ITS GOING INSNANE!! /silly /onpur

6 months, 21 days ago
623 1 2

Mild Violence
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The curse Caltrop has is just getting worse. Of course, Caltrop itself doesn’t consider it one, for them it’s a 'blessing' given to them by the Overseer and are thankful to be 'blessed'. But that 'blessing' it has really started causing issues, and now not just to themselves, but to their surroundings as well.

A break after a phight, just time for everyone to rest and hang out with their friends there. Caltrop walked away from the crowd of demons though, they didn’t feel the need to socialize like that with others, it was just fine on its own. Ser was there, she was on the opposing team of them, and would probably say something to Caltrop about the loss of its team if it were to talk to her, but they do realize their issues regarding easier aggression, so decided to just stand alone for a while.

Their curse had been progressing quicker for a while now, more eyes kept appearing around and on Caltrops body, causing more pain and overstimulation, it‘s not difficult to snap at someone when feeling like that. Although, Caltrop could manage it for now, to some extent and despite the pain. After all, it was a blessing from their god, it can‘t hate it.

Caltrop has been in their thoughts for a bit, oddly getting a bit angry at the loss of their team, usually it’d just accept defeat. The pain that came from all the attacks and was put on the eyes on its body really was showing after a phight.

"Yo dude, you good? Sorry that yo team lost, y‘all still phought well."

They looked up, or at least its eyes did, at the demon talking, it was Traffic who was at his stand not so far away from Caltrop.

"Yes, I am good."

"Ya sure? Something’s just a lil off 'bout ya vibes dude."

"I am FINE." it responded, the last part kind of yelled, anger visibly building up in them, its tail now swinging more rapidly from side to side.

"Relax dude, it’s okay to lose, yo team played good still."

Caltrop growled quietly to themselves, everything becoming too much, Traffic trying to talk to it, everyone else talking in the background, seeing with so many eyes at once and it being painful, if they‘d hear just one m-

"Next round will be better dude, for sure."

In the span of a second, Caltrops mind as if switched to the one of an animal, just ready to lunge at anyone being annoying towards it. It growled, and with a quick move jumped at Traffic, with its claws unsheathed. Caltrop jumped on top of them, clawing into his face with one hand, the other into his right shoulder.

Traffic was barely able to react to the sudden attack, ending up with quite a few scratch wounds before help could get there.

Caltrop had to be physically held and escorted out of there, but it hurt. It hurt to be held like that, so it just kept on growling and attempting to attack with their claws the demons that were holding and dragging it out of the phighting break area. Shrieking and yelping, but not able to say anything. It mindlessly tried their best to attack and get out of the demons' hands like a wild animal. Their tail kept moving involuntarily due to the anger, but it also kept hitting things, causing additional pain and irritation. Trying to break out of the hands that were holding them, and just screeching its lungs out because of the pain. 

Eventually, they were successfully escorted and as a result of attacking Traffic, kicked out of phights temporarily.