Chi 101

4 years, 11 months ago
4 years, 11 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 4 years, 11 months ago

🌸 Summary of Chi's character and backstory 🌸

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Chi was born as a fox around the early 1900s. As a Kitsune, she is considered to be a Nogitsune or a wild fox, known to cause mischief. Because of this she's been surviving through stealing food and entertains herself by playing tricks on anyone who passes by. Villagers would often chase her out of their territory which makes Chi wandering on her own.

Chi as a fox (right) with her human friend

She soon comes to meet a human girl who, to chi's surprise, treats her properly. Feeds her, and plays with her. Even naming her "Chi" which she just goes along with and still carries to this day. Because of her, Chi starts to have a different opinion on humans, that they're not so bad after all. Unfortunately, her human friend would become a casualty in a war that befell during their time, leaving Chi once again alone and realizing humans are all different, some are to be trusted and some are not.


After her human friend passed, Chi still continues to wear a red ribbon around her leg--A ribbon her friend used to help heal her when she found chi wounded and helpless.



100 years have passed, giving Chi a second tail, meaning she can now shapeshift into a human. The first human that popped into her head to shapeshift into is her friend, and thus used her image to disguise herself among the human world. (With her own tweaks and adjustments to fit into modern times). Even though she uses her likeness, some of her own features still slip through. Chi continues to wear the red ribbon even in her human form as a hair tie.