Hi Little Friend

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Shi shook himself off and laid down on one of the pillows, looking around at all the adult Dark Latex Wolves. He grunted, as he didn’t get along with most of the other latex beasts due to the rest of them being mindless beasts that only wish to infect humans.

Shi rolled over onto his back, wondering just what he could do. Everything always felt wrong to him. It just did and he couldn’t quite put his finger on why. Soon, he heard a sound of the doors opening and his head perked up.

“Human, Lyko really thinks you should be careful.” The Dark Latex Beast that walked in said.

“Yeah, I know. Oh, all the latex beasts here are asleep. Ah, all except that little one.” The human said.

“Lyko thinks that it is cute! Maybe we should take it with us to meet the others!” Lyko exclaimed.

Shi tilted his head and walked over to the both of them, curious. Maybe he could get along with this Lyko?

“Hello little one, Lyko’s name is Lyko, and this is his human friend.” Lyko said.

“My name is Tarro. I’m the only human in our little group, but we might as well add another latex beast.” The human said.

Shi nodded and hopped into Tarro’s arms, wagging his tail happily.

“Seems he likes you human, Lyko finds that adorable.” Lyko said.

The duo moved on, carrying Shi before running into the rest of their friend group.

“Oh my gosh, what an adorable little thing! Hai there little guy! I am Tristan! I um, well I used to be human, but got transfurred before the whole outbreak of latex beasts began.” One Dark Latex Wolf said.

Shi tilted his head, frowning at Lyko, thinking Lyko did that.

“What? No, Lyko did not transfur me. The workers of Thunder Science Inc did.” Tristan said.

“Um… hi…? I uh… sorry, freaking out too much, eheh. I um, my name is Jet, it is nice to meet you.” A Yufeng Dragon said.

“Yeah, Jet is quite timid, especially towards humans, took him quite some time to get used to me.” Tarro said.

“Yeah. Humans are scary.” Jet said.

Shi made a curious grunt as he tilted his head. His tail wagged slowly in excitement.

“Ugh, this is just so annoying.” A Yufeng Dragon said.

“Introduce yourself to the little one, ok?” Tristan said.

“Ok! If you are the one who is telling me, then sure, adorable.” The Yufeng Dragon said.

“Please stop embarrassing me.” Tristan said.

“Ahem, my name is Prodigy Fizz, though I would prefer being called Fizz or Fizzy. Doesn’t matter which.” The Yufeng Dragon said.

“So, little one, do you have a name?” Lyko asked.

“Yeah, we would love to know it.” Tristan said.

Shi looked around at everyone before jumping out of Tarro’s arms, landing on the ground. He wrote his name, ‘Shi’, on the ground using a trail of his latex.

“Shi, huh. Great name.” Jet said.