Design Notes

3 months, 14 days ago
3 months, 14 days ago
1 307

Chapter 1
Published 3 months, 14 days ago

Cultural notes on the design for the curious!

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Marta is inspired by the real world holiday of Baba Marta (Баба Марта) celebrated annually on March 1st.  

About Baba Marta:

Baba Marta celebrates the coming of spring.  On Baba Marta, martenitsi are exchanged between friends, family, coworkers, and even given to pets!  Giving a martenitsa symbolizes your wish that the person have good health throughout the year.

About Martenitsi:

Martenitsi (singular: martenitsa) are red and white amulets traditionally made of thread or yarn.   They most commonly take the form of woven bracelets, a pair of red and white tassels, or two red and whtite figures made from tassels. Marta's Gym Badge, the Martenitsa Badge, is modelled on a pair of red and white tassels.

Besides wishing those around  you good health, exchanging martenitsi is thought to appease Baba Marta, the personification of March/Spring.  Baba Marta is known to be temperamental, able to switch from a sunny disposition to a stormy one with little notice.  For this reason, Marta has two teams, one to represent mild spring weather, one to represent those sudden spring storms and last throes of winter!

A Job Well Done

When a sign of spring is seen, it is traditional to remove your martenitsa and hang it on the first blossoming tree you see.  Signs of spring include storks, swallows, and blossoming trees,  For this reason, Marta's ace is Bombardier and her Fair Weather team has a Swellow and several "blossoming" Pokemon.

Dancing to a Different Tune

Marta's gym gimmick is inspired by Bulgarian folk music which has a rather unique tendency to use odd time signatures.  To ears not accustomed to these time signatures, the dances can sound like there's a hop or a bounce in them.

Dress for Success

Marta's outfit is loosely based on traditional dress from the Shop region of Bulgaria.  Each region has its own unique colors and patterns.