actually meaning that is unknown.

Amelia eventually says goodbye to the bartender and makes her way back to the hotel, ideas suddenly popping up into her head. She gets to her room, cracking her knuckles like she's preparing for a fight, and sits down in her swivel chair. She lays her notebook down besides her and gets to work on her new poster advertisement.