Valerie 'Val'

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3 months, 12 days ago
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Valerie ‘Val’ is a resident of the town who owns the local record store. She comes from a military family who has to relocate often. They moved there during Val's early high school years.

She mainly kept to herself in high school, but became close friends with Kevin. Val considered him her best friend, constantly going to him about everything. She'd be a lot more open and social to him than anyone else. Kevin developed a major crush on her during high school, but kept quiet in fear of ruining their friendship (and because Val was dating someone else once he had realized his feelings).

Val was dating a drummer named Scotty. Near the end of their relationship, he had become the frontman for a band that was rising in popularity.

After high school, Scotty slowly starts abandoning Val due to the band (while also gaslighting her about it, constantly brushing her off, being rude towards her). She tried making it work, and made reservations at Scotty's favorite restaurant for Valentine's Day after he promised he could make it.

He didn't make it.

After half an hour of waiting in the restaurant alone, Val called Scotty, but was sent to voicemail. She left the restaurant in tears and spent the rest of the day with Kevin, who comforted her. He set up a little ‘I Hate Valentine's Day’ party for her to cheer her up. She called him a dork, and hugged him, thanking him for being a good friend. Scotty later that night sent her a breakup text. She never replied.

She worked at the town's major music store for some time in high school. After graduating, she quit once the store decided to play kid covers of popular songs on their loudspeakers 24/7. While strolling through town, she came across a run down storefront for sale. It was in desperate need of repairs. Val decided to buy it and turn it into a record store (renovating it herself).

Kevin thought it was a bad idea once saw what shape the building was in. He nevertheless was supportive and helped her on his days off. One night after they finished painting the walls, the two sat on the floor and talked. Kevin admits he's had feelings for her since high school which comes as a surprise to Val. She confesses her feelings to him as well, and the two start dating.

Val mainly spends her time at the record store when she's not with Kevin or at her apartment. She's not very sociable and prefers to be alone.


Val comes off as extremely disinterested in everything. She's dry and sarcastic around most people, but is much softer towards Kevin and her dog, Taz. She cares deeply for people she's close to, but doesn't openly say so, instead choosing to show it through small actions.


Her voice claim is Jamie Marchi

Bday: February 21st

Business owner

Has a doberman named Taz

Is a natural blonde but dyes her hair black

Doesn't sell anything of her ex's band in her record store because she's petty

Thinks Skid and Pump are weird but that's okay she likes weird things

Never tells her customers her real name as she doesn't want them to know her that way

Skid and Pump just call her ‘Kevin's girlfriend’

Refuses to drink alcohol as she becomes openly friendly and sociable when drunk

Decided this after she drunkenly befriended a random girl at a bar and ended up becoming one of the bridesmaids in the wedding the next day

Overly soft when it comes to Kevin

Will not eat seafood because she thinks it's icky

Secretly likes kpop but hides it

Stole one of Kevin's sweatshirts

Will do karaoke at the bar if she's drunk

Has to park her car a few blocks away from the store so she skateboards the rest of the way there

Likes: skating, being alone, the nighttime, autumn, old vinyl records, messing with people, anything weird, ducks

Dislikes: socializing, most people, her ex, kid covers of songs, Valentine's Day, summer, people bothering her, parties, Dexter, formal wear, early mornings, glitter, her natural blonde hair