Draconic Year Mini Event

3 months, 2 days ago
3 months, 2 days ago
4 1709

Chapter 2
Published 3 months, 2 days ago

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Prompt 1: ♥︎ [ VALENTINES ROUTE]

At last the grand day was here, Aegis getting ready with a tie and smoking collars to get handsome for his special lady. Grabbed some chocolates he bought some days before and a flower bouquett. He didn't had anything fancy prepared, but something more casual for both to enjoy and have a romantic night for the festival.

Siara was preparing her best umita jewelry and natural accessories for her neck and feet. Got some makeup done by Robin's help. She was ready to go with her husband and have some time alone after so long.

"Where are we going, exactly?" she said while Aegis was on his back, he turned over and his first reaction was to drop his jaw in awe. "Do I not look good?" she giggled.

"You look... wow, you look so petty my dear." he lean forward to her and kissed her softly on the lips. "I love you!"

"Haha I love you too, I should dress like this everyday so I can get these kisses everyday" both laughed gently one another.

"Come with me, my lady!" he bowed and let her go on his side.

Both walked through a path filled with rose petals and red lights, they were leading to a table with two waiters waiting for them. One of them was Valon and the other one was Caspian, helping with the dishes and some drinks. The table was decorated with a white mantle, two candles, one glass on the center that contained a beautiful flower in it and the soft hankerchieves. Aegis opened bring a soft cushion from below the table and let her sit on it. He did the same for him alone.

"Aegis, my my, this is bautiful."

"I couldn't get on time to make an appointment in your favorite restaurant, so this is the less I could do to compensate that. I promise to be on time next festival."

"No need to apologize, I love it here." she smiled at him softly. "I bet this will be the best day ever!"

"Of course, I have some things prepare for you tonight!" he gave a sign to Valon to come to the table. "What do you have for us that we can order?"

"Welcome both, we have our special heart soup sour fish. It's a dish with soup and some fish in it, with a soury flavor and green vegetables."

"Bring two please."

"As you wish." Valon stepped backward and moved to the kitchen. 

"I also bring these. I hope you like them." Aegis took out the chocolates he grabbed before. "I was able to get these on time at least, special ones from the festival."

Author's Notes

Kamishibas closed species by Mad-Izoku

Words: 432