Circus of the Last Days

2 months, 29 days ago
2 months, 29 days ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 months, 29 days ago

Just some cute shippy-ness tbh at the circus

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Title: Circus of the Last Days | Prologue
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Characters: Kithyra Storyweaver, Reymera, Blaidd Wolfeheart, Gale Dekarios, Astarion Ancunín, Karlach Cliffgate, Lae’zel, Shadowheart, Wyll Ravengard, Halsin, Jaheira, Fal’laere Tel’ura
Pairing: Gale/Kitkat, Astarion/Reymera, Blaidd/Karlach
Author Notes: The next 3 chapters after this can be read out of order. There is a goofy underlying story going so pick and choose which perspective to read from and enjoy c: I wanted to just indulge in the cute love test from the dryad at the circus bc wholesome feels

Kithyra woke up feeling rejuvenated. Considering the group had spent the last couple of weeks trying to stop Ketheric Thorm, they were in a good mood. Learning about the real identity of the Absolute, the Dead Three’s Chosen, and even about the identity of the Astral Prism’s “guardian” left a lot to sift through really. Being this close to the city, however, only made them wonder if there was a time to gather their thoughts for a break. The group had all been running on fumes since running into Dame Aylin in the Temple of Shar. Even the trials within the temple left them ragged.

After rummaging around for a change of clothes, Kithyra emerged from their tent. Ready to start the day. They looked around to see everyone starting to mingle near the fire. Gale had already made breakfast too from the smell of it. Although, Kithyra just saw him approaching with a plate of whatever it was he had made. The smell from the sausages and just felt their stomach growl in interest. As he handed it to them, Kithyra smiled at him and told him good morning. He answered by leaving a kiss on their cheek and returning the smile. Kithyra giggled at the response and walked back with him towards where the others were.

After everyone ate, a few left to go back to their tents to get dressed or gather their things. Kithyra stayed behind to help clean up the dishes and silverware with Lae’zel. Gale had taught Kithyra some spells while they were in the Shadow Cursed Lands. They used that knowledge to manifest water in one of the buckets to rinse and wash the dishes before handing them to Lae’zel. The Githyanki woman scoffed dryly as she dried off the plates but Kithyra wasn’t offended by it. She stopped being bothered by it shortly after they started traveling together. If anything, Kithyra had taken it as a good thing. If Lae’zel wasn’t annoyed, she wasn’t interested. Seeing as she responded to Kithyra’s efforts in learning more spells meant she was kind of interested in whatever they were doing. Which was a good thing.

“You wave your hands too much.” Lae’zel said.

“I’m only doing what Gale taught me.” Kithyra shrugged, handing her another plate to dry.

“Try to be more concise. Like you do when casting spells through your lyre.” Lae’zel suggested. “You’re more precise with your lyre than your hands. You wave them around too much.”

“So you’ve said.” Kithyra laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind the next time I practice my spells. Gale actually said the same thing last night before… well The Emperor appeared.” Lae’zel simply took a sharp inhale and muttered a swear in the Gith language again.

“Do not remind me of the ghaik’s subterfuge.” She groaned. Not that Kithyra blamed her really.

The Emperor disguising himself to gain their trust was going to be hard for him to recover that trust back. Although, Kithyra understood the reasons. If a Mind Flayer had approached the group and proclaimed it was going to help them from turning into a Mind Flayer, it’d be hard to say you could trust it. Given the history the Mind Flayers had with people anyway; it wasn’t much of a positive track record. Although, he did seem content communicating with Reymera. Kithyra just felt bad for her though. Between him, the Fey and the tadpole, trying to compartmentalize who wanted her attention more was going to be a battle for sure. Nothing Reymera couldn’t handle but it was still pretty tense considering the Fey had its own mind. At least Blaidd wasn’t communicating with The Emperor. He was more than miffed that the Mind Flayer had lied to him. Kithyra, on the other hand, was just confused as to why he chose to appear as their ex-girlfriend but he never gave an answer on it either.

Kithyra looked around the camp after handing Lae’zel the last dish to dry. There were bloodstains still scattered across the wooden platforms nearby. The Githyanki that attacked them last night had been buried but their appearance wasn’t forgotten. Not that it needed to be but it was still an unwelcome feeling to be attacked at night while you were trying to sleep. With the realization of some new facts, however, it has put some things into perspective but that was something to touch on later. For now, it was time to pack up and move out.

Kithyra had returned to their tent to take it down. Afterwards, they looked around the camp and offered to help anyone that needed it. The gang wasn’t in a rush or anything to get to the city. It was only a few hours away. The only challenge was going to be finding a place to set up while they ran around looking for the other two Chosen inside the city. Plus whatever else awaited them too. Once everyone was ready to go, the gang set out.

Kithyra noticed some troop movement on the road. Although, with how used it looked at the moment, it was hard to tell if the Absolute’s army trailed through or if it was refugees trying to outrun the zealots. It was probably both but the lack of blood and the appearance of lost items scattered here and there suggested it was the latter. Jaheira and Lae’zel kept an eye out for any trouble as the group walked towards the city.

A few hours later, they had made it. There were refugees everywhere. Rivington was more packed with people than Kithyra remembered it being. Though, they stayed in the Lower City and rarely had a reason to leave the area they lived in. So they never got to see much of Rivington or the rest of the city for that matter. It was like seeing the Emerald Grove and Last Light Inn, however. People were everywhere and just trying to gain access to the city to be safe within its walls. Given how in depth the Absolute was on its plans, or what they learned from Moonrise Towers anyway, that safety might’ve been bait. To cause turmoil and unrest simply so everyone can be gathered into one spot for some twisted ambition of domination. Kithyra groaned at the idea. Typical bad guy if there ever was one.

“Let’s find a place to set up for a bit.” Kithyra suggested to the group. “We can figure out what we’re going to do afterwards.”

“Let us look for a moment.” Jaheira suggested as she and Lae’zel walked off.

“Alrighty then, stay close by in case they come back.” Kithyra told the others. “Otherwise, try not to get into trouble?”

“Like we’d listen to that.” Reymera chuckled as she nudged Kithyra’s arm and walked off with Astarion. They were gone. Disappeared into the crowd of refugees with Scratch trailing after them. Kithyra’s shoulders dropped and really hoped they didn’t get into any serious trouble.

“I’m sure they’ll be all right.” Gale hummed as he stood next to them.

“That’s what worries me.” Kithyra replied. “You know how much trouble those two get into?” Bellion trotted up to them and nipped at Kithyra’s leg.

“I’ll look after him and things around here.” Halsin offered as he easily picked up the owlbear cub in his arms. “You go out and try to explore the area. It might help to have more eyes in looking around.”

“I’ll go with you too!” Blaidd said excitedly.

“Same here!” Karlach added. “It’s been a while since I’ve been here.”

“Wouldn’t it be better if you stayed with us to keep an eye on our things?” Shadowheart suggested. “We’re formidable, yeah, but people tend to think otherwise if you’re around. If anything, you’d probably befriend them before they managed to steal something.”

“She’s right. Besides, we might find some clues on where to go in a smaller crowd.” Gale added.

“Whatever works.” Kithyra shrugged as they looked over at Halsin. “First sign of trouble, holler. We won’t go too far away.” Halsin nodded and waved the trio off as they walked into Rivington.

“This place is huge!” Blaidd commented in awe.

“Just stay close.” Kithyra said as they pulled him towards Gale. “Wouldn’t want you to get lost or hoodwinked by someone. Not everyone’s so trusting – especially if there’s refugees everywhere.”

“She’s right.” Gale nodded. “But that’s why we’re traveling together!”

“Yeah! If someone tries something bad, we can always just bonk them on the head.” Blaidd smiled.

“Not…” Kithyra started but faltered as they wondered how they were going to explain what “laws” were to someone who might not understand them. It was easy to forget that Blaidd grew up with a literal pack of wolves. “Just lemme do the talking. Or Gale, but mainly me please.”

“Why not me?” Gale asked, feigning offense.

Kithyra looked at them for a moment and just shook their head. Walking ahead of the boys and towards a crowd around a building nearby. The pair jogged after Kithyra. They spent an hour looking around, not really finding much. Aside from some woes and troubles from the refugees, there wasn’t much to get the group’s attention. There was something about a murder in a nearby temple. There was also something going on near the entrance to Wyrm’s Rock too. At some point, Kithyra could’ve sworn to have seen a winged creature flying around but it had disappeared so fast, it was hard to tell. They did find all sorts of posters and gossip about Gortash however. Even finding a poster about the circus too.

“What’s this?” Blaidd asked, pointing to the poster of the circus.

“Oh that’s a circus.” Kithyra said. “Think of it like a big party where everyone can have fun. There’s some goofy tricks, acts, and side shows going on to keep people interested. Some even sell some one of a kind items or give away some one of a kind treasures too.”

“That sounds like fun!” He said excitedly. “Can we go? We’ve been running around so much lately.”

“It’s not a bad idea.” Gale shrugged. “To unwind by watching people be silly or goofy.”

“I’m more worried about who’s gonna get gutted when all is said and done.” Kithyra sighed. “There hasn’t been many places where we left it without someone – or something – dying.”

“That’s when we send Lae’zel at them!” Blaidd smiled. Kithyra groaned and turned around to walk back in the direction they came from.

“Let’s just go back to the others.” Kithyra suggested. “We’ll let them know what we found. Maybe they found a spot for use as a base while we’re here.”

They wandered back towards where they parted ways with Halsin. Much to their surprise, only Karlach was there to greet them. She had explained that they found a place to set up and took them to it. Much to the trio’s surprise, their camp had already been set up. Kithyra looked around to see if everyone was there. After doing a headcount, they saw Astarion and Reymera walking towards them with Scratch in tow.

“Find anything?” Kithyra asked them.

“Nope. Just some Gur wanting Astarion’s help in getting back at Cazador.” Reymera replied. “There was also some courier service having trouble with someone eating birds.”

“Don’t forget that we ran into Orin too.” Astarion added. “She was trying to talk us into killing some of the refugees. And before you start, we didn’t. Figured we wouldn’t want to encourage the Fey.”

“Glad one of you had your head on.” Kithyra said, looking at Reymera. “We found a circus, some Gortash propaganda, and some commotion at a temple nearby. Looks like one of the priests died or something by the sounds of it.”

“Sounds like something to do?” Reymera offered.

“If you want to go to goodie two shoe things.” Astarion groaned.

“It could be a way for us to get into the city.” Kithyra continued. “I’ll see if Lae’zel can look into it. I had an idea for what we could do while she’s doing that.” Reymera took a moment.

“The circus you mentioned?” She asked.

“Blaidd wanted to go.” Kithyra explained. “Figured a break wouldn’t hurt us really. We have been running around on fumes and could use something to reset.”

“How boring.” Astarion noted.

“But we’re doing it anyway.” Kithyra said. “Or do you want to explain to Blaidd and Karlach why we can’t go have fun when one of them is looking death in the face because of an infernal machine?”

“Point taken.” Astarion groaned. “I’d rather talk to Wyll about whatever boring and vanilla things he finds to be “spicy”.”

Astarion walked off into camp. Reymera trailed after him, leaving Kithyra alone. They looked around the camp once more – seeing a few people walking in and out of the buildings nearby. The area Jaheira and Lae’zel found was an unused farmhouse from the looks of it – smell too. There were chicken coops and a pair of empty buildings. Jaheira made a point that the women, with Scratch and Bellion included, should stay inside them. Making a comment on how the “men can rough it out”. Not that any of them seemed to argue against it really. Kithyra was kinda pleased that there were hay bales to use as makeshift beds. Sleeping on those was a little better than the ground at least.

Kithyra left one of the buildings and walked back outside to where the others were. Taking another look around, they saw their friends chattering with one another. Karlach and Blaidd seemed excited about something – probably the circus posters Blaidd found. Wyll, Jaezdyn and Fal’laere looked like they were talking about something serious. If Kithyra had to guess, probably about seeing one of Jaezdyn’s sisters at Moonrise – he was perturbed by those turn of events. Reymera and Astartion were fussing over something. Shadowheart and Lae’zel were talking about something too – looking kind of serious as well. Jaheira was looking at something with Halsin and Gale was just reading a book. Looked like a normal, everyday thing to Kithyra though. Everyone was just doing their own thing and minding their own business. At least no one looked stressed or anything.

“So are we really gonna go?” Karlach asked as she suddenly appeared next to Kithyra. Blaidd stood next to her, his face teeming with excitement.

“Oh… uh… to the circus?” Kithyra asked, a little taken aback by Karlach’s sudden appearance. “I don’t see why not but I’m not sure who else is interested.”

“I’d like to go!” Reymera beamed. “It’s been a while since I saw Dribbles anyway.”

“Count me in the merriment as well.” Gale chimed. “It could prove to be a relaxing change of pace.”

“We need to find a way into the city.” Lae’zel said in her usual grumpy tone. “We can’t waste time on childish notions. Who knows when the Chosen will strike us.”

“Hopefully not in our sleep.” Astarion commented snidely.

“Why not split up then?” Kithyra suggested. “Some of us will go to the circus to relax, come back and switch out with whoever else wants to go. While Lae’zel takes a group to go looking for a way into the city?”

Lae’zel scoffed and shook her head. However, some of the others were a little more convinced that some down time might be a good thing. Splitting up into groups of three; Kithyra was going to go to the circus with: Gale, Karlach, Astarion, Blaidd, and Reymera. Lae’zel was going to explore Rivington for a way into the city with: Fal’laere, Jaheira and Shadowheart. While Halsin was staying behind at camp with: Jaezdyn, Wyll, Sidona, Xeren, Bellion, and Scratch. With all of it settled, Kithyra wondered if they’d actually be able to get out of the circus in one piece and without spilling any blood. There was doubt but Kithyra had some hope.

“Lae’zel, you may want to try exploring the temple nearby.” Kithyra told her as everyone was getting ready to leave. “There was a rumor that some priest was murdered. It could be something or it could be one of those Chosen.”

“I’ll look into it.” She said with a nod. “And if we come across any familiar faces, I’ll let them know what’s going on.”

“The more allies the better, honestly.” Kithyra nodded. “Good luck and try not to get into too much trouble?”

“Chk. Like I’d find any.” Lae’zel scoffed.

“I was talking to Jaheira.” Kithyra clarified. Jaheira just let out a chuckle as she followed the younger women with her. If anyone could handle those two, it would be Jaheira. Although Kithyra was suddenly worried that they might cause the same level of trouble regardless.

“Ready to go?” Reymera asked Kithyra as she walked up to the bard.

“Is everyone else?” Kithyra asked.

“Karlach and Blaidd are doing that thing again where they’re too excited to talk.” Reymera replied. “And Astarion is doing what he does best.”

“Eh, he’s just being a drama queen.” Kithyra shrugged. “I’m more worried about the trivia Gale’s gonna share about what we might see in the circus anyway.”

“Well he does wanna take you to the bookstore for your first date.” Reymera laughed.

“Honestly, there are worse places to go.” Kithyra shrugged again. “Like into an area of land cursed by Shar to be plagued by darkness.”

“And find out about his favorite book?” Reymera giggled.

“Like I said, worse things could happen.” Kithyra laughed with her.

“What’s so funny?” Karlach asked as she walked up with the others in their group.

“Nothing.” Kithyra said. “Let’s get going.”

The group set out from camp, saying their goodbyes to those that remained behind. Kithyra led them back towards Rivington. They saw more people on the streets. Refugees, grumbling citizens, guards, and so on. Really anything and anyone wanting to gripe about something. Thankfully the noise was easy to tune out. They made their way towards where the circus was, seeing a line of people streaming from it. They walked towards the end of the line and waited for it to progress.

“Exactly why are we here again?” Astarion groaned in an irritated tone.

“Because we’re here to have fun, bestie.” Kithyra said plainly. “And you can’t do that if you’re looking that antsy.”

“Well I’d like to be anywhere but here.” He continued. “These people smell.”

“Astarion, we haven’t exactly ran through fields of flowers recently, you know.” Reymera added.

“She has a point.” Blaidd nodded. “Although, I think Rey Rey has some soap and I can make it rain.” Kithyra giggled a little. Only Blaidd could say he could make it rain with a straight face and mean using a spell for actual rain to appear for a bit.

“That’s not the point.” Astarion grumbled. “We could wait to slum it in the city instead of… here with these… people.”

“But what if we wanted to be around these people because it’s a fun experience?” Reymera asked. Astarion looked at her for a moment and opened his mouth, but said nothing.

“What’s wrong, bestie, Fey got your tongue?” Kithyra giggled.

“Very funny Ms. I have daddy issues.” He retorted.

“I’m sorry, but who can still see their reflection?” The bard replied. The pair looked at one another with a semi-serious look between them. Then they just laughed and shrugged it off.

“You two are strange when you do that.” Gale said.

“I dunno, I think it means they’re good friends.” Karlach laughed. “I mean to stare each other down and laugh like that.”

“Or it’s a Pink Plastic Lady thing.” Reymera suggested. “They do weird shit when all three are gossiping.” Astarion and Kithyra both gasped dramatically, as if they were doing some sort of poor drama. They didn’t look offended but seeing as it was part of a bit they did here and there, no one really bothered to question it anymore.

“It’s the Pink Plastics.” Astarion corrected.

“Being our honorary goth, you should know this!” Kithyra added, although she had a hard time holding back her laughter. She was trying her best to hold it back though.

“You two are so weird sometimes.” Reymera sighed.

“Anyway, you still have to come with us.” Kithyra said, looking at Astarion. “No ifs, ands, or buts. Just do whatever you and Reymera do and have some fun. Just try not to let anyone’s blood out please.”

“You should be more worried about those two accidentally making someone mad.” Astarion said as he looked at Karlach and Blaidd.

“Why us?” Karlach frowned.

“Because the worst Gale can do is talk to someone and give them a history about the Weave and Mystra again.” Kithyra replied. “Again, no bloodshed or angry people please. I’d like for us to leave one place relatively intact and the way it looked when we entered.”

“Tall order, all things considered.” Astarion commented.

Kithyra looked ahead, seeing the line shrink a bit as they made their way to the start of it. There was a ghoul and a man guarding the gate into the circus. Kithyra couldn’t make out what was going on, but could hear some sounds of a disagreement. Before the bard could attempt to eavesdrop, there was a slight tug on their sleeve. Kithyra looked over to see Gale trying to get their attention and motioned for them to get a little closer. As if whatever he had to say, he didn’t want it to be overheard.

“Do I really talk that much?” He asked after Kithyra leaned towards him.

“It’s not a bad thing.” The bard shrugged and smiled at him. “I meant it in a nice way. Sometimes, people just need to know about whatever’s going on.”

“So that’s a yes, then?” He asked again.

“Gale, you talk too much, sure, but you’re talking to someone who honestly doesn’t mind it.” Kithyra replied.

“You two are such a bore.” Astarion groaned. Kithyra turned to look at the elf for a moment.

“Says the guy who had to have a song playing while he fought with his “not girlfriend” after dinner the other night.” Kithyra replied. “Bestie, if you wanna try me, you’re gonna have to do better. Just wait until I drag Shadowheart into this with her knight in shining armor.”

“Oh, Xeren would make things better just for the comments.” Karlach laughed.

The line was moving again. The group continued to chat with one another as they waited for their turn to get in. A few of the people ahead of them were able to go past the ghoul and the man guarding the gate. The one in front of them, however, was turned away. Kithyra watched as the man in front of them looked thoroughly disgusted by the ghoul and walked off looking really bothered.

“Er… what was that about?” Kithyra asked, motioning to the man that left.

“The Steel Watch is too busy protecting the city to assist the people in Rivington.” The man started to explain and a smooth smile appeared on his face. It sounded like a well practiced line. “So we’ve decided to help protect the people here… Well, some of them anyways. There have been plenty like that man who’ve been really offended by the way we’ve conducted our security efforts.”

“Understandable, not many people want to be insulted by ghouls.” Reymera quipped.

“She’s really not wrong.” Kithyra shrugged. “Is there anything we need to do?”

“Nothing really, Benji here is going to just check to see if you’re good to go.” The man said with a rather practiced smile. Karlach was practically bouncing on her feet in excitement as they waited for the ghoul to act. Kithyra could hear the soles of Karlach’s boots creaking slightly. The ghoul straightened its posture and stared at the group down for a moment before taking a deep inhale.

“Brain juice smells of piss and iron!” The creature shrieked. “No. Like.” It added with finality.

“That’s a first…” The man next to the ghoul said, looking rather shaken. He looked back at the group with that smile again however. “Usually I’d allow you in, but in these times I can take no chances. Move along – no circus for you.”

There was a collective groan from Karlach, Blaidd, Reymera, and Astarion. Although, Kithyra supposed Astarion wasn’t genuinely upset by it. Time to give the guy a taste of his own medicine that’s for sure. Kithyra looked at the man with their version of that practiced smile. Luckily, Kithyra was used to getting their way in one form or another. There were afternoon shenanigans to be had after all!

“Look, we’ve been traveling for weeks now. Seeing all sorts of horrors and rather bland sights. Being able to relax by spending a few hours here would be a godsend.” Kithyra started. “I mean, we have weapons on us, sure, but we’re no harm to you – or your ghoulish friend. Surely?” The bard contorted their face to feign a pleading look at the man. There was a slight flicker of something in the man’s eyes as he looked at Kithyra. He looked between the rest of the group but lingered on Kithyra for a moment. The man waved a hand in defeat.

“Oh, damned if I’m not a sucker for big eyes and a heartfelt plea.” He said, actually looking like Kithyra had beaten him down. “Very well. Welcome to the Circus of the Last Days – have fun, and be sure to catch the star of our show, Dribbles the Clown!” He turned to open the gate and Kithyra could feel Karlach squeeze their shoulder.

“Soldier, you’re scary.” She whispered.

“Save it for when we get inside please.” Kithyra said in a quiet hush. They walked through the gate and into the circus.

Once inside, it was like being in a super festive environment. There were brightly colored tents and decorations everywhere. People crowded around the stalls and bards playing music. Cheers for some of the acts and nearly ear splitting laughter from the children running around. Kithyra stopped the group for a moment and turned to face everyone.

“Okay, first off – buddy system.” They said. “Second – we’ll meet at the Dribble show when we’re done. And third – have fun. I mean you Astarion, actually try to entertain yourself and try not to get us kicked outta here please. I’m not sure how I can coerce my way out of stolen goods or broken items or whatever someone might do.”

“Yes, mother.” Astarion scoffed in an annoyed tone. Before Kithyra could reply, Reymera grabbed his hand and they darted off somewhere. Karlach and Blaidd walked off shortly after, leaving just Gale.

“I know I use the mom voice a lot but it’s only because I know we’re a very troublesome group.” Kithyra sighed.

“We aren’t without our quirks!” Gale commented.

“Yeah well, one of those quirks is being silly strong and not realizing our strength sometimes while Astarion can seemingly insult people without trying to.” They sighed again.

“He does have Reymera to babysit him.” He replied.

“You say that like it’s a good thing.” Kithyra groaned. “You know she’s much of a menace as he is, right?”

“What was it you just said?” He mused. “To have fun?”

“All righty, then Sparkle Fingers, lead the way to something fun then!” They said motioning ahead of her with his arm.