Holdfast Honeymoon

3 months, 17 days ago
3 months, 17 days ago
1 2786

Chapter 1
Published 3 months, 17 days ago

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Author's Notes

I wrote this in like 3 hours on my phone so please ignore any bad writing or mispellings <3 tw mentions of sex, pregnancy and birth scene lol

Chapter 1

It had been a busy day at the studio. Ever since they had performed at the re-do Nautilus Isle First Splatfest Holdfast 3! had been swamped with work. It was great to receive the opportunity to perform thanks to SEAFOAM, and the new fan support was amazing, but Parker could live without the workload.

Parker entered into his shared apartment, kicking the door closed with the back of his foot while he shouldered his backpack off of his shoulders.

“I’m home!” He called out, though he cut himself short when he noticed who he was calling out to was sitting on the couch. Moss was staring down at their hands, the ends of their tentacles writhing as they zoned out.

Parker frowned. It was a common sight when their mutual partner, Kenji, had gone missing for a bit. They had insisted on sitting on the couch so they could watch the door in case he came home, but they often zoned out or cried instead and he’d comfort them.

However, Kenji had been back for a few months now.

He walked over, sitting down and softly touching Moss’ shoulder. “Hey Moss” He greeted quietly, not moving his hand even when the Inkling startled at his touch. “You okay?”

Moss stared at him for a moment, before it turned quickly into staring through him. Parker put his other hand on their other shoulder to stir them once more. Moss snapped back at the contact, looking up at him before their eyes quickly glazed over with tears. They buried their head into his chest and let out a sob. He changed his touch into an embrace, stroking their tentacles.

The two sat there for awhile, he just let them cry.

Finally, Moss pushed themself away from him, wiping their face with their sleeve and sniffling. Parker watched them empathetically, settling his hands in his lap.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He finally asked. Moss nodded.

Moss sucked in a large breath before letting it out. “Do you remember the Splatfest performance?” They asked.

“How could I forget?” Parker mused. It had caused this stressful period, but it had been worth it. Parker frowned slightly. “Is this about Kenji?”

“No-” Moss began “I mean- yes. Technically. It's about both of you.”

Parker tilted his head.

“You remember…” They looked down at their lap. “... The night after it ended..?”

Parker stared at them in surprise before looking away, his face darkening with blush. “Uh… y-yeah.” He stuttered.

Moss stayed silent for a moment, picking at a stray thread sticking out of their jeans. “And you remember the discussion after…?” They finally glanced at him.

Parker hummed in thought, rubbing the back of his neck. “What did we…” He murmured “Oh yeah. Kenji said the condom brok-”

He stopped, his head snapping back to look at Moss. His eyes were blown wide as he stared at his partner. “Oh my cod. You’re not-”

Moss teared up again. “I’m pregnant.”

They let out a loud sob and once again buried their face in his shirt, clinging onto him as they cried. He sat there, dazed and slowly sank into the couch as his vision went blurry.

Holy shit. Pregnant. A baby. Holy shit.

It was exciting. It was terrifying. They were so busy with work. Moss had missed today because they were sick. How could they all survive the next months without them there? What would happen to their career? What would happen to their relationship? They're all only 22. A baby. Holy shit. A baby.

What were they going to do?

He snapped out of it. He leaned forward and wrapped Moss into a tight embrace, resting his head on top of theirs and kissing the top of their tentacles and murmuring into them.

“We'll figure this out. It'll be okay.”

Kenji bent down to pick up the keys he had just fumbled. He unlocked the apartment and walked inside.

He had to stay back late to work, letting Parker head back first. But it just made him all the more to see both of his partners when he got back.

“I'm hom-!” He began to call in a sing song voice, but was cut off by being shushed loudly.

He stopped with a frown, before seeing it was just Parker. Moss appeared to be sleeping soundly in his embrace.

“Hi Parker!” He chirped, moving over to greet his boyfriend. He pressed a kiss into his prickly cheek. “Did you manage to rest up? I see Moss did!” He watched Moss snore softly with a smile.

“Uh… no. No not really.” His voice was a bit croaky. How long had he been silently sitting here?

As he looked closer, Parker looked even more exhausted than he had at the studio. Which was saying something. He frowned slightly and sat down beside him. “How come? You kept talking about how you were missing your pillows.”

“Something came up.” He murmured.

“What? What happened?” He pressed.

The Urchin looked uncertain, as if he didn't know what to say. Kenji's eyes drifted to Moss. At least one of them was able to sleep.

“You remember the night after the Splatfest right?” Parker finally asked, looking slightly pained.

He rubbed his chin in thought “Uhhhhhh… no.” He shrugged, before leaning back in. “Why?”

Parker looked defeated. He had forgotten how bad Kenji was at remembering things.

“Moss is pregnant.” He finally said bluntly.

Kenji blinked.


Parker watched him.

Kenji blinked again.

“WHAT!?” He shouted in shock, mouth hanging agape.

Parker slapped a hand over his mouth, bringing a finger to his own, he shushed him loudly through his teeth. He pointed to the sleeping Inkling in his lap who somehow hadn't stirred.

As soon as he retracted his hand, he was absolutely bombarded with a flurry of questions. “Oh my cod! Are you sure!? How did you find out? How did they find out!? What are we going to do!? I'm only 22! I can't be a dad! Oh my cod! Oh my c-” He was going to hyperventilate-

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Parker cut him off, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and bringing him close. “Kenji. Breathe.”

Kenji did as he was told, sucking in air like he had just been held underwater.

Parker rubbed circles into his back until he was finally breathing normally again. The two sat in silence, which was a very uncommon thing for the chatty Kenji.

“What are we going to do?” Kenji finally spoke, turning to look at Parker with a very worried expression.

“We're going to do what we can.” Parker said. “Moss can still sing for a little while, we'll finish our current song. We'll make an announcement and pray our fans understand. And from there- we'll see how it goes.” Parker had clearly had some time to think about the situation.

“So we're keeping it?” Kenji asked to confirm, and when Parker gave him a short nod, he let out a sigh of relief. “Good.”

“Good? You almost just forgot how to breathe.” Parker deadpanned.

“It's a lot to take in!” Kenji defended himself loudly, though he quickly adjusted his volume with a glance at Moss. “But- I've always wanted to have a kid. Especially with you guys. I just didn't expect it so soon.”

“Me neither.” Parker sighed. “But- you're right. This is good.”

Kenji grinned “We're going to have a kid!” He almost squealed.

Parker gave a tired smile “We're going to have a kid.”

“No. You're going to have a nap.” Kenji light-heartedly scolded, waggling his finger at Parker who rolled his eyes in return.

“Okay daddy.” Parker teased back, to which Kenji's face turned bright green.

“Hey! Only our kid is calling me that!” He smacked Parker's arm, to which he laughed.

“Okay, okay.” Parker rested his head against Kenji's shoulder.

Kenji reached over to stroke Moss’ head.

Everything would be okay. He would make sure of it.

— Their song was released to great success, which made it easier for them to announce their hiatus. They promised to return with new music when they could, and were met with a lot of support.

Announcing the pregnancy to family members went even easier. Parker's brother lost his mind at the prospect of a niece or nephew, congratulating them profusely. They even got a congratulations from his boyfriend.

Kenji's mother fretted a bit, but was ecstatic to have a grandchild. And even though Moss had no family to announce the pregnancy to, telling their friends was just as good.

It had its bumps, but Moss’ pregnancy otherwise went smoothly. Kenji and Parker were there every step of the way, doting on their partner as their body changed.

During a routine check-up it was discovered that they'd be having twins. At the news, Kenji immediately fainted. Parker had to break through his own shock to go make sure his partner hadn't died, thankfully he was fine.

Moss felt complicated on the topic for a bit, and their boyfriends comforted them as much as they could until they could come to terms with this big change.

Two babies. Surely three parents could handle that right?

They were about to find out the answer to that one. Moss was in the delivery room, grunting and occasionally wailing in pain.

Kenji had almost been kicked out of the room when he fainted at the first sign of blood, but he managed to steel his nerves once he reawoke. He promised himself he wouldn't stress out Moss anymore, letting them use his hand as a stress toy. It hurt like hell, but he knew Moss’ pain was tenfold so he shut his beak and let them do what they needed to.

Parker was at the other end as the nurse talked him through what was going to happen as Moss’ labour progressed. He was thankful one of them could handle that, he didn't want to risk fainting again.

Moss let out a pained moan, throwing their head back into their pillow. Kenji leaned over and wiped their tentacles off their sweaty face, cooing encouragement to them as he tried not to scream over his hand being tortured.

It went like that for a while, until the nurse finally gave the okay to start pushing. Moss didn't need to be told twice.

And soon after, the first egg joined their family. Parked caught it, gently lifting it up so the other two parents could see it. His look was pure awe, staring at their offspring with glittering blue eyes. The sight was enough to make Kenji smile.

“Here comes the next!” The nurse announced. Parker quickly moved over to pass the egg to Kenji, who accepted it with an equally dazed look. It was so warm, so cute! His tentacles curled in lovingly, his eyes beginning to tear up as he cradled the egg in the nook of his arm.

His eyes only teared up more as Moss destroyed his hand with their nails digging deep in, a scream emanating from behind their teeth before they finally fell limply back against their pillow. They had done it. Kenji kissed their forehead.

“Can I…” Moss’ hoarse voice couldn't finish the sentence, but their weak grabby hands said the rest as Kenji ever so carefully passed the egg over to them. Their exhausted smile as they stared at their child made him finally cry, wiping his tears away with the back of his hands.

Parker walked over, gently adding another egg to Moss’ embrace. They let out an airy laugh before it devolved into a deep purr as they clutched their offspring close, their tentacles clutching the eggs just as gently. Parker joined the hug, pulling a sobbing Kenji in to join them.

Their family of three had just become five, and no one could be happier than the parents were.

— Kenji slid across the floor as he rushed into the room Moss was reading in.

“Kenji? Are you-” Moss began to ask but they were quickly cut off

“ITS HAPPENING!” He near shouted, basically leaping up off the ground. Moss’ eyes went wide before they threw their book aside and ran out of the room.

“PARKER! PARKER!” They heard Kenji's distant calls to their remaining partner, but they didn't focus on it, instead nearly sliding into the room similar to how Kenji had moments before.

They saw the reason he had been so excited, one of the eggs had a little pip in the shell.

“Oh my cod!” They squealed. Their hearts soared with excitement at the sight and they quickly claimed the swivel chair next to the desk the eggs were sat on to watch them with shining brown eyes.

The doorway quickly became loud as Kenji once again slid on his face into the room and Parker stepped over him to join Moss’ side, wide eyes not leaving the eggs.

“Did we miss anything?” He asked breathlessly, leaning near Moss’ shoulder.

“I was just sitting there and BAM! Little guy tried to pop like a fizzy bomb!” Kenji filled them in, pulling himself up with the help of the desk. “I got you guys as quick as I could so hopefully we didn't miss-”

The second egg pipped. Kenji and Moss grabbed eachothers hands and squealed in response.

The throuple fell into silence, holding bated breaths as the eggs continued to slowly crack.

“Ohh! My babies!” Moss cooed, putting a hand over one of their rapidly beating hearts and watching the eggs fondly. Soon they would finally meet their children!

The dazed and excited silence was occasionally broken by small conversation and ecstatic cries until finally-

A little tentacle poked out of the gap in the shell, suckers clinging to the sides to pull its tiny body out.

Kenji gasped. Moss clapped their hands over their mouth and tried not to tear up with emotions.

Parker carefully leaned over the desk, cupping a hand under the tentacles. They shrunk away at the unfamiliar sight. But a moment later they seemed to trust the hand, sliding into it readily and finally revealing their child.

Parker steadied his hand by grabbing his arm, pulling the little two-tone green squid closer to their waiting parents.

And without his expression changing, tears began rolling down his face.

Moss’ attempt to not cry was quickly thwarted “Oh Parker!” They sobbed, moved by his usually calm and collected demeanour breaking due to such a tender moment.

“Hello little one.” Parker said softly, bringing the small squid closer, he brought a finger to them and they reached out to meet it with a tiny tentacle. Kenji quickly joined the sobbing pair at the scene.

“Ohhh… he has blue eyes like mine.” Kenji babbled, wiping at his eyes with his sleeves after getting a good look. Even if he only had one blue eye, he was honoured to share one with his child.

“She.” Moss corrected lightly, rubbing a finger gently down her mantle lovingly. “A little girl.”

“Our daughter!” Kenji wailed, drying his eyes proving useless as they quickly became wet again.

“Guys.” Parker interrupted, his wide eyes focused on the second egg. If his hands weren't occupied he would have pointed.

The pair followed his gaze, finding a new tentacle attempting to pull itself out of the egg. It was Moss' turn to gently cup the shell to let their daughter's sibling join the rest of the family.

A little black squid crept into their waiting palm, looking up at them with big mismatched brown eyes. “Both our eyes!” Kenji gasped as Moss brought the new little one closer.

“Another girl.” She whispered lovingly, gently kissing her mantle.

Kenji quickly lost it again. “Our little girls!” He sobbed into his sleeve, experiencing every fatherly emotion at once.

Moss slowly grabbed his hand, pulling it away from his eyes and to their own hand. Their child curiously watched the new hand before slinking across. Kenji responded with unintelligible wet babbling as he held his daughter.

Parker let out an amused breath at his boyfriend's antics before looking to his other partner. “Do you think the names we chose are still fine?” He asked them.

“I think they're perfect.” They beamed, grabbing Parker's free hand and leaning their head on his shoulder. Their tentacles entwined with his spines.

“Welcome to our family little Nami-” The little green squid was happily sinking into her fathers hand, eyes closed contently. “-and Maya.” The little black squid was chewing on her dad's thumb while he let her, too busy crying to care that he was getting ‘mauled’.

Things had turned out okay. No. Better than okay, the best possible outcome. None of them could be