Kei 101

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago
302 2

Everything you need to know about Kei's character

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Who Is He

How Did He Get Here

Kei is generally full of himself due to humans regarding him as a good omen whenever they come across him. he enjoys the offerings he gets along with being one of Inari’s messengers and guardians. He is loyal to the Shinto God Inari. However, Inari himself is quite annoyed of him so he branches out a shrine (coincidentally) in chi’s area and sends him there to guard it. Kei is unaware that this is partly done because inari wants peace and quiet for a while.


Although being annoying for some, he has good intentions and protects humans if ever there are disputes against them and his own kind. (Not because he is doing this for his own sake, but because he will have a scolding from Inari once he lets it happen.)

Chi: "you are annoying, go away"


Chi as a fox came from the same area where the shinto temple Kei guards. He has seen Chi around and has seen her playing with one human girl often. Once relocated to guard the new shrine, Kei recognises Chi in her new human form. Since he was sent alone to a new place, he sees chi as a familiar face (even though Kei is not at all familiar to chi — She at least acknowledges that they are from the same birth place)

Unlike Chi, he frowns upon messing with innocent people for one’s entertainment, but will join her if the person is of a bad attitude or if they deserve it. He is more privileged compared to her. This is partly why Chi is annoyed as she had to survive just because she is a nogitsune (wild fox) and offerings are just handed to Kei because he is seen as a good omen to humans.