Styling new do

7 months, 5 days ago

As Ruth is ending her shift, an unexpected visit from a certain someone jolts her.

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The last few customers at the end of the shift always come all at once. This is what Ruth noticed since she started working at Paradise Cafe. Beanny had an appointment for the day and had already left, leaving Ruth to close up shop. The orders were not difficult, but it was her first time handling a handful of customers alone; she always had Beanny previously. With shaking hands, she brewed and prepared their drinks. Since it was closing time, everyone had to get their drinks to go. When the final bun was cashed out, Ruth dabbed her forehead with her apron. What a rush. She felt mildly proud that she conquered it, even though it was probably cake-walk for Beanny. She grabbed the spray bottle and a little towel to start cleaning up the tables.

Just as she headed off to do so, another bun walked through the front door. Her heart sank because she hated turning customers away. Just one more, I suppose. She put down her cleaning equipment and went back to the front register to greet them. "Welcome to Paradise Cafe. As we are closing, we are only permitted to accepting take-out orders," she smiled. "What may I get for you?"

The customer was in their bun form. Ruth had to peer over the edge of the counter. She could not tell how they looked due to the face mask, but they were looking up at her. "Hello again." Ruth recognized the voice immediately. A flashback of fear filled the cherubun as she stared, wide-eye, at the supermodel in their bun form. She hated being rude, but she could not hide the worry on her face. Their first, and Ruth had hoped the last, meeting was not a desirable one. Perhaps other buns, especially in Burrowgatory, enjoyed being pulled up on stage to do a fashion show, but for poor Ruth, she felt so overwhelmed and had fainted. Due to a lack of response, the supermodel spoke again, "I do apologize for the last time we had met. I could not visit you at the hospital after you had fainted for...uh...reasons." 

Are they here just to apologize? She still held up her guard. If Velveteen tried to kidnap her again, she will scream. "...Okay..," she was more wary this time. Ruth learned that Burrowgatory was not like the Heavenly Meadows. Although the meadows were strict, there was order and select rules. In Burrowgatory, almost anything goes.

Velveteen sighed, "I'm not here to pull you on stage again if that is what you're worried about...." Ruth nodded. She was gripping the edge of the counter so tightly, her knuckles went white. "I wanted to make it up to you for the last time, actually. Are you free any time this week?"

She was off tomorrow, but did she want to go with the stranger again? "May I know why?" she asked as polite as she could, with a hint of defensiveness.

"If you are free, I would love to take you out for a spa day. It will be just a day of you and me. No cameras. No modeling. No stage." Although Velveteen was here to apologize, they sounded as if they were doing Ruth a favor.

A spa day? She took her time to think it over. Velveteen could be seen getting impatient; they crossed their arms as they waited. "I am free tomorrow..," came Ruth's response.

Ruth can vaguely make out a smile underneath the mask. Velveteen also uncrossed their arms, "Good. I can meet you at the spa. Just make sure you are in bun form. It is bun-only." They finished by sticking out a business card they had been holding. The cherubun bent over the counter and took it. It was notably a flashy business card, and of good quality. Must be expensive, she thought about the carats in her bank. "It's my treat," they reassured Ruth that they will be footing the bill, as if the model read her mind. "That's all I wanted to say. I will see you tomorrow. If anything changes, call the spa and let them know. They will contact me." Then they walked on out of the cafe, looking like they were in a rush. Ruth wondered why Velveteen gave off an uneasy vibe in their bun form, but was so confident and cool in their doll form.


Lavender and coconut oil permeated the room. Ruth waited nervously on the luxurious couch that the staff guided her to. It was a private room. She had been offered some alcohol-free champagne while she waited. She checked the clock on the wall, a silent digital one, and saw that Velveteen was running late; Ruth had made sure to call the spa and let them know when she'd be there, so that Velveteen could be informed ahead of time. Hugs and Cheep were beside her. Even though the spa did not let imps inside, they made an exception for Ruth. She had to have them with her, especially today. 

Ruth pat Hugs on the head and Cheep rested on her shoulder. Cheep was a difficult imp to tame, mostly due to Ruth's fear of him flying, but once he was tamed, he was quite the affectionate chirop, to her surprise. Perhaps even more affectionate than Hugs. Reaching into her purse, she retrieved two treats and handed one each to the imps. They ate the treat quietly; Hugs left crumbs on the couch and Ruth quickly brushed it off. I wish I had a dustpan.. Guilt filled her as the crumbs fell onto the floor. 

Finally the door to the room opened and a staff came in with Velveteen. They wore the same face mask that she had seen from yesterday. Ruth stood up to greet the model but Velveteen waved for her to sit back down. "No formalities needed," they took off their face mask when the door closed, "Glad you found the place. It's a bit hidden, but it is a hidden gem." Velveteen brushed a hoof under their ears like it were hair. 

"T-thank you for inviting me," she uttered. Nerves started to kick up a notch now that the supermodel was here.

"No need to thank me. This is an apology gift after all," Velveteen picked up the spare champagne on the table and drank it. They looked at the glass realizing that it was alcohol-free and frowned, then put it back down. "Have you been to a spa before?"

"I...I have not," she admitted sheepishly.

"I will have them come and give you the details of our day," they hit a little button on the side of the door and a staff quickly appeared. "Could you let my guest know the details of today's treatment? It's her first time. Oh, and bring me a draquiri." The staff nodded and closed the door. 

They came back with the drink and another staff, who looked to be more senior than the first. Velveteen walked around the room while the senior staff explained to Ruth that they will be receiving a facial treatment, plus a full body massage, hot-stone included, hot spring bath and then they will have their hooves worked on and fur styled and trimmed. Ruth tried not to focus on the pounding of her heart. Please don't faint, please don't faint. She repeated the sentence over and over in her head. Once all the explanations were completed, the staff turned to Velveteen for further instructions.

"Are you ready?"

"Y-yes...," she was not but there was no other appropriate answer. Velveteen nodded for them to proceed and the staff politely asked them to follow. Ruth had noticed the place was fairly empty when they were led from one private room to another, passing several other areas of the high-end spa. The outdoors areas, where hot springs and other various activities could be seen, were surprisingly empty. "Are they normally closed today?" she asked, hoping to make some conversation.

"I closed the place down for us," they said nonchalantly. Ruth found her mouth agape, which Velveteen saw. "I come here often. You could almost say it is my private spot," they laughed. "It's what you get when you are famous, I guess...," despite the chuckle, Velveteen did not look happy to be famous based off the tone. Ruth simply nodded at the explanation.

Once they were in the designated room, two beds could be seen. They looked comfortable and the staff explained they were electrically heated and to inform them if it is not the right temperature. Velveteen downed the drink and placed the cup on a random counter. They sauntered over to one of the beds. Ruth held Hugs tightly to her chest and waited for instructions, unsure what to do. 

"Please leave the imps outside of the room," said one of the two staffs who were waiting inside.

Velveteen addressed them in Ruth's stead, "Let her keep them." The staff did not retort and simply began setting up their equipment. "Come, lay on the bed, face up. They will do the facial first."

She put Hugs down on a nearby couch while Cheep landed on the back of it, clearly sensing that they needed to stay put for their owner. Ruth gave each a pat and another treat before laying down on the bed as instructed. Soft music played as they received the facial and full-body massage. The staff would stop every now and then and ask Ruth what she wanted which she made up answers for. As for Velveteen, the staff never once asked them the same questions. I guess she really is their regular here. With the lights dimmed, Ruth felt herself falling asleep, that was until they started using the hot stones which were much too hot for poor Ruth, but she did not want to speak up. Once they had completed their massages, they were moved to an outdoor portion where the hot spring was. Ruth had gotten in first while Velveteen was still inside the building.

"How are you both doing?" she gently asked Hugs and Cheep, who sat nearby on a wooden stool. Thank goodness they were allowed to stay. Ruth may have fainted again if they were not here with her. Hugs gave a 'mmrph' and Cheep flew around in a circle before landing next to Hugs on the stool. "Good. I am glad you are both okay."

The model appeared through the sliding doors and joined her in the hot spring. They sighed happily as they leaned back against the basin. "So, how are you liking it so far?"

"It's...quite lovely," she enjoyed most of it. "I have never had anything like this...," Ruth raised her hoof out of the water and lightly scrubbed behind her ear.

Velveteen watched her for a moment, "You know what would look great on you?"

"I'm sorry?" The conversation flipped so suddenly.

"Some fluff. It'll give your ears more volume." 

Ruth looked at her ears. Is something wrong with the way they are? She felt shame suddenly. When you were suggested or asked to change something in the Heavenly Meadows, it usually meant something was wrong with the current state. 

"They look good now, but I mean they would look better," Velveteen had continued.


"You don't have to, but I have seen other buns with your ear type and body type. I've seen it all. So, that's just my suggestion," they shrugged and proceeded to massage their leg in the pool.

She was still not sure what to make of the suggestion. It crossed her mind that this might be one of those cultural differences between the meadows and Burrowgatory. Don't overthink it. She looked at Hugs and Cheep, who looked back, calmness in their eyes. They finished up bathing in the hot spring and washed off in the facility's showers before rejoining the staff in a room set up for manicure and pedicure. Two large comfortable chairs greeted them. They were offered more drinks while they had their hooves filed. Velveteen did not make any more small talk; they kept their eyes on the staff working on their hooves. Ruth wondered if perhaps she had offended the model. Once they were done there, they were whisked to another room that looked like a mini hair salon. It had a lot of high tech gadgets that Ruth hadn't seen before. She marveled at them.

As each of them took their seats, Ruth turned to Velveteen, cleared her throat slightly and spoke up, "I-I'd love to see what uhm...fluff would look like on me."

Velveteen stared at her, then nodded. "It would really suit you." They gestured for one of the staff to come over, "Could you give her some more volume...on the ears. Similar style to what Stacy had before." When the staff uttered their understanding, Velveteen looked back at Ruth, "The staff will get you sorted."

Snip snip snip. The trimming was first, then styling happened after. During the whole ordeal, Ruth watched her imps in the mirror's reflection as a form of comfort. Ruth had been informed that they needed to treat her fur so that the style would stay in it. Despite not knowing what they meant, Ruth agreed. It took two hours for the fur treatment alone due to the length of her ears. Velveteen's fur styling was done with ease and they sat on a nearby couch, reading a magazine, drink in hand. 

Everything was finally completed. Ruth had never felt more relaxed after it all, but she tensed right back up when she realized she had to face the supermodel again. Velveteen looked her over. "Well, hellooooo gorgeous." They grinned at her.

"D-does it look okay?"

"Okay? You look fantastic! I could see you in my next show." A worried look crept onto Ruth's face. "I mean, if you wanted...," Velveteen corrected themselves.

"T-thanks," she guessed that she might as well accept the compliment. The cherubun was not used to being flattered and cherubuns were always expected to be modest in the meadows. But this, this was actually nice. Ruth smiled at herself in the mirror. Her imps purred in her arms, giving their approval of her new look. I guess...some change isn't so bad.