Werewolf luv

3 months, 14 days ago

Buffy Bufferson Mcdonagay 32nd x Reader oneshot jokefic

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It was a dark and stormy night, and y/n was out walking alone through the woods on a full moon. The sky was cast in red and y/n could hear wild wolf howling echoing in the distance. You stuck to the old dirt road to get through the forest when all of a sudden you heard a bone chilling snarl coming from the bushes.  Within a second and a bright pink flash something tackled you to the ground. A big buff bright pink werewolf with fur that shimmered with stardust, a thick fluffy mane, long claws, and gorgeous long black hair covering their eyes. “My name is Buffy Bufferson Macdonagay the Thirty Second and I think you might just be my soulmate” he said in a hushed, almost reverent tone of voice, as his long, sexy, claws caressed y/n’s face. “I-I-I’m Y/N it’s n-nice to m-meet you I think?” You stuttered in shock. Then he kissed you and you kissed back and you two were in love and lived happily ever after as soulmates the end.

Oh and your child you had twenty years later was named Gaylord the Smort 9000